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Scamming The Scammers (A 419 revenge story)


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flufeemunk effluvia
17:53 / 17.07.04
Photoshopping passports & photo id is tricky because theyre made so they cant be scanned; they usually have some kind of reflective watermark.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
17:55 / 17.07.04
I've just done a google image search for 'passport', which has turned up hundreds of passport scans - my main concern is Photoshopping it to show my ID, whilst still retaining its credibility.

I'm at work at the moment, so can't do anything anyway until Monday morning...
flufeemunk effluvia
20:42 / 18.07.04
Get a picture of a nun on a UK passport...
Ill have to do this from home
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
21:48 / 18.07.04
Cool - can you 'shop it to say ' Jone.s' (without the dots)?

Grey Area - I'll still email you tomorrow.

I've registered the domain '' (no dot in the middle, there), so that Jenn.i can have a more authentic looking email address. I've even registered the domain in her name and at her fictional address. Watertight.

Think I'll cobble together a fairly amateurish website for the church and include's email on a contact page, too. This is becoming more fun by the minute. I'm also fishing for mugus using the name Norman Bates (also at blessed womb) as I'd like to develop a bit of a psychopathic character to put the wind up my mugus, and I thought 'Bates' was a nice little piss-take, too.

Meanwhile, N.neka is insisting on some ID before we can progress with this project. Hopefully she'll get some within a few days.

Anyone else instigated their own baits yet?
flufeemunk effluvia
03:19 / 20.07.04
I just got one of these:

this is not exactly what I got, As I am not posting from MY computer. How should I combat this one? (I have to use my personal email though...)

REF: NBM44125677 AND BATCH NO: 31/107/AY.
We are pleased to inform you THAT AS A RESULT OF OUR RECENT Lottery DRAWS HELD on the 4TH OF MARCH 2004,You or your company e-mail address attached to ticket number 1416-4612-750, with serial number 3187-17 drew the lucky numbers 31-17-8-28-55, and consequently won the lottery in the "A" category. You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of US$5,000,000.00 in cash credited to file REF NO. REF: NBM44125677.This is from the total prize money of US$16,500,000.00 shared among the Three (3) international winners in this category. Note that all participants in this lottery programm were selected randomly through a computer Ballot system drawn from over 20,000 companies and 30,000,000 individual email addresses from all search engines and web sites. This promotional program takes place every year, and is promoted and sponsored by eminent personalities like the Sultan of Brunei, bill gates of microsoft inc and other corporate organisations. this is to encourage the use of the internet and computers worldwide. CONGRATULATIONS! For security purpose and clarity, we advice that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claims and unwarranted abuse of this program by some participants. We look forward to your active participation in our forth-coming USD50 million slot. To begin your claim, please contact your claim agent: Mr. Eddie Daniel, at OR, for due processing and subsequent payments to you. Remember, you must contact your claim agent not later than two weeks.After this date, all funds will be returned as unclaimed. NOTE: In order to avoid unnecessary delays and complications, please remember to quote your reference and batch numbers in all your correspondences. Congratulations once more and thank you for being part of our promotional program.

04:28 / 20.07.04
For security purpose and clarity, we advice that you keep your winning information confidential until your claims have been processed and your money remitted to you.

Oh mate, you've blown it! How is telling Barbelith keeping your winning information confidential?!

If you reply, they will send you a form asking for all your details (and photocpies of passport etc) and then nick your identity.
Lord Morgue
06:48 / 20.07.04
And replace you with a Nigerian prince!
flufeemunk effluvia
14:56 / 20.07.04
Then I need a Nigerian Prince identity.
Just Because.
Whale... Whale... Fish!
15:49 / 20.07.04
I want one!!! Not fair!!!

Although interestingly enough there is a Hill o' Twatt in Shetland...
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
02:09 / 21.07.04
Hill O' Twatt - I have to live there!!

In the meantime, I have replied to Sister N.nnek.a, enclosing the following picture in my email (my first Photoshop attempt):

I'm frantically crossing my fingers now!


I haven't got a clue who the woman in the picture is, I just Googled a passport photo...
the Fool
04:50 / 21.07.04
I got a lottery scam email the other day and deleted it. I feel really ripped off now. All the fun I could have had...
13:23 / 21.07.04
Probably too late now, but it occurs to me that you could've matched the font better for the name by taking the "J" and "N" out of June, the "E" and "I" out of United, the "O" from the dates and the "S" from Haslingden.

