Can anyone explain why this might be happening:
I've been trying to create some transparent gifs in MS Paint (recently wiped my PC, so most decent software is missing). I'm running XP and certain functionality has been changed - where you used to be able to set background transparency through the Image>Attributes menu option (and, iirc, could tell the software to make a specific colour transparent), now you can only do it for the entire image through deselecting Image>Draw Opaque.
Which I did, only once I'd uploaded them to my webspace, they were suddenly opaque, with the supposedly transparent background now being filled white. Eventually, I found Gifworks, through which I was able to set the transparency again. Problem being, I then saved them to my hard drive and once more uploaded them to my webspace from there, only to find that they were - yep - opaque.
Finally solved by importing them back into Gifworks, setting the transparency again and FTPing them directly from there, cutting out saving them to my PC entirely.
So here's my question: what the fuck is going on? They're either changing during the process of being saved to my PC, or when they're FTPed across from there to my webspace. Anybody got any idea which of those is happening and, most importantly, why? I've got a workaround now, but I'd rather not have to go through the entire process every time I want to do something like this. |