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The Incredibles


Page: 12(3)45

D Terminator XXXIII
12:04 / 27.11.04
I must say - the Pixar animators have exquisite taste. In color. The way the scenes were lit. With the perfomances of the CGI characters. The editing.

But as a cinematic experience, this movie doesn't ever come near to what Finding Nemo did to me, emotionally. By concentrating on 'humans,' the family - and a VERY American one at that - has to be established as a real(istic) entity, in what, retroactively, amounts to drab scenes for the better part of the first, um, part. Sure, the storytelling device might give maximized contrast to the fabulous powered-up scenes, but it is drab nonetheless.

Mr. Incredible is Jay Mohr.
D Terminator XXXIII
12:13 / 27.11.04
(And as a side-note, the movie aroused some deeply nostalgic wishes for the ClanDestine to have continued a bit longer with Davis's run - which was all potential and fun, even though Davis is no Mooreson when it comes to dialogue)
19:34 / 28.11.04
uhm, I don't mean to offend anyone but, I didn't like it, and was kind of bored by it.

and I'll just start with something that I don't think nobody mentioned earlier, you know, how unbelievably white-bread it was? and then we have this thing where the aryan can no longer bask in his glory and now has to deal with being emasculated by someone who is inferior to him when he really doesn't have to---I never knew white people could have it so bad in their own society, its like society doesn't let you be great, like society just promotes mediocrity. I mean he was GREAT sometime ago and he can once again be GREAT if only they'd let him.

maybe I'm being too harsh, they did have one black guy that I can remember, you know, the COOL black guy, because that is how all black people are right, cool? and his wife, wow, she was sassy, thats exactly how all black women are. and we had one more person of color, the SEDUCTIVE latina, right?

was I the only one to hate Dash? he was kind of a brat, right? I mean putting tacks on the teachers desk, and then what do the parents do? well the mom, she's upset and the dad is actually proud and ultimately nothing is done to reprimand him. and violet was a lot cooler with her hair the other way, it reminded me of that girl from The Ring, but then at the end she, I guess conforms and wears pink like a girl should and pulls her hair back.

syndrome was a arms dealer, who sold weapons to make his fortune. pretty spooky, kind of reminds you to be afraid of wmds again doesn't it? or at least justify the bodies piling up in this war of ours right?

was mr. incredible made fat so that the average american could relate? you know, like how they have those commercials on tv with the heavy set dude married to some beautiful lady and he does something funny because he's dumb and trying to buy the best tv?

maybe I was expecting too much, because it was brad bird. or I didn't expect all that junk in it.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
20:22 / 28.11.04

I'm always wary of an argument that falls apart if a protagonist's hair color changes. I mean, are we honestly still having conversations like this? I didn't really think Mirage was supposed to be latina just because she was voiced by one.

I also don't think Brad Bird was in any way supporting the war in Iraq, considering that the whole point of the film is basically critiquing the very things that got Bush elected: the celebration of mediocrity, etcetera.
21:47 / 28.11.04
but first off, we're not talking about "if" we don't have to, because its already set, its done, its there. by the way, I never said anything about hair color either...

so, mirage was tan, had a hispanic accent, that makes her.....

"things that got Bush elected: the celebration of mediocrity, etcetera."

I thought what got Bush elected was the three G's: Guns God and Gays. oh yeah and also that he can be a cowboy eh? a fighter pilot right? a christian. a regular joe as well as a fireman and construction worker and policeman.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
12:46 / 29.11.04
Aryan, blonde hair, etc.

There were issues that helped Bush get elected, but none as prominent as the fundamental conceit of "Heck, he's an okay guy. We all make mistakes."

I honestly thought Mirage only rocked a seductress accent.
14:00 / 29.11.04
syndrome was a arms dealer, who sold weapons to make his fortune. pretty spooky, kind of reminds you to be afraid of wmds again doesn't it? or at least justify the bodies piling up in this war of ours right?

You know, I have a theory about how "Finding Nemo" is actually a series of coded instructions on how to blow up Disneyland that I think you may find interesting...


