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Smallville Season 4


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13:59 / 08.10.04
>> "Clark (Tom Welling) joins the football team at school and is immediately given the starting quarterback position after the old quarterback starts a fight with new coach Jason (Jensen Ackles). Curious about the behavior change in his old teammate, Clark and Lois (Erica Durance) investigate and discover that the cheerleaders are poisoning the teams' water with kryptonite, turning the players into Stepford-like boyfriends."

Well, as stupid as the 'everyone has Kryptonite' plots are, at least this is a mind-control themed episode where the MEN get brainwashed!! Usually it's men brainwashing women in these kinds of plots. "Stepford boyfriends"...not something you see every day.
15:29 / 14.10.04
So last night's ep was ok...Lex's "I have a darkness in me, always creeping around the corners of my soul" speech was a little melodramatic, but as always, Michael Rosenbaum pulled it off beautifully.

I like how Pa Kent was kinda pissed and disappointed that Clark used a little bit of his powers to win the football game. Now, now, Clark, what did Dad say about that...? This is kinda cool cause it's using a plot point from John Byrne's excellent MAN OF STEEL limited series and the Superman movie about Clark wanting to play football and wanting to use his powers in doing so. (Byrne may spew crap and racism now, but back in the day he was pretty good and not nearly as much of an asshole.)

The Flash next week! Bart Allen! Yah!
02:54 / 15.10.04
I haven't seen the last two episodes (been too caught up in Lost) but, how can Clark not use his powers? They're a part of him I don’t think he can turn them off? Also, why would he want to play anyway? It can't be much fun for him. He'd have to be holding back too much. This must be as satisfying as playing football with a bunch of first graders.

Anyway, I will be onboard for the next episode. GO FLASH!
06:53 / 15.10.04
I just watched the football episode last night (downloaded it because someone said it was the Flash episode and it sounded fun) - I haven't really seen any since season 2 and it doesn't really seem to have changed much, still using the rocks as a focus of the episode, in fact it was very similar to the Buffy episode with the magic jacket.

Chloe is still hot though - where's Pete?
11:21 / 15.10.04
Pete's gone... I really feel bad for the actor they treated his character like shit and then they let him loose.
01:57 / 21.10.04
Just saw the Flash episode and it was pretty good. He could’ve been a bit more A.D.H.D. and a little less thug life, but I liked the interaction between Bart and Clark.

I also loved that for once someone fell for Chloe instead of Lana, of course, Chloe is a lot like Iris Allen so it makes sense.

If they give this Kid Flash a spin off show they’re going to need to lighten him up a bit and give him a sense of humor, though.
13:31 / 21.10.04
the Flash (well, Kid Flash, anyway) episode was teh hotness. i had a geekgasm when Clark was going through his fake IDs "Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West... which is it?"

the usual Smallville "gee, i guess that's what happens when you don't have a strong father figure" right-wing heartland family values shtick is as irritating as ever, though if i'm irritated by that, i'm probably watching the wrong show.

it's also as nice as ever to watch Lex develop, especially in terms of the Lex/Clark relationship. i like how Clark's mistrust is a major factor in Lex's slide into supervillainy.
John Octave
01:25 / 22.10.04
the Flash (well, Kid Flash, anyway) episode was teh hotness. i had a geekgasm when Clark was going through his fake IDs "Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West... which is it?"

That bit was nice, as was "I'm from the future" worked into the context of a bad pick-up line. His line about forming "a club or a league or something" sounded a bit awkward, just because "league" probably wouldn't be in this kid's vocabulary. But I'll let it go for the sake of geekery.

the usual Smallville "gee, i guess that's what happens when you don't have a strong father figure" right-wing heartland family values shtick is as irritating as ever, though if i'm irritated by that, i'm probably watching the wrong show.

Yeah, I'm taking that as Cultural Assumption #1 with this show. The lasting impact of father figures (Jor-El/Jonathan/Lionel) are what this show is all about, so as long as they're thematically consistent, I think you gotta let it slide. Pity it marginalizes the mothers' roles so much.

it's also as nice as ever to watch Lex develop, especially in terms of the Lex/Clark relationship. i like how Clark's mistrust is a major factor in Lex's slide into supervillainy.

That's what really keeps me hooked on this show. "When is Lex gonna snap?" From our future perspective it's easy to say "Well, you're right to keep secrets from him; he's Lex Luthor." But when you're forced to see it as it's happening, you start to realize Clark probably could have saved Lex from his supervillainous fate by opening up and investing a bit of trust in him. As it is, I'm thinking Clark's a jerk for keeping this all concealed. Which is interesting and good, because it's not often you get to look at Superman's actions and disagree with him.