I suppose matching the background would get tricky.

This is amazing stuff, though. Keep it up.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
06:26 / 22.07.04
I've been rumbled !!!!!!!

Well, it looks like I underestimated my mugu; here's the reply to my passport:

Dear Jenni,

The photo in the pasport is not real becuase that is not a good picture as I could not see your letf ear.Please why not leave me alone.


Never mind - I've got a couple more on the go at the moment. I.dris has sent me his initial attempt at identification, which can be viewed here (715Kb)

He's an obvious contender for an attempted 'trophy' photograph and I'm still seriously considering the password on the sign to be "FEAR THE PIE", but I think I'd rather include my baiter's surname on this one, as I'm called J.ack

I'll keep you posted, but I go on holiday on Sat for 10 days, so I'm going to have to think up some stalling tac-tic.
Grey Area
07:46 / 22.07.04
You know, we could try adding a validation thing to your passport in, we fake up a lawyer's letterhead and slap the whole "I certify that UK passport number xxxxxxxxxxx bears a true likeness of blah blah blah". Either that or you could try pointing your scammer to the passport office website and point out that nowhere in the regulations regarding pictures does it say both ears have to be visible. Call their bluff! Go on!
08:13 / 22.07.04
Yeah, go on CC. Please leave me alone!? You wanted to give me loads of money for my church! Why would I give you a fake passport?!
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
08:15 / 22.07.04
Good thinking, Grey Area, but I've already voided this bait, as I replied to Nneka with a tirade of abuse, so it may just be a little late in the day to resurrect this one. I suppose I bottled out too early, as a totally green baiter.

I have replied to Ahme.d Idri.s, with a plea for a photograph of himself, holding up a sign saying "Twatt!", which I can't tell you how much I want. I have gone to pains to explain that this is standard practise for me when I cannot meet my business partners face to face.


Dear Mr Id.ris,

Thank you for your prompt reply to my email. Thank you also for enclosing your identification attachment. Your proposition is very attractive and seems perfectly watertight to me and therefore I would like to be involved, if it is pleasing to you.

I am presented with a problem, though, in that your identification document still has no evidence that you are the person on the documentation. I am sorry to be so stringent, but a colleague of mine recently transferred a considerable sum of money to a business partner in Africa and never heard from him again, so I am being especially careful when it comes to all overseas business I conduct. I generally won’t consider dealing with a person until I have met them face-to-face, but I understand this may be difficult in this particular instance.

Please, as evidence that we have established a mutual trust, I would like you to forward me at your earliest convenience a photograph of yourself holding up a card with our secret password on it. This way I will know that I am dealing with a genuine person. The password, which nobody but ourselves know is “Twatt!”.

Please understand that I am a very busy man who conducts many hundreds of thousands of dollars of business on a regular basis, so do not think that I don’t trust you – this is just standard practise when I enter into an arrangement where I cannot initially meet my business partners face-to-face.

As soon as I receive your photograph, then I will be very happy to continue this transaction in a spirit of mutual trust, understanding and friendship.

Please reply as soon as possible, so that we may expedite this project.

Kind Regards,

Dr. T.watt O.B.E.

Frantically crossing every extremity at the moment.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
09:14 / 22.07.04
This is's reply:

I do not undestand exactly what you mean if you do not
mind send me the picture in that manner so that I will
know what you mean and I will do mine and send to you .

I feel he may be wise to the ways of the baiter, so my response is this:

Dear Mr Id.ris,

I’m not sure that you understand me here. You contacted me with this proposition, which I did not solicit. Whilst I am perfectly happy to proceed with this transaction, I need proof that you are genuine. In my line of business I frequently come across time wasters and people trying to exploit my considerable wealth. Whilst I do not for one minute doubt your sincerity, I still require some definitive evidence that you are who you say you are, as the transaction you propose is very unusual in my line of business.

I am very eager to continue our relationship but please understand that I cannot go any further without the photograph I have requested of you.

I hope you are able to meet my request as I believe this could be of great mutual benefit.

Kind Regards,

Dr. J.ack Twat.t O.B.E.