Let's try it another way. Syndrome is a wealthy (like BUSH) war profiteer (like PRESCOTTT BUSH) who has a compulsive need to emulate and better a distant father figure (like BUSH). Mr Incredible is out of shape (like AMERICA), depressed (like THE USA) and in a rut (like THE USA). When Syndrome (who is like BUSH) offers him a new battle and a way to get back into being a heroic protector of freedom (like through NATION BUILDING), he jumps at the chance, and becomes stronger (like through BURGEONING MILITARY SPENDING). However, Syndrome and his assistant, who is a dark-skinned woman (like CONDOLEEZA RICE) have FOOLED Mr Incredible (like WITH FALSE CLAIMS ABOUT WMD) into fighting battles for no other reason than to create better killing machines (like BURGEONING MILITARY EXPENDITURE), and trick normal people into accepting him as their best bet against the very monster he created (like USING THE WAR ON TERROR TO WIN A SECOND TERM, DESPITE THE US HAVING SOLD WEAPONS TO IRAQ). Once Mr Incredible finds out that he has been deceived, he breaks free of his chains and defeats the monster (BY VOTING THE NEOCONS OUT IN 2008), and the evil Syndrome (who is like BUSH) is ultimately defeated by Mr. Incredible's baby son (like THE YOUTH VOTE).

I think my conspiracy theory interpretation is better than yours.

Incidentally, doesn't Mirage have white hair and green eyes? Is that a latina stereotype I missed in Latina Orientation 101?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:49 / 29.11.04

On all counts.
20:01 / 29.11.04
I know, very whitebread standard American family yada yada. So were the Kents. It's Disney, what did you expect? I think you can be aware of the shortcomings and still love the film. Those pod cars! The lava wall! The SimCity alien! It was just beautiful.
Even more beautiful than all these was Elastigirl. I love her. No, really. It worries me that my perfect woman is digitised and has a three inch waist. I know it's all in the Disney neotenic eyes (which is why I didn't like the daughter. They went a bit far with her), but I'm at least trying hard not to think about the elastic thing. It may give me complexes.
Oh, and on the Samuel L Jackson character. Did you not think the way they did the ice slide was without doubt the kewlest power in the film? Straight steal from Marvel's Superfriends, but done SO MUCH BETTER.
I shall now leave this thread until I get to change my name again (2 days... [sigh]).
01:32 / 30.11.04
wow haus, first you ridicule my observations and then contort yourself better than elasticgirl in order to defend the film. never mind that the last part of your interpretation relies on an assumption that will take four years to prove, do you honestly think most people are going to get your interpretation on the first seating or ever? Because for most people, that part where syndrome goes on about how he made his fortune is easily associable to right now as well as hits the fear button for most people.

and what about elastigirl, elastigirl is a title that for all retro-ness aside is a little derogatory, how old does she need to be, until she is considered a woman? the problem with the film is that it uses stereotypes to such a level that it’s insulting. minorities are so marginalized it is ridiculous. look at the cops all young and white, you’re telling me in a metropolitan area there aren’t any black or brown, yellow or red cops.

I couldn’t really feel for mr. incredible, especially after he had thrown his boss through three walls just because he could not maintain his composure.

And again why do the super people go into hiding? Cause of those pesky trial lawyers. Now come on, if that was not a republican message you weren’t paying attention in 2004, remember John Edwards is a trial lawyer and they tried to make it seem like it was his fault health care is so expensive never mind the medical industry and millions of dollars and lobbyist right.

what I saw with mirage was a character of latin american origin being beautiful and seducing, thats what I got, I admit its not quite as blatant as the cool black guy stereotype but there it is.

Birdie, stop using etcetera, use your words alright and look up Aryan and show me where it mentions blond hair.

"There were issues that helped Bush get elected, but none as prominent as the fundamental conceit of 'Heck, he's an okay guy. We all make mistakes.'"

People that aren’t birdie would you please confirm or deny that it was the three G issues that helped Bush get back in, over Kerry focusing on health care and the economy?

And to Cube, since you responded to my thoughts without condescending or mocking, I will do the same.

“I know, very whitebread standard American family yada yada. So were the Kents. It's Disney, what did you expect?” yes, I know its disney but I thought we were past stereotypes in this new millenium and all of that was unexpected, I'd already expected it in A Shark's Tale because it was in the commercials, but not in this one.

