Okay, I reread my non-disclosures, and having worked out the difference between 'technical' and 'experiential' details, I think I'm fairly certain what I can and cannot say...with that in mind and fingers firmly crossed:
Um, (trying not to quiver in excitement here) what exactly do you mean by "working model"?
My original model (lovingly labeled 'the Decepticon'...though, and this is what always screws me up, it wasn't in fact a helmet of Megatron as I mis-stated above, it was Optimus Prime...'the Autobot' just seemed less cool, not that I imagine anybody cares, but I felt compelled to correct myself. Right. Letting my geek flag fly. Moving right along...) was capable of producing, albeit without great precision in intended effects, all of the five basic stages I identified...it couldn't do too much else, but, if it were hooked to the right computer equipment and software...I see no reason why my five basic stages couldn't be reproduced someone at home.
I'm thinking that a circuit could be built that could convert the output produced by a synthesizer into the electomagnetic pulses that you are talking about.
I see no reason that goal couldn't be simply achieved.
A keyboard synth could produce the kind of complexity required on multiple channels. Oh....... this is SO cool. Have you found any waveforms that are troublesome? Square? Sine?(Sine in the sense of waveform).
I suspect mixing software is better suited to creating complex multi-channel signals than most keyboards, but sure, maybe with high-end models.
The brain does not like square waveforms: it can identify them as foreign and artificial, and they give a nasty headache.
I am fond of sine waves; my fiction suit is sine; 'sine' is the first word of 'sine qua non'. The word 'sine' can be punned with the word 'sign', or loosely, 'symbol'. The brain operates with symbols.
Basically, an electromagnet is placed near the subjects head and then the polarity is switched at certain frequencies. (is the polarity switching? I think I read that, but I'm not certain) This changes the basic electrical environment of the brain, causing neurons to fire differently.
Is all of that correct, albeit very dumbed down?
Yes, though this form of extremely simple device would be difficult to make reliable for complex effects. I believe polarity switching can produce neural fluctuations similar in character to tides: this might be desirable in some circumstances, undesirable in others. Complex states require more complex coil arrangements and more complex signals.
Also, if I understand correctly, the pulses are aimed at specific points, correct? If so, do different target regions produce different effects (esp. at 'stage 4') or does the energy spread more.
Different regions of the brain affect different aspects of cognition; frequency is the language of the brain; activity will spread along pathways of its own accord, though such spread can be channelled or curbed using signals to inhibit or promote neural firing. Such substratum effects tend to gestalt at the conscious level.
In other words, does stimulating Broca's and Wernicke's area create auditory/linguistic changes/hallucinations while stimulating the occipital lobe causes visual anamolies; or does stimulation anywhere have the same general effect?
Such effects on their own tend to produce weak and/or pseudo-hallucination. As an adjunct to other regions, they inform a experiential gestalt. I worked primarily, though not exclusively, with the temporal lobes.
Thanks in advance for clearing this up.
Sorry I can't be more clear.
However, a short description of my Stages:
Stages 1 through 5 showed a pyramidal frequency; virtually every subject reported some variety of Stage 1; each subsequent stage occurred less frequently, up to the relatively rare stage 5. Subjects generally passed through the stages in order during each session, though significant variations were known to occur in longer-term, multiple session subjects. Similarly, such return subjects tended to be more likely to experience the 'higher' stages, leading me to posit a form of neural reverse-tolerance might be at work. The possibility of 'deep integrations' between and within existing brain tissues acting as feedback-response receptor structures (or proto-structures) was also floated, but never proven.
i tend towards feeling that as we open ourselves up to more of the world we start to have a sense of self which becomes larger than the confines of the body.
Stage 1, the most common early effect of the device, produces large fluctuations and alterations in the spatio-temporal and kinetic sensations: one frequently reported effect, generally paired with a sensation of fast motion, involves alterations in the subject's perception of the properties of their personal space, often described with adjectives such as 'expansive', 'explosive' 'inflating' 'ballooning' and so on. Other less common reports included: 'shrinking'; altered sense of body shape and spatial relationships between limbs, head, torso, etc; sense of 'flight'; mild vertigo.
Stage 2 was demarcated by the report of visual and auditory effects, generally of a simple nature. 'Drums', 'bells', 'clanking', 'chiming', 'whispers' and other such simple, content free sounds dominated the aural hallucination, while phospene-like 'polygons', 'blobs', 'patterns', 'wheels', and 'tiles', sometimes in black and white, but often in full or even exaggerated colour, were characteristic visual reports.
Stage 3 was demarcated by the report of complex hallucinations: scenes, figures, and landscapes with fantastic features were common reports. Intelligible conversations, complicated music and singing, animal sounds, and other complex aural phenomena tended to replace simpler 'bells and whistles' as complex visual experiences replaced geometrical figments. Most such experiences were technically pseudo-hallucinatory, and while often extremely vivid, occured firmly 'inside' the subject. Stage 3 experiences seldom contained olfactory or tactile/thermal components, though occasional reports of 'metallic tastes' or 'unusual flavours' did crop up.