Please understand I am quite drunk buy now, hence my repetition.

13:36 / 22.07.04
Waitaminute -- wasn't that an actual passport photo that you sampled and used? I've never heard about that both-ears thing (although, now that I think of it, all my family's passports have full-face photos).
Grey Area
14:34 / 22.07.04
That's because US passport office regulations specify that the person has to be looking right into camera. British passports seem to have an 'anything goes' policy with caveats concerning facial visibility and background. Note that full-face can be achieved with a three quarter view...i.e. one ear. Everyone's different...German passports have to be three-quarter view against a light background. I think in Canada they recently introduced a 'No Smiling!' rule on the grounds that smiles distort facial features too much (why they can't just ask people to smile at passport control is beyond me...I know I'd prefer people if I had a parade of travellers in front of me all day).
15:09 / 22.07.04
this is a site created by a friend of mine documenting his exchange with a 419er. keep up the weird work!
Tryphena Absent
15:18 / 22.07.04
You can't see people's faces properly on the UK passports they give out atm anyway. They have some weird reflecty thing over the top.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:15 / 24.07.04
Progress is being had with my friend, Id.ris; he has contacted me via the voicemail/fax number which I set up for just this kind of eventuality. Totally untraceable back to me.

It's not much, just a request for me to contact him (this coming directly after my insistence that he email the '!!' photo), but it can be listened to here.

This is my response, as I am going on holiday (to Wales & Ireland) for 10 days today:

Dear Ahm.ed,

I hope this email reaches you in the best of health and spirits.

I just received your message on my voicemail – thank you for getting in touch.

However I cannot enter into any further communications with you unless you forward the identification photograph I requested of you previously. Please send me at your convenience the photograph I requested, i.e. one of yourself holding up a sign with ‘T.watt!!’ written on it.

I am going on vacation with my family to the Solomon Islands tomorrow for ten days and, as these islands are so remote, I will not be able to check my emails or communicate on my mobile phone until I return, at which point I shall check my email for the photograph I requested. If the photograph is not in my mailbox by then, then I shall be assured that I cannot rely on you as business partner, which would be very unfortunate, as I believe this deal could net us both a large amount of disposable capital.

Please try to get your passworded identification to me before my holiday is over – I return from the Solomon Islands on Tuesday August 3rd, and will be checking my email immediately upon my return.

I sincerely hope you are able to work with me on this matter as we both stand to gain a great deal from it.

Yours Faithfully,

Dr. Jac.k T.watt O.B.E.

The thing is I really won't be able to access my email until then, so I'll be on tenterhooks when I get back.

I'll update this thread upon my return.
16:35 / 07.08.04
And here's a quiz to find out which 419 spammer you are.
21:43 / 07.08.04
src="" width="300" height="90"">You are Farouk Bello. You are Executive Director of Commercial Bank of Africa. Your client was in a car accident along the shagamu express road. You can't find his relatives so you want to share his $25.4 million with me. You require my positive response.">Which Nigerian spammer are You?

'strue, you know. PM me your credit card details. It will be to your advantage.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:51 / 16.09.04
Right, after a couple of failed attempts at scambaiting, and many lessons learned, I have now set upon a different tack.

I have replied to my latest bait under the pseudo-nom-de-plume of Ba.tes, and have given him a web address (which I have, very drunkenly, set up) to draw him in, telling him that I am a charitable organizer for The C.hurch Of The Bles.sed Wom.b, based again in, Orkney.

HERE is my bogus charity website, complete with its own domain and everything. I have set up a redirect so as not to make my bogus site Googleable...

I want your opinions, mainly on the credibilty of this site in the eyes of a cash-centric mugu, rather than those of a person well versed in the ancient art of web-fu. Please bear in mind that this is the product of my beer-addled brain...
flufeemunk effluvia
23:51 / 16.09.04
For one, its hilarious.
Grey Area
06:57 / 17.09.04
You might want to consider adding something about 'Registered Charity' somewhere, without actually giving a reg number. Say something like "(our church) is a registered charity with the authorities of the Jersey Islands, Grand Caiman & Upper New York. All donations are tax deductible." Put this in the donations registration bit, in 8pt font, you know, small print, like. Yeesh, now you've got me saying it.

