
1.) I don't think I stole "desiring machines" directly from D&G, as I've read very, very little by them (though maybe I came across it in something *about* them). Anyway, my memory, she is not so good lately, so I'm unlikely to remember. I've been using that phrase/concept to think about surrealism lately, starting with Bunuel, and I think it's a good way of reconciling the irrationalism and absurdism of the imagery and situations of surrealism with the avowedly materialist politics of some of these writers/directors. It may be from Marx, it may actually be from Freud (which would be my guess, for what it's worth) but I think it's a neat way of looking at things. As i said, I use it mostly in the context of surrealism, and I'm pretty sure I used the concept to explain why I didn't think Cocteau should actually be considered a surrealist. I might have to dig that up.
2.) This is the first Renoir film I've seen. I will admit here publicly and not for the first time that I have very little background in film. There are hundreds of movies that I should have seen that I haven't, and probably dozens that I have seen but have imperfect recall. So while I think I'm decent at interpreting a film as an isolated incident, I'm really not good at being able to understand a film as an incident within the universe of all films. This shortcoming is apparent in my lack of recognition of technical innovations - apparently The Rules of The Game was a very advanced film technically when it came out ( i believe - editing?) but that sort of thing escapes me. Is it essential to understanding a film?
I'm probably going to watch Grand Illusion this weekend. You should certainly make a film recommendation site. I just can't get enough opinions about films I've seen and liked and films I will see and will like and films I won't see and like and films I will see and won't like and films I won't see and won't like. |