Stage 4 was demarcated by a theoretical rather than report- based line, and can actually be considered as two separate phenomena (if you prefer, stages 4a and 4b). The first (4a) was the 'interactive hallucination' mentioned above, where the vivid qualities of the Stage 3 report became immersive and responsive. The second (4b) was the projection of hallucinatory figures into the test subject's real environment, often mistaking 'projected' persons for 'real' ones. Both (4a and 4b) showed considerably higher incidence of reports containing tactile and olfactory as well as thermal and kinetic elements, as well as reports of 'emotional' perception and sexual content. The reason these two generally mutually exclusive experiences were classed together as a single Stage can be traced to my theory that both represented an integration/dissolution of the objective/subjective divide...that is: Stage 4a projected the 'conscious self' into the 'subjective experience', whereas Stage 4b projected the 'unconscious self' into the 'objective experience'. While no serious psychological study was done to verify this idea, I remain supportive of this interpretation of my data, and have thus reflected it in my Stage categories.
Stage 5 was extremely rare, reported by a very small percentage of test subjects. Reports tended to be characterized by words such as 'absorbed', 'illuminated', 'transcended', and 'loved'. Sense of self, as well as the senses of time and space were generally suspended. Subjects who reported Stage 5 effects were often unable afterward to make accurate guesses about the elasped length of their sessions. This complex of reported phenomena was, and is, considered to correlate well with some traditional mystical reports.
Though comparatively infrequent, 'negative' experiences were nevertheless recorded at all five Stages. Shorthand for these negative experiences had them expressed as Stages -1 through -5, though they are not considered technically distinct.
Stage -1 generally reported unpleasant shifts in body shape or image, clastro-and-agoraphobic responses, as well as vertigo associated nausea.
Stage -2 was often described with adjectives such as 'harsh', 'frenetic', 'swarming' and 'dissonant'.
Stage -3 carried the trends of Stage -2, but added adjectives such as 'ugly', 'angry', 'evil', 'demonic' and 'disturbing'.
Stage -4 often prompted the subject to request premature termination of the session. Associated reports included 'prisons', 'hells', 'monsters', and 'demons'; severe -4b experiences often reported projected entities making direct threats, and infrequently contained 'pseudo-tactile' elements, often of an aggressive sexual nature.
Stage -5, due to the unpleasantness and rarity of -4, was barely reported. Reports included terms such as 'darkness', 'black winds', 'hatred', and 'despair.' Stage -5 seemed to show the same pronounced distortions of the time and space sense as its more pleasant counterpart, but had infrequent suspensions of the subjects' 'sense of self'.
Those are my Five Stages in a nutshell.
i guess i am trying to say that any entity is neither independent of nor dependent upon another for its existence but that there is an interdependence of being. that said, it might be that certain brain states triggered by drugs or devices or whatever assist in creating the opportunity for certain types of interdependent experiences of being or Self-expression. perhaps this is too oblique?
No, not at all...indeed, I believe such entities to exist in a state of 'psychoparallelism'; essentially similar to the Jungian 'psychoid' state. As such, I believe them to exist simultaneously as personal mental states, deep unconscious impulses, collective unconscious archetypes, and correlated patterns in the physical world.
out of curiousity, do you know if any of this might relate to HAARP?

I remember when I first heard about HAARP and its Soviet antecedent, 'the Woodpecker Signal'. My partners (business and romantic) got to hear me rant for weeks that:
a) US.gov didn't generally make a habit of revealing the true nature and potential of their bleeding-edge military projects. Hence, if US.gov claimed HAARP was a goddamn weather control machine, one had to wonder what it really was, or at least, what else it could do.
b) A transmitter array of that power level could broadcast mind-affecting ELF patterns across, if not the entire globe, substantial portions thereof.
Did you do any experiments using the ultra-low-frequency as sort of process initialization/lockin and then add higher frequencies in directly or even modulated onto the ELF? Possibly using resonant frequencies of other natural much higher frequencies?
Not sure what you mean: "process initialization/lockin".
The brain has a much higher range of frequency than is typically believed, though still being firmly ELF. For example, though most basic neurology material lists everything above, say 15 hz as 'beta', structures in the brain have been shown to respond to and produce frequencies higher than 300 hz. It is also a surprsingly little known fact that stronger external stimuli do not register in the brain as stronger signals, but rather, higher frequencies. This means that when a loud noise diverts my attention away from other stimuli and surroundings it obtains that priority through higher frequency neural signals.
Both resonance frequencies and modulations have been shown to have definite effects in the brain.
I do microcontroller development and have a very strong personal interest in this subject - although I admit I am quite ignorant to the current knowledge base.
Sorry I can't say more. Once upon a time I used to think of myself as being like the character Seth Brundle from Cronenberg's The Fly...not in the vomiting-on-donuts sense, but in the assembling-other-people's-disconnected-research-with-an-excellent-technical-intuition-and-some-luck sense. Like I said, before any contracts were even imagined, I built one out of dead toys. Prolly anyone who was persistent enough could come to similar results.
Has the peneal gland been targeted in testing - I would think that this might be a good place to target for quite a few reasons?
Yes, the pineal gland was part of my early experiments. One of the primary goals I had in creating the original ('Decepticon') unit was the elevation of activity in the pineal gland, in an attempt to self-regulate my rather serious seasonal affective disorder. Subsequent related research advanced pineal activation techniques, but de-emphasized such direct stimulation of that structure.
I must say, I'm surprised and rather pleased at the level of response to this subject thread. I wasn't certain if, as a relative newbie, anyone would be interested in this at all.
Does this mean I get to stay? |