Also, if you intend to m.asquer.ade as a n.un, it's permissible for members of religious orders to display head coverings in their passports, as long as their full face is visible. So that...whatsit...wimple? habit? that n.uns wear can and should be included in the passport picture. If they get stroppy about it, point them to the passport office page.

Can I at this point mention that if you put 'nun' in a google image search, the images you are presented with on the very first page are...well...they seem to be dressed as nuns...
08:18 / 17.09.04
That is brilliant.

I agree that having small print would make it seem more genuine. Also - I reckon more! It's so funny, I want to see a lot more of the same, like.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
15:27 / 17.09.04
You are not even a Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey, you are THE Christ of all Badgers.

I salute you, you fucking lunatic, and all of your works. You have just made my otherwise thoroughly miserable day.

Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
22:26 / 17.09.04
THE Christ of all Badgers - wow - that's just about the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me. I'm touched.

For those people who have applied for a donation, your applications are now being considered, but whoever requested the money for the giant zeppelins is definitely current favourite.

Might add a bit of small print some time over the weekend, depending on how many DVDs I bring to work...
Char Aina
11:16 / 16.08.05
i thought you kids might be interested...
i got forwarded a four one nine recently, and have decided to play along with it.

i am dec.lan mc.part.lin,
of and Mc.Part.lin Part.ners.

he is proffesor ch4rl3s 50lud0 of the c3ntral b4ank of nig3ri4.

how's my letter?

Dear Prof Soludo,

My name is Declan McPartlin and I have received your email regarding
my company's outstanding payment. I have recently returned from a
short stint in hospital, so you will forgive me if I am tardy in my
I have some questions regarding the processing of the account for you,
but may I begin by thanking your for your honesty and promptness in
reminding us of our assets.
We here at Donnally&McPartlin enjoy a long standing connection to
Africa and its people, our company having been founded in 1876
primarily to facilitate trade between Africa and the New World.
My father, Duncan McPartlin, has always prided himself on an ethical
and forthright approach to such matters, and it is with his voice
ringing in my ears that I must ask you to provide me with some
information on the nature of the transaction. I would welcome your
assistance in fostering a relationship that both i and the memory of
my father can be happy with.

Now, you did ask me for my full name, so I should be clear.
My name is Declan Joseph McPartlin.
I am the nephew of P.J. McPartlin, the current owner of
Donnally&McPartlin. I am the Chief Reparations Officer for the firm,
organising the allocation of company funding for various good causes
and maintaining relationships with sectors of the local community.
As an example, I have recently helped fund the opening of The Jungle,
a social club for local youths that does not supply alcohol. We felt
that an alternative was needed to the drug and drink soaked nights
that many of our youngsters seem to fall into, and so have worked with
them to make a space they can enjoy working, resting, and playing in.

The organisation is run by a local church group of which I am a
member. Most of the staff are fervent Christians, but we do not
impose our religious beliefs on the business of the club. The sad
truth is that many people do not enjoy being confronted with God and
we have found that to do so can make them turn away from us forever.
We instead seek to lead by example, and have in this way won many

This gives you some idea of my role, and the great joy I take in it.
our company deals in may things, but it is in the philanthropic
gestures that i feel my great great uncle's memory is best served.

I am filled with expectation that his may be another avenue through
which we can help our company grow, and as I have had the good fortune
to speak with you first, I hope that I may be able to allocate much of
this funding to some sorely needed places.
I hope you do not find me to forward if I say that you will be in my
prayers, and that I will ask god to bless this transaction.

As i mentioned earlier, I have some questions for you.
I need for you to alleviate my worries and confirm to me that you are
in fact who you say you are, as we are talking about a lot of money.
I am aware that thre are those who might approach such an endeavour
with arms open, but my father was a firm believer in the adage, 'look
before you leap' and I see no need to think otherwise. I am sure you
will understand that this is nothing more than formality and due
caution, and that I am eager to begin this process.

I will need to see two things from you, and then i will be able to proceed.
I will need a telephone number at which I can contact you, preferably
one that takes both fax and voice calls.
I would also like to see a photograph of you, in the bank. I like to
see my interlocutors, especially those with whom I do business. If you
perhaps send me a photograph of yourself holding something with a
message written upon it that only you or I know, that would be
May i suggest the legend "caveat emptor, caudex"?
This was the motto of my school.
If you could do this at your earliest convenience I will then be able
to fax you over a copy of my passport. I will do so on headed paper so
that you may also obtain our telephone numbers and address to
facilitate further communication.

