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The Incredibles


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19:58 / 27.08.04
PIXAR's new film. Directed by Brad Bird, the guy who directed the wonderful THE IRON GIANT. Pixar does superheroes. You may have seen the trailers. I was surprised there wasn't a thread for this already.

Mike Mignola did a promo poster for it, which was shown at SDCC.

Saw this bit of news/info, not much, but fun & interesting:

>> The Orlando Sentinel has posted a great interview with The Incredibles story supervisor Mark Andrews in which he talks about the characters in the film and more.

According to Andrews, there will be plenty of superhero action in The Incredibles. In fact, he says that, because of the action, the film will be rated PG, instead of the customary G for Pixar films.

Still, much of the film will attempt to be funny, which you could probably guess from a glance at drawings of the comical-looking characters.

"The tone of the story dictates the level of caricature," says Tony Fucile, the film's supervising animator. "It's not a full-blown comedy because there's some very dramatic elements to it. But it has some satirical elements."
13:15 / 03.09.04
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to this one, I just can't imagine any scenario where it would be a bad flick.
The trailer (found all over the internet at the moment - I'm sure someone could link to it, I can't from my current location) makes the whole thing look like a lot of fun without giving any plot away at all.

And Sam Jackson as one of the voices sounds (on the trailer at least) like an ideal choice "Woman! Where's my super costume?" "It's in the wash...."
17:13 / 03.09.04
"WHERE is my SUPER-SUIT?" "WHY do you NEED to KNOW?"

And the teaser with Bob's belt, also know as the Eternal Struggle.

Choice dialogue in both though. The satire seems a bit vanilla but it's a family film so I'm not expecting balls-out absurdism.

Should be gud.
18:23 / 03.09.04
Should be god? Are you implying that Pixar is clandestinely exploring the relationship between superhero fantasy and humanity's eternal quest for the divine via linguistic obfuscation?

Oh, wait, wrong thread.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:01 / 08.09.04
Yeah, really looking forward to this one. It's out on Nov 5th, apparently.

Trailer can be seen HERE. (Quicktime required)
10:01 / 09.09.04
Ah, but could it ever be as good as "Mystery Men"?
Eloi Tsabaoth
15:22 / 11.09.04
How can you even ask that question? I mean it, how can your fingers even type those words in that combination?
I'm looking forward to The Incredibles though. The trailer seems to suggest a pretty surface level, Evening at the Improv analysis of Superhero Foibles (Hey, what does Superman do when he's at home? I mean, does he iron his cape or something?) But it purty, and Pixar usually have a tasty script.
With this coming, do we really need Fantastic Four?
20:20 / 04.10.04
I just read an article on Lying in the Gutters that said they were going to call one of the female characters in this movie "Elasti-Girl", and DC's lawyers have been squawking because there's a Doom Patrol character by that name (more from the old old DP comics from the 60s than recent books). So Pixar might change the character's name to "Mrs. Incredible"...
14:10 / 07.10.04
They came out with a beautiful hardcover ART OF THE INCREDIBLES book in comic stores yesterday, and it's amazing. Looked through it carefully but didn't buy it. The sketches and character designs (done by hand) were so beautiful, it made me wish it was hand-drawn not Pixar CGI animated. But I'm still sure it'll be amazing.
14:29 / 12.10.04
Yep, because of DC's legal claim on the name Elasti-Girl, the mother in Incredibles will now be called Mrs. Incredible - it's official.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
16:02 / 13.10.04
It's official, alright.

Pixar is without a doubt, the best thing ever, of anything on Earth. I'm sure most of us iconoclasts were drawn immediately to Vi, the sort of gothy looking daughter in the Incredibles with the coolestly animated hair in cartoon history.

Yeah, well, guess what, she's voiced by Sarah Vowell.

Yeah, that's my head exploding.
16:41 / 13.10.04

The pics of Violet in early sketches/development (from the Art of The Incredibles book) had her looking even more goth-y, awkward, geeky and stylized. Actually, a lot of the earlier designs were slightly cooler than the ones they settled on as models for the characters.
nedrichards is confused
05:56 / 14.10.04
"I'm sure most of us iconoclasts were drawn immediately to Vi"
geek interlude: emacs!