Oh, and doesn't next week look like it's gonna be the bee's knees? The time-honored comic tradition of the bodyswap come to the small screen. I'm really excited for this.
14:11 / 22.10.04
I agree with everything said here about the Flash ep. and the way the show is going...although I love Jimmy Stewart and all those 'aw, shucks, we're just really nice and honorable guys doing the right thing' movies (also TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, which is less 'aw shucks' but is all about morality) and that whole spirit, so I love that Clark is just a really nice guy with a great heart and an honest spirit. I think that's a major part of what Superman is all about. "family values" don't always have to be Republican and intolerant. Superman is Good with a capital G.

And yes, 'league' coming from Bart's mouth sounded weird, but like you, I'll let it go for the sake of geekery.
20:11 / 23.10.04
Is Smallville on in the UK yet?
I had a dream that I was watching a promo for it on e4 and the lovely Melissa George (seen popping up in upteen things inclu; Roar,Home and Away, Charmed, Alias) was playing Lois. However so innocuous was my dream that I had no reason to question its validity. But on internet searching Melissa George isn't playing Lois is she? I'm quite disappointed.
15:28 / 25.10.04
I think that's a major part of what Superman is all about. "family values" don't always have to be Republican and intolerant. Superman is Good with a capital G.

it's not so much the values themselves i have a problem with, it's the underlying presumptions. i was reading recently an argument that modern conservative ideologies start from a "strict father" model, where you presume that people are born bad, and without a strong disciplinary patriarchal figure, they will inevitably slide into indulging the worst aspects of human nature. liberal ideologies, on the other hand, work with a "nurturing parent" model, where people are basically well-meaning, but they can be improved by nurturing.

Smallville definitely works on the "strict father" model. the chief danger is the possibility of Clark giving into self-indulgence, and if it weren't for Jonathan Kent's stern hand and even sterner Puritan work ethic, he would inevitably follow his baser instincts, like Lex and Bart.
15:32 / 25.10.04
it's also a little disquieting that Smallville seems to be the almost intentional counterpoint to Buffy, which, as many have noted, works in a really strong framework of solidly left-wing feminism. Smallville is clearly modelled structurally after Buffy, but it takes out the left-wing guts and rewires it as a vehicle for right-wing beliefs.
17:29 / 25.10.04
I think you're transplanting something you read in some articles about conservative sociological theory onto the show, though...Ma Kent matters just as much as Pa does in the Superman mythos (they do tend to short-shrift Ma in the show, though, you're right about that).

However, I don't think Smallville's 'just be a good person, do the right thing, have some morals' ethic is necessarily "right-wing." If that's 'right wing,' then I guess MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON is 'right wing,' too. Did Superman come off as 'right wing' in the Superman movies?
17:55 / 25.10.04
I think Smallville is more about having a moral core and with a reccurrent theme of how power corrupts running through it than necessarily being right wing. In fact it could be viewed
as challenging authority or left wing if you were inclined to look at it like that e.g. Chloe constantly challenges the establishment and accepted thinking to expose the truth, Clarke has a secret and is worried of people's reactions if they were to find out; could be gay connotations, both Clarke
and Lex challenge there fathers Jor Ell and Lionel etc. I
don't particularily buy into any of that either though.
16:20 / 28.10.04
How was last night's Smallville? The Clark/Lionel body switch is a fun idea and I heard some good things about it...
John Octave
18:42 / 28.10.04
Last night's episode was great. I've thought for a while that Smallville needs to be more comicbooky if it's really the story of a young Superman, and what better way to do that than to break out the old superhero tradition of the hero/villain bodyswap? Very creepy, surprisingly funny, and the best part was seeing Tom Welling doing his John Glover impression (pretty well, I might add) and vice versa.

Dunno if you wanted spoilers. I got plenty to give 'cos quite a bit actually happened in this episode, but if you were gonna download it somewhere or have it taped I don't want to ruin it. And hey, next week is Mxyzptlk. Christ, I think I spelled that right.
Tom Coates
08:31 / 29.10.04
I think you could certainly make a case for Smallville being anti-capitalist, and hence not necessarily a right-wing programme. Having said that, it does have an ethic that's more based on personal responsibility and taking consequences than it is that some people may not be capable of taking responsibility or might be bad because they're suffering. It's very morally absolutist in a way that Buffy muddied on occasion. Broken people in buffy are as often the good guys. Broken people in Smallville are always the bad guys.
09:30 / 29.10.04
Very good point - "troubled" kids in Smalville basically either get redeemed or thrown thirty feet by Clark - usually the latter. However, it is also ethically incoherent - most recently in the UK, Clark's refusal to be straight with Lex has led to his institutionalisation, but this apalling behaviour is justified on the grounds that Lex has "tried to investigate" Clark - that is, has attempted to solve the puzzle of his survival in the first episode, the missing piece in the jigsaw of which Clark constantly witholds and conceals... hopefully this will eventually be resolved when Lex discovers Clark's secret and the realisation that Clark has been lying to him despite everything he did to show that he was trustworthy drives him over the edge...
11:38 / 01.11.04
if poppy kent didn't hate lex so much, lex and clark could have given us a worldwide paradise before graduation.