Once again, thank you for your trouble.

yours faithfully,

CRO, D&M Capital Partners

the following is his initial hook without the googlable personal information:

> From the records of outstanding contractors due for payment with the
> federal Government of Nigeria, your name and company was discovered as
> next on the list of The outstanding contractors who have not received
> their payments.
> I wish to inform you that your payment is being processed and will be
> released to you as soon as you respond to this letter. Also note that from
> my record in my file your outstanding contract payment is US$15.5M,
> (Fifteen Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars only) Please
> re-confirm to me if this is Online with what you have in your record and
> also re-confirm to me the followings.
> (1) Your full name.
> (2) Phone, fax and mobile #.
> 3) company's name,position and address.
> 4)profession, age and marital status.
> 5) Copy of int'l passport or any scanned identity to prove yourself.
> As soon as this informations are received, your payment will be made to
> you in a certified bank draft from central bank of Nigeria and a copy will
> be given to you for you to take to your bank and confirm it,And get back
> to me on this mail:

thouhts, hints, tips, le me know what you woudl say or do differently.
i sucked at it last time, hey.
Kit-Cat Club
11:28 / 16.08.05
Toksik - part of your letter reads as though D McP is under the impression that he owes the money, whereas the initial hook is that his company (as a contractor) is owed money (I think).
Kit-Cat Club
11:30 / 16.08.05
Oh no, scrub that, sorry, as you were.
haus of fraser
17:27 / 16.08.05
hey i was amused by this thread and then guess what? I got my first begging letter...

John O.wen & Associate
54-walf rd Apapa,
Lagos. Nigeria.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This Letter might come as a surprise to you,especially since we have ever met or discussed before. Basically, the message might sound
strange, but it is in fact, very real. If only you care to know, The truth is that I should have notified you first through a more confidential means even if it is at least to respect your integrity, please accept my humble apologies if I had caught you unaware. I frankly do not mean any harm in passing my goodwill message.

I am Barrister Joh.n Owen. A solicitor at law. I am the personal attorney to Mr. Lar.ry, a foreigner who is an expert rate with Nigerian Oil development.My Client Mr. La.rry, and whole family wife and 2 kids perished along with 148 others which includes the then Nigerian sports minister late Ishaya Aku, in air-line plane crash in Kano northern Nigeria on may 4th 2002.My Client {LARRY} deposited the sum of $18.5m with a finance company for himself without a written or oral "will"
attached to his properties and deposited fund, with the hope of transferring it to his country as soon as he is on leave. Since his death I have made several enquiries to locate any of my clients
extended relatives this has also proved unsuccessful.

After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to trace his last name over the Internet,to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you. I contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Finance Company where this huge deposit were lodged particularly, the finance company where the deceased had the deposit valued at about 18.5million dollars has issued me a notice to provide the next of kin or have his deposited Fund confiscated within the next ten official working days.


Since i have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives for over 2 years now, I am seeking for your consent to present you, as the next of kin to the deceased so that the proceeds of this fund valued at 18.5million dollars can be Claim by you.


On your wiliness to assist me i have agreed on this shearing ratio 60% to me and 30% to you,while 10% is mapped out for any expenses or tax as may be required by your government. We have to obtain all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim we are making.


All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.Please get in touch with me by email also forward your full names and address, your private telephone and fax number for the transition of the
required documents.


Upon the receipt of your response i will advice you on how to contact the Bank directly before the fund gets confiscated.


Best regards,


Barrister Ow.en.

what to do? what to do? this came in to my work emil account- one that until now has been relatively spam free- so i'm not sure i should reply from this account- any body up for some tag team piss taking fun?

I decided to trace his last name over the Internet,to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you

yup my last name isn't larry and my email account only uses my first name & company name- neither of which is Larry.

I want to have a web site like Hoover Donkey - although i favour the term twart over twatt... any suggestions- who wants some fun?
Jake, Colossus of Clout
17:29 / 16.08.05
This si beautiful stuff. I'm going to Google some of these fools later, so they contact me. Must get in on the fun.

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