“I think you can be aware of the shortcomings and still love the film. Those pod cars! The lava wall! The SimCity alien! It was just beautiful.” My favorite part was with Frozone doing all that like Silver Surfer-esque stuff, Violet’s hair and when she put up a forcefield in front of dash, you know that “no forcefields!!” scene. Ah, but it wasn’t enough for me and then all that junk didn’t help.

and so it was just me that detected Ayn Rand in it: the ideal successful man forced to live in mediocrity.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
05:57 / 30.11.04
Birdie, stop using etcetera, use your words alright

Don't you mean their words?

I don't mean to be all condescending, I just don't see movies that way. Call me stupid, call me naive. The only pervasive meme I caught in the movie was to celebrate your individuality. And calling out Violet for conforming at the end? Yeah, she's wearing a pink shirt (the teenage Scarlet "S-O"?) but she's complaining about cheerleaders so I didn't get the impression that she had been morphed into a Stepford Freshman.

I think the second conspiracy theory just proved that you could pretty much see anything anywhere if you're looking for it (which I'm sure you caught). When I went to see The Incredibles, I was just looking for a good time, and I found it.

I guess it's kind of fun to watch movies that way, look at Cobra as a metaphor for the Industrialization of the Third World, with the black sedan of industry leaping over the hills of, I don't know, Trade Embargos? I don't know anything at all about this kind of shit, to be honest, which is probably why your theory just makes me scratch my head. I can't keep up with this sort of thing. Can we go back to talking about the lighting and character design? Because I honestly think that that's all the creators had designs on.

Again, as far as Mirage goes, the only thing that makes her Latina is being voiced by Elizabeth Pena. Nothing else in her character design matches up to such a proposal.
07:53 / 30.11.04
wow haus, first you ridicule my observations and then contort yourself better than elasticgirl in order to defend the film.

No, you twit. I demonstrate that sufficiently powerful desires can interpret a film in a wildly divergent style. Mine was a parody of a left-wing reading, yours a deadly-serious right-wing reading. The difference being that I am joking. I was taking the piss out of your ill-thought out, inconsistent and self-serving interpretation. The fact that you did not understand this is probably because you cannot believe that anyone could possibly take you less than utterly seriously. This may change over time, but it will take human contact.

joking never mind that the last part of your interpretation relies on an assumption that will take four years to prove, do you honestly think most people are going to get your interpretation on the first seating or ever?

See above.

Because for most people, that part where syndrome goes on about how he made his fortune is easily associable to right now as well as hits the fear button for most people.

No, for you. That's all. I very much doubt you have talked to "most people" about it. Those you have talked to about it may have agreed with you in the hope that you will go away. You may note, for example, that Syndrome *is an industrialist*, *is a billionaire*, *is American*, *is not a Muslim*... your reading is utterly inadequate.

and what about elastigirl, elastigirl is a title that for all retro-ness aside is a little derogatory, how old does she need to be, until she is considered a woman?

You're getting desperate. Also, is Elastigirl called Elastigirl by anyone not referring to her previous career (e.g. Syndrome) after the 15-years-earlier set-up? I don't think she is... In that scene, she is presumably somewhere in her early to mid 20s, and she identifies *herself* as Elastigirl. Are you saying that she is not allowed to define herself? That you get to decide when a woman cannot think of herself as a "girl"? Fascist.

the problem with the film is that it uses stereotypes to such a level that it’s insulting. minorities are so marginalized it is ridiculous. look at the cops all young and white, you’re telling me in a metropolitan area there aren’t any black or brown, yellow or red cops.

Red? You mean, Native American? Are you, by any chance, a nutter? There is a possible argument here, for example that computer animation makes it easier to create homogeneous environments, but you're not making it coherently.

I couldn’t really feel for mr. incredible, especially after he had thrown his boss through three walls just because he could not maintain his composure.

Fair enough. People who harm Wallace Shawn are indeed not to be associated with. But that is a criticism of the film, rather than its politics, and also one based on the idea thatthe film takes place in an entirely realistic world. It does not. That is a metaphorical representation using the free physics of the Incredibles' universe of Mr. Incredible's mid-life crisis. Think of it as like American Beauty, which, you may wish to note, had not a black character to be found.

And again why do the super people go into hiding? Cause of those pesky trial lawyers. Now come on, if that was not a republican message you weren’t paying attention in 2004, remember John Edwards is a trial lawyer and they tried to make it seem like it was his fault health care is so expensive never mind the medical industry and millions of dollars and lobbyist right.