the show's 'making difficult decisions and sticking to them' ethos is a blind, constantly undermined by the inevitability of the series' outcome. the show's real message is 'be honest even when it hurts, cos dad's a bit of a bell-end'.
17:15 / 05.11.04
However, I don't think Smallville's 'just be a good person, do the right thing, have some morals' ethic is necessarily "right-wing."

"In the absence of a strong authoritarian patriarchs, people inevitably slide into destructive behavior, either self-destructive or harmful to others. The only thing preventing society from collapsing into total anarchy is the disciplinarian father figure."

if that's not right-wing, i don't know what is.
John Octave
22:18 / 05.11.04
I don't think that's a good reading of the show, though. Or at least not very thorough. The show goes out of its way to show that father figures are very influential in the shaping of an individual.* However, although all three major father figures (Pa, Lionel, Jor-El) are strong and authoritarian, it is Jonathan's willingness NOT to control everything his son does that makes Clark into the Superman he will become.

As much as Jonathan grumbled and disapproved of Clark going out for the football team, he lets Clark make his own decision (this past episode with Mxyptlk, while not a great episode, makes this point clear). On the other hand, when Clark acts contrary to Jor-El's wishes, Jor-El lies to and manipulates his son (with the "Supergirl"), threatens his existing family (giving Jonathan too much power and blowing out his heart) and, when all else fails, brainwashes him (the split "Kal-El" personality of the season premiere). As much as Jonathan was opposed to Clark on the football team, he would have never dreamed of completely subverting his son's personality to make him fall in line.

Lionel is a less extreme example of this as well. He may believe himself to be the "disciplinarian father figure" "preventing [his son] from collapsing into total anarchy," but it is his father's twisted manipulative form of affection that's made Lex into a bit of a mess (though Clark seems to be helping a lot too). Therefore, the show doesn't unilaterally advocate right-wing father figures (as two out of three of them are negative influences), but rather suggests that they need to be tempered with the ability to trust their sons/society to make their own decisions.

Also: "if poppy kent didn't hate lex so much, lex and clark could have given us a worldwide paradise before graduation". Good call. See, even the "good" one's not infallible.

(*-Interesting notion, probably unintentional on the part of the writers as Lana's supposed to be a "good" character: fans of the show who can look beyond Lana's attractiveness seems to agree she's a horrible passive-aggressive bitch, and many of them prefer Chloe. Now, both grew up in a single parent/guardian environment, but Chloe is raised by her father whereas Lana was raised by her Aunt Nell. Of the show's original two young female leads, the one with the father figure is caring and seeks to help others, and the one without one is enormously self-centered.)
15:17 / 18.11.04
Saw pieces of last night's ep - seemed kinda eeh.

Coming attractions for next week - Lana finally finds out Clark is Super? That's what they seem to be teasing...
15:24 / 18.11.04
Can't be much worse than the Wiccan episode last week! I'll watch it tonight when I get home
03:14 / 19.11.04
So what was last night's episode about? Man, since Lost started I haven't even clicked over to see what's up with Smallville (aside form the Flash episode... but, from my fictionsuit alone, you can see I'm a Bart Allen fan.)
10:36 / 19.11.04
It was an episode without mutants/rocks or super powers actually. Lex meets a girl at the Opera, takes her back to hotel he wakes up and she's been murderer, Lex claims he's been framed, Clark gets help from Luther.

Turns out Lex has been sleeping around a lot and forgot a girl so she flips out and tries to burn him alive. It was ok.

Also Lana had a dream about the French Witch and an older lady with red eyes appears, her coach boyfriends mum turns up and it's the woman from the dream - boyfriend asks his mum was I meant to meet Lana leading us to believe his mum has some sort of "power"

Something like that anyway.
19:19 / 02.12.04
Is it just me or was that last episode a little freaky, maybe it's because I'm a little wasted.

And has that scene with Lex appeared before? I'm sure I saw that shot of him in a white suit somewhere before?
John Octave
20:44 / 02.12.04
I guess "kinda freaky" was what they were going for. Rather generic "Whoa, that's fucked up, dude!" stuff, but one presumes the WB's not gonna give the go-ahead to put TOO much disturbing imagery in one of their shows.