Back on Topic. Hopefully this move to PG will work for Pixar becuase love them as I do seeming the same plot all over again with slightly better CGI was getting old quicker than i'd anticipate.
14:06 / 19.10.04
cinescape sez:

>> Our source has informed us that the STAR WARS trailer will be "placed" with THE INCREDIBLES, the new Disney/Pixar animated film also being released on 11/5. However, just because the EPISODE III may be shipped with the film cans of THE INCREDIBLES or suggested to play in front of that film doesn't necessarily mean that every theater screen will show the SITH trailer before THE INCREDIBLES. "Due to the kind of length for an animated film, two hours (with Boundin' short) running time and the IMMENSE number of studios vying to get placement on the film, expect some exhibitors to not play it with INCREDIBLES, though most should, if not on all screens of the film," our source told us last evening.
miss wonderstarr
17:18 / 28.10.04
I saw this today at the London Film Festival -- apparently only the 2nd European screening ever, and a fantastic audience of parents and kids, all of whom gave it a heart-clenching 5 mins of applause at the end.

My mini-review is here, possible mild spoilers.

Vi, I would suggest, is not really sexually appealing... she looks like the stiched-together chick (Sally?) in Nightmare Before Christmas, but I guess she may be quite the crush for pre-teen gothic boys. Her mother, on the other hand, is a honey.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
17:26 / 28.10.04
Ugh, I hope it wasn't inferred that I found Violet sexually appealing. That's just wrong. She's like 13, dude.
miss wonderstarr
17:32 / 28.10.04
The final, sequel-friendly villain is, I believe, an entirely deliberate wink towards Fantastic Four.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
14:17 / 01.11.04
Anyone betting for a Flex Mentallo last shot? (And if you've seen it, hush).
17:33 / 01.11.04
Variety just gave this an amazingly glowing review. The comic book internet fan press is giving similarly positive reviews.

20:28 / 06.11.04
Go see it! Go see it! Go see it! And make sure to take the kiddies! It's no surprise the same writer and director behind the Iron Giant would belt out another entertaining film for kids and adults (I just didn't know he voiced Edna Mode until this morning).

It was fantastic, in my opinion. Full of Bond-like theme music and volcano-island-inhabiting villainy (Jason Lee, like Tom Cruise, always plays a better asshole than any other role). So much fun visually and character-wise (Elastigirl has far more feminist strength and girl power than any of the poor Hollywood representations in the last few years).

The more I watched it the more I realized FOX will have a difficult time with the Fantastic Four movie coming up. This one set the bar on the superhero family flick extremely high. Solid plotting, fun characterization and action scenes that made me wish I was six years old again.

Usually I hate the idea of Disney sequels. But this one screams for more.
21:22 / 06.11.04
Although, unfortunately, if there IS a sequel Pixar won't be doing it, as their commitment to Disney is up after the next film, Cars. Which means that Disney may be able to crank out one of their usual shitty direct-to-video cheapquels.

Amazing, beautiful film, just got home from seeing it and I'm still all abuzz. I absolutely love that aesthetically they treated it as a 1960s James Bond movie. The design of everything, from the family home to Nomanisan Island (hehe, get it?) was brilliant. Funny, charming, amazingly animated...Pixar does it again.

Fuck Shrek.
05:38 / 07.11.04
Yeah, I left the theater wanting to see a sequel. One with a slightly older Vi and Dash and a more active baby, but after what Cam said... forget it. I don't want anyone doing this that isn't Pixar.

Also, I don't want to spoil anything yet (not enough people have seen it here) but who else yelled, "HUMAN TORCH!" at the screen towards the end?

Off topic: Cars looks crap.
miss wonderstarr
06:52 / 07.11.04
Cars is so obviously going to provide the theme for a revamped Disneyland "Autopia" next year -- their current vehicles are mid-80s DeLorean styles -- that I should lay money on it.
rising and revolving
04:07 / 08.11.04
Excellent, excellent film. Subtle, subtle nods to a whole bunch of stuff without treading into direct steals. Just a lovely piece of work.
Spatula Clarke
09:53 / 08.11.04
Full of Bond-like theme music

The trailers used the Propellerheads version of the On Her Majesty's Secret Service theme, but I'd presumed it'd be replaced by a new tune in the full movie. Has it not?
13:22 / 08.11.04
god, what a fantastic movie.

why aren't more superhero comics this good?
Mr Tricks
17:59 / 08.11.04
So I wnet to see this on theOpening Friday in Emeryville (the small "city" stuck between, Berkeley, Oakland & San Francisco.