When was the script of the Invisibles written? When was it pitched? I imagine rather before the election. Probably before the New Hampshire primary. Before which, just so you know, the litigious nature of American society was already being satirised. I was present for 2004, thanks; you appear to have missed the previous two decades.

what I saw with mirage was a character of latin american origin being beautiful and seducing, thats what I got, I admit its not quite as blatant as the cool black guy stereotype but there it is.

Yes. And you are wrong. Again, Mirage has white hair and green eyes. Your assumption that she is Latina is based on nothing other than your racist assumption that Elizabeth Pena cannot voice anything other than Latina characters. The Simpsons must confuse the bollocks out of you.

As a matter of purely personal interest, what media have you encountered in the last two decades other than the Incredibles?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:17 / 30.11.04
The Simpsons must confuse the bollocks out of you.

Man, I was trying so hard to think of an example of a voice actor "breaking the color barrier". (Fucking ridiculous.) Thanks for that. And for also fleshing out my argument so much more efficiently.
16:05 / 30.11.04
I heart Haus today.
John Octave
17:13 / 30.11.04
When was the script of the Invisibles written?

That's funny to me because I keep accidentally referring to the Incredibles as the Invisibles in conversation. Bah, who can keep all these "In___ibles" teams straight?
Mr Tricks
18:09 / 30.11.04
Some interesting tid bits on the film can be found on Metaphilm and elsewhere

  • Red Flag on Incredibles Politics?
    "The Incredibles reflects such ambivalence to the point that you could project whatever politics you have onto its thematic template. Only why would you bother? Why isn't it enough for an animated feature to be well-written, engrossing and imaginative? Is it because grown-ups feel so guilty about enjoying feature-length animation for its own sake that they have to grasp at socio-cultural straws?"

  • Villainy! Have politics hijacked 'toons?
    The Monitor has a fascinating and frustrating piece on interpretation of recent films, notably The Incredibles and The Polar Express. It does at least make mention of the prevalence of alternative and competing readings of these features. But there's a hole in the story. Take its quote on The Incredibles from Mikita Brottman, literature professor at Maryland Institute College of Art: "I can't help thinking of [philosopher Friedrich] Nietzsche . . . The movie salutes Superman, . . . Not the 'superman' in comic books but the one despots believe in. Its idea seems to be that even in a democracy some people are 'more equal' than others, and the rest of us shouldn't be so presumptuous as to get in their way."

    The dog that isn’t barking here is implied in the professor’s phrase, “I can’t help thinking of.” Well, why not? How does ideology influence the way we interpret what is presented to our senses? Does her reading do justice to the film? Does it help the viewers? Speaking as someone prone to this, the danger of misreading is strong. This quote strongly implies that she dislikes the film, and as George MacDonald says, “To explain to him who loves not, is but to give him the more plentiful material for misinterpretation.” He who has ears, let him hear. (“Villainy! Have politics hijacked 'toons?”, David Sterritt, The Christian Science Monitor, 19 Nov 2004). Oh, and I don’t think The Incredibles is Randian, either.

  • Incredibly Important
    Something of a family theme in films of late? On the positive side, we have The Incredibles, yet another Pixar movie that has captured its cultural moment and still manages to appeal to all sides of the cultural divide. Frederica Mathewes-Green has a typically insightful comment: “Most kids' entertainment is about kids. Pixar movies are about adults. They show children what adults are supposed to do—to be brave and self-sacrificing, to defend children even at risk to themselves, to give even in the face of ingratitude. This is wise because, after all, children aren't going to remain children.” (National Review).
    03:47 / 02.12.04
    "No, you twit." I fucking love you haus, wanna make out?

    no, that comment above wasn't me doing a parody of you Cameron Stewart, I respect you and admire your work, its just that I don't I've ever been called a twit before with all sincerity and didn't want to be lame by responding to that with another insult.

    "This may change over time, but it will take human contact." ooh burn. what are you talking about man? besides my friends I go to school, I go to shows make friends, I got a girls number at some show not so long ago, I talked to one of my favorite musicians and got a picture with her just last night after one of the best shows I'd been to ever been to and it was great. I don't talk to people about this movie, because there are MORE exciting things to talk about. I come here because most people I know aren't into or aware of the same stuff that the people on this community are.

    "Those you have talked to about it may have agreed with you in the hope that you will go away." is this how you picture me in reality? like some SpEd nerd, unable to pick up on social cues? hahaha......ok.

