Sorry to cross-post...
If evoloution is still just a theory, what evidence is missing to "prove it"? And what are other theories that are also supported by (at least some) scientific fact?
Like Saturn's Nod said, "theory" isn't 'just' anything, when used is the scientific theory sense. Evolution has been observed in nature, and has been supported by a lot of comparison of genomes between different species.
As to what's missing - well, we can never go back and observe it giving rise to those species, including humans, which exist at present. Strictly speaking, the strictly-defined hypothesis that evolution gave rise to humans diverging from apes (for example) is not falsifiable, and therefore cannot be scientifically tested.
Similarly, you can't disprove that God did it all. Or that God made evolution happen. Which is why there's all the brouhaha - scientists are aware of the huge amount of evidence, creationists know that it's still all down to belief.
By other theories, do you mean in the evolution field, or other sciences? I believe Quantum theory and Relativity are theories.
Essentially, every part of the universe is moving away from every other part (we think) - what is expanding is the underlying metric of space itself; it's as if distance itself was getting bigger. But very slowly!
Ever since I started reading about this (and I'm not physicist or anything), I've wondered if it couldn't be equally well explained by stating that everything is shrinking. Including ourselves, all matter is getting smaller, therefore it appears that the distances inbetween are getting larger. (...?) |