My two penneth: I would also welcome a forum with threads ranging from (say) "Jack Denfield's reports on life as a professional degenerate gambler", to "Footballers lives and the role-model factor"; alongside threads like "The mindset altering qualities of games like Go and Chess", and "Is taking Australia in 'Risk' a good opening gambit?". Come to think of it, why not include Mornington Crescent (I'm VERY fresh to this game), and discussions about things IBM's Chess Playing Deep Blue, or even texts like The Art of War, and The Prince (both of which, for my shame, I still haven't read, but am lead to believe have relevance to gaming, etc). I know many of these topics could overlap with Head Shop, Switchboard, Laboratory, etc, but then the boundaries aren't that rigid between forums anyway, right?
I also liked "Games and Gaming", but how about 'Strategy and Skill'? These elements seem to link all the above with more sporty sports (e.g. Tennis), and computer games, etc, without sounding too computer-gamery.
Basically, I'm a hopeless game-player, but I am very interested in learning from anyone here about "game theory", especially the narrative aspects of it, such as those discussed by Janet H. Murray in Hamlet on the Holodeck"e.g. online role-playing games, the modern AD&D, etc... |