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Scamming The Scammers (A 419 revenge story)


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Char Aina
22:01 / 16.08.05
dont use your work email.
dont even acknowledge it.
google chunks of the email to seee if others have recieved it.
i reckon they will have, and you can then reply from a gmail address (i can supply you with one if you dont have one) safe in the knowledge that they will not easily trace you.
i reckon its just like any other spam, in that they prolly send it to loads of folks.

have you checked out 419 eater yet?
they have heaps of advice and stories to help you get in the mood for causing shit.

they also have loads of useful links for the aspiring spammer scammer scammer.

dude, i am starting to think it may be possible to scam other sorts of spammers.
i mean, what if i wanted to start a shop selling herbal penis enlarging pills? i'd need to buy loads, and if i was buying loads i would expect a sample, surely?
Char Aina
18:14 / 18.08.05
i am forwarding all my emails to a friend so he can watch the fun ad give me ideas if any occur.
anyone else want to be on the BCC list?
is anyone else playing who fancies forwarding theirs to me?

i reckon its a better way to share than drawing google's attention to us if these muppets ever get the sense to use it.
like, the more letters here the easier we will be to find, yeah?

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