    I think my real problem is having thoughts that are extremely far from the majority of everyone else here and then sharing them. and of course reading The Nation did contribute.

    I could carry on, you know write a response twice as long as the last one and try to address all of those things and then feel like I'd expressed myself nicely then you guys could just do the same and then I could do the same, but its just that I don't have the time, and finals are coming up and I really should be focusing on that instead of this.

    I haven't entirely read everyone's response, but I'm sure they were very intelligent, clever and spiced with some more judgements and insults. I have a knack for getting the wrong impression of what folk on barbelith are like, I honestly started this as another thing to explore, but I didn't take into account how much you all liked it, while it didn't really seem like that great of a children's film to me.

    so, just go back to focusing on how good it was, never mind, all is well.
    07:33 / 02.12.04
    Actually, I have yet to express an opinion on whether the film is any good. You are trying to pretend that criticisms of your position can only come from some irrational love of the film, whereas in fact they come from the perception that your analysis of the film is inadequate. It's a common tactic, based on the bad syllogism that arguments from emotion are somehow invalid and further that any argument contradicting one's own must also be invalid, and therefore the any argument contrary to one's own must be an argument from emotion. If you have any ability actually to address the criticisms of your position, please do so. If all you have is to shout OH I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T REALISE YOU ALL FANCIED BRAD BIRD, YOU JUST GO ON FANCYING BRAD BIRD AND NOT HAVING AN OBJECTIVE CRITICAL OPINION LA LA LA MIRAGE IS LATINA, then thanks for playing.

    besides my friends I go to school, I go to shows make friends, I got a girls number at some show not so long ago, I talked to one of my favorite musicians and got a picture with her just last night after one of the best shows I'd been to ever been to and it was great.

    miss wonderstarr
    08:46 / 02.12.04
    That looks like one of the coolest musicians I've ever seen. Where did you see that tiger play, Sunny? Also, where are you in the picture.
    10:14 / 02.12.04
    I think the tiger was supporting Cat Power...
    John Octave
    17:46 / 02.12.04
    Hey, has anyone bought the tiger's solo album? It's terrible. I mean, he seemed like a competent enough guitarist back when he was playing with The Phonebooth Moderators, but the whole "one man acoustic guitar and vocal" approach he's taken on the latest CD just exposes all the holes in his playing.
    01:07 / 03.12.04
    it was The Kills with Lion Fever and Dance Disaster Movement at the troubadour, they didn't do any soft songs or an encore, it was The Kills times three. I talked to Allison afterwards, she was very nice, but not Hotel because some heavy set dude was jabbering on too long at him and I was already in conversation with the dude from DDM before hotel left, but my cousin talked to him so that's cool.

    haus seems real agitated, I mean enough to start assuming stuff about me and go on with insults, that are by the way hilarious, I mean I can't stop laughing, he must be the funny one in his group. oh, a tiger, genius.
    03:07 / 03.12.04
    and yes whatever you say haus, everything you say is right, everything, I agree with you boy, just so long as you go away....
    06:38 / 03.12.04
    Sunny: try responding to the points in his post. At least when Haus goes for playground tactics and piss taking he doesn't neglect to make a firm case.

    In case you missed it, you were just handed your ass. You still have a chance to save face by stating your argument in a way that isn't laughable or by changing it.
    09:58 / 03.12.04
    I thought this was about The Incredibles
    14:06 / 03.12.04
    Screw the Incredibles. That tiger rocks the house!
    Brigade du jour
    18:52 / 03.12.04
    I'll screw Elastigirl ...
    Brigade du jour
    18:56 / 03.12.04
    I fucking love this movie. It's the kind of thing I really annoy people with by going on about it for ages.

    It took The Simpsons years of regular viewing before I really cared about the characters to the point of tears stinging my eyes when they win at last. The Incredibles took an hour. I think that says it all for me!
    22:26 / 03.12.04
    well, seth, I did't really feel the need to respond, he's obviously upset and do I still have to continue on with him if he's just going to get more and more belligerent? I can get like that too, but I'd rather not. I missed what he was saying and he missed what I was saying and he has a firm stance on it and so do I, fine.