This is not only where Pixar is currently located but was used more than once in the actual movie. That opening chase scene took place there. It was great to see Mr Incredible viewing a local map as he cruised the town.

Adding even more to this was the fact that about half the audience where the actual people behind the film. As the excellent credits rolled on we could hear the chearing for specific people. I should've been tipped off by the number of people wearing some very cool Black & Red jackets with that Incredible "i" on it.

So getting back to the film... Ahhhhh so great. One of those kinds that leave you wishing there was 10 times as much... r the film was another 2 hours long.
miss wonderstarr
20:06 / 08.11.04
The Propellerheads OHMSS theme from the trailer was just a temporary track -- the in-film music is a kind of mix between the 1960s Batman theme and the Pink Panther, with a bit of Catch Me If You Can and perhaps echoes of Man With The Golden Arm.
I'm Rick Jones, bitch
05:38 / 09.11.04
You know John Byrne is honest to god deleting any threads about this on his message board, right?

He hates it. Disrespectful!

He is, of course, a nutjob.
19:46 / 09.11.04
Imp pulsed: Yeah, I left the theater wanting to see a sequel. One with a slightly older Vi and Dash and a more active baby, but after what Cam said... forget it. I don't want anyone doing this that isn't Pixar.

At the very least, they ought to spin off a comic book series from it. But I don't give Disney enough credit to find their asses with both hands, so no Pixar, no Incredibles vol. 2. But MAN! What a vol. 1, huh? Outstripped Spidey 2 easily. And I LIKED Spidey 2.

Off topic: Cars looks crap.

Agreed. It's an overture to the NASCAR-watching demographic, and a poor imitation of the old Tex Avery cartoons with the taxicab and his dragster son. It will likely be fraught with product placements akin to those in Shark Tale: not "real" products, but real enough.

Dudley: You know John Byrne is honest to god deleting any threads about this on his message board, right?
He hates it. Disrespectful!
He is, of course, a nutjob.

This is obviously an analogous movie to him as is The Last Temptation of Christ was to zealous Christians. To suggest that what he devotes his life to is anything less than deadly serious is an affront to everything he holds sacred.

Let's tie him down Clockwork Orange-style and make him watch it over and over. It'll be fun!

12:08 / 10.11.04
You know John Byrne is honest to god deleting any threads about this on his message board, right?
He hates it. Disrespectful!
He is, of course, a nutjob.

This is obviously an analogous movie to him as is The Last Temptation of Christ was to zealous Christians. To suggest that what he devotes his life to is anything less than deadly serious is an affront to everything he holds sacred.

the analogy's better than many might think. i was lurking on the Byrne message board a bit when the Doom Patrol reboot was coming out, and people were talking about buying extra copies to leave in places where impressionable youngsters might find them, so that, yea, they might be brought unto thee Lord... err, i mean, into comics-reading.

one wonders if he's seen the movie, which is actually quite reverential.
18:32 / 10.11.04
Yeah, The Incredibles is one HUGE love letter to superhero comics, and I have trouble understanding how anyone could think it was "disrespectful."

Then again, it is Byrne, who apparently takes himself, and superheroes, entirely too seriously.
03:07 / 11.11.04
Great, great movie. And now I want to read some Tick comics...

Oh, and it's worth seeing the movie just for the episode III trailer - WOW.
Captain Zoom
23:44 / 12.11.04
Hmmm, mention of the Doom Patrol....

Seems they left Elasti-Girl's name intact, and I have to wonder if Brad Bird was giving a sly wink to the audience in the know with Mr. Incredible's line to her "You are my greatest adventure."

This movie gets five stars from me. Hell, give it more. As good a superhero movie as X-Men 2.
00:53 / 13.11.04
What was Jack-Jack's power at the end? I mean he turned into Human Torch, Collossus and Etrigan? What?

So he's an Alternate Former? Or is it because his power is new and unstable?

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