And Lex-in-white was previously seen in an episode from, I think, Season One. Called "Cassandra" if I remember right, where there's an old woman who can see into people's futures, and that whole Luthor-as-president holocaust scene is more or less nicked from that.
08:07 / 03.12.04
Well I'm back to normal now and I imagine if I watched it again it wouldn't have the same effect but last night, bloody hell. You don't expect that from Smallville, it had the same vibe as Restless (Buffy), weird colour filters, strange music.

I'm glad that the vision had appeared before I thought I was loosing it
John Octave
15:12 / 03.12.04
Yeah, I mean I wasn't terribly wigged out by it, but then again I am jaded. And sober. Kudos to the show, though, for giving me something I wasn't expecting out of it. And hey, the meteor-hallucination was pretty great, right? I love it when Smallville gets trashed.

Oh, and that episode I mentioned was actually called "Hourglass," it turns out.
20:12 / 03.12.04

one of the producers, Al Gough, said so.

They said this season is their Silver Age season, tweaking lots of Silver Age concepts like Kara/Supergirl (who will be returning very soon), Mxplytk (whatever spelling), the Flash (Bart Allen, already done and done pretty well), and Krypto.

I've missed lots of the last few months of ep's, not because of Lost but because of a schedule conflict, but Krypto sounds fun to me. No red cape, though, I imagine, for the Uber-Pooch.
06:04 / 24.12.04
I've hardly watched "Smallville" this season, mostly because I believe this show peaked mid-season last season, but I just wanted to mention that Wednesday I met Annette O'Toole (Martha Kent, but also Lana in the Chris Reeve movies). She was looking for "Pogo." We didn't have any (dammit). She is a very beautiful woman, despite her age, but also shorter than you might think. Oddly enough, in a store full of comic geeks on new comic day, almost no one noticed her, perhaps because of her glasses.

And I'll save you wags the trouble and say, yes, I consider her a friend. }XP <--thbbbbt!

13:01 / 21.04.05
So I know this show has been pretty weak lately, haven’t watched it in a long while. Last night I was around and decided to check it out — it was the senior prom night episode (a new one), with the same old Kryptonite messed-up teen of the week shtick. Psycho egomaniac cheerleader wants to be prom queen, gets Kryptonite/meteor rock ability to switch bodies, yadda yadda yadda.

It did give Annette O’Toole some funny moments where she got to play a valley girl teen in her body (she was really quite funny, good comic timing and such) – Lana got the same opportunity too but just wasn’t as funny. Although seeing Tom Welling, who got taken over by her at one point, grab the prom queen tiara off Chloe’s head and say “That crown is mine, bitch!” before throwing across the room with his super-strength was kind of hilarious. (I think Chloe knows the big secret now in the show....?)

One season left – I can’t imagine what they do with the characters once they graduate high school. But Season 5 will definitely be post-high school for everyone. Lois has been a fun addition to the show, Lex still generally rocks (anyone see the “Lex gets split into twins, one all good and one all evil” ep recently? That looked like it could have been pretty good, and Rosenbaum always delivers), but where else can they go? Seems like Jor-El’s disembodied spirit isn’t bugging people lately...

Call me a fanboy, but I just want to see Tom Welling with the Superman hairdo and in the costume, looking badass.
13:40 / 26.04.05
apparently Chloe does know The Secret now in the show.


(from Entertainment Weekly)
>> Smallville (May 18)

After four seasons, The WB's teenage Superman drama, which pulls in an average of 4.4 million viewers (compared with 5.9 million in 2002), is losing Nielsen strength. Exec producer Al Gough's plan: "Our biggest finale yet. A catastrophe strikes in the middle of high school graduation, propelling everyone into different directions." Also propelled is that sluggish Kryptonian-crystal story, plus an explanation for Lana's (Kristin Kreuk) tattoo. Hint: It doesn't involve a drunken night in Tijuana.
14:48 / 26.04.05
I'm still watching it - not loving it though but it passes the time. The last episode was a little boring but the one before I really liked. Evil Lex needs to come back soon.
16:28 / 23.05.05
So in the season finale, Lex gets progressively more blatantly eeeevil, Lionel Luthor may have just croaked (while denying he had one of the secret crystals to his own son, of course), Ma and Pa Kent's house get blown up by a second Kryptonite meteor shower (they were inside, but I don't think they'll kill either of them), Clark creates a new fortress of soliture in the Arctic or wherever -- the same way he does in the first Supes film, by throwing a Kryptonian artifact into the snowy wasteland.

1 season left of this show...they're contracted for 5 seasons and I don't see them extending it.

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