    I can explain that to ME mirage's intonation reminded ME of people who have learned english as a second language if she wanted to sound white for the character I'm very sure she can but I don't think she did here. that idea of becoming aware that people have acquired very dangerous weapons is spooky but then more so because you don't know who they are, like in last october when the U.N. reported that 380 tons of conventional explosives were stolen from a former military installation in Iraq. those are just my thoughts, thats all THOUGHTS, how can they be right or wrong. A lot of people can agree with them and a lot of people can disagree with them.

    "In case you missed it, you were just handed your ass." I mean, winning an argument on the internet is like winning the special olympics. and okay, if he did win, then that is great for him, I mean he obviously put a lot of thought into his argument(I didn't) and like Barbelith is probably a big deal to him and you, so I guess it is good that he won the argument, he deserves it. I mean he went through the trouble to put a picture of a tiger on this page! I don't know how to do that or care, but thats just me okay? if thats your thing then cool, great, fantastic.

    and yeah I'm gonna pout and take my toys and go home, I mean he HAD CHEERLEADERS, I didn't. no one went "okayyyy." or "hey man, hiiiigh five." for me.

    "You still have a chance to save face..." well, I used to care what people thought of me here, but then realized it was dorky.
    Never or Now!
    06:22 / 04.12.04
    Oh dear.

    winning an argument on the internet is like winning the special olympics.

    Oh dear...
    Brigade du jour
    09:47 / 04.12.04
    And the big battle on the streets of Whereveritwas was just too cool! A great big action climax and a big emotional character climax as well. Most big blockbuster movies seem to have trouble with combining the two in one go. By comparison, Hulk tried to do this, but didn't quite succeed IMHO - that ending didn't really make much sense to me at first.

    Still ... I'm going to go away for a while and try and convince lots more people to go see THE INCREDIBLES ...
    12:42 / 04.12.04
    Ah, you see? Seth and I are *emotional*, so we lose. despite the utter absence of any indication of it, we mut be all upset, because we are _emotional_.

    I think we can save some time here ... ah yes:

    you have to imagine that your words are somehow upsetting, rather than just boring, in an attempt to feel better than the person you are insulting, because less "emotional". It's a pretty dumb gambit.

    Marvellous. I must set up some macros to deal with the more repetitious ones.

    Oh, it's "Paralympics", by the way.
    19:43 / 04.12.04
    Is there any chance you guys could move on to private messages?
    ibis the being
    00:10 / 05.12.04
    People that aren’t birdie would you please confirm or deny that it was the three G issues that helped Bush get back in, over Kerry focusing on health care and the economy?

    Oh boy - at the risk of totally derailing the thread, I have to respond to this one. The facts are that it turns out the "fundamentalist" vote was no larger, proportionally speaking, in 2004 than it was in 2000. Also, in exit polls, people are asked what influenced their vote and given some prompts or examples - this year is the first year they were ever prompted with "moral values." And so they said, sure, moral values, but what you weren't told is that a lot of people explained that by moral values they meant something like "leadership during wartime." The truth is, Karl Rove was salivating for the so-called Evangelical Vote and he had a big hand in shaping the dialogue before, during, & after the election.

    As for The Incredibles, Mr. and Mrs. were just another example of the "fat guy, skinny wife" setup found in several popular American sitcoms. You know, the overweight hubby with the good heart, the smart pretty skinny wife who's a bit of a nag. Trite, yes, but no more and no less sinister than The Honeymooners (and their cartoon manifestations The Flintstones), King of Queens, The World According to Jim, and yes, The Simpsons.
    01:16 / 05.12.04
    I think I'm done, DM.

    Back on Elizabeth Pena - I think we can certainly say that the character of Mirage is supposed to be exotic. However, I think we can also say with reasonable confidence that she is not supposed to be Latina, or rather that reading her as Latina is a very odd reading of the available information - like reading Apu as a white American simply because Hank Azaria voices him and they have similar hair. At the risk of being obvious, an awful lot of people who have English as a second language are not of Latin American origin.

    The "exoticism" raises another question, which is how far the Incredibles is spoofing generic occurences and how far reinforcing them. Mirage is there partly to fulfil a narrative necessity - somebody to conceal the identity of Mr. Incredible's employer. However, that role could be played by a man in a suit. She is what she is because Syndrome is having a geeky Bond Villain fantasy, and as such needs to have an exotic femme fatale as an assistant. Of course, he is then bitten in the ass by the subsequent generic demand that she realise that she is on the wrong side... is this guileless or knowing? It's hard to tell...

    Page: 12(3)45

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