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Shaun of the dead


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18:45 / 19.03.04

Write up was in this months SFX, looks faboo!

Also covered probably no series 3 of spaced, but poss a couple of specials a la the office to "complete the story arcs we started".
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:54 / 19.03.04
Tim, Daisy, Mike and Dwane Benzie from Spaced, Dawn from the office, Dylan Moran, Bill Nighy and the incredibly underrated Kate Ashield... The cast alone has me sold.
Gary Lactus
19:15 / 19.03.04
(just Fraely Boyce)

I really want this to be good. It hasn't been made on much money and is clearly made with great fondness for zombie stuff. I feel inspired by it already. Reckon I'll give it some box office if I get the chance.
19:34 / 19.03.04
This is gonna be so good. I met SP last year and he was SO enthusiastic about Shaun. He had a camera phone where he showed me his first fully made-up zombie and had an ear-to-ear grin when he said "I do this for a living. I can't BELIEVE IT!". His mum was there too, and was glowing with pride. She has no idea how to handle a camera, though.
20:59 / 19.03.04
21:47 / 19.03.04
and just saw that he'll be on Jonathon Ross next Friday. Houpla.
22:49 / 19.03.04
4 million budget apparently, so its like 3 really expensive episodes of spaced.
rizla mission
10:47 / 20.03.04
probably no series 3 of spaced

I really want this to be good. It hasn't been made on much money and is clearly made with great fondness for zombie stuff. I feel inspired by it already.

Spatula Clarke
23:36 / 20.03.04
I wasn't too sure. But then I watched the trailer.

Am now officially (if cautiously) excited.
21:54 / 22.03.04
The guy who types my out-patient clinic letters is in it. As a zombie.
The Falcon
22:18 / 22.03.04
I saw a clip where


they're throwing records at the zombies, and Simon Pegg is all 'No! Not 'Purple Rain'!' that really made me think this could be great.

I do like Simon.
Spatula Clarke
00:26 / 23.03.04
That's the bit of the trailer that makes me think this'll be good - the recoiling "oooh!" just after said record gets chucked. That and the "Oh for God's sake! Oooh, he's got an arm off!"

Is funny. Is already better than every other recent British comedy film.
Brigade du jour
01:51 / 23.03.04
You know what? I saw the trailer without any sound and it still made me go all moist. Like, down below.
06:13 / 23.03.04
losers scribe andy diggle and gossip columnist Rich Johnston are also in it as zombies...
Gary Lactus
08:09 / 23.03.04
Didn't they have a big drive to get lots of volunteer zombies? I'm sure I saw a plea for help on T4 Sunday or something. I think they did it on a points system like with the first Star Wars, just in case it didn't make any money. I was well up for it but then I couldn't be bothered. Hmm...I guess I wasn't all that up for it.
Spatula Clarke
13:03 / 30.03.04
Riz> Pegg was on Jonathon Woss the other night and said that he was hoping that a new series of Spaced would be a possibility once all the business surounding the film was out of the way.

There's a side story being run in 2000AD, but it sounds like it's only a one issue, six page jobby.

(found via NTSC-uk)
Our Lady Has Left the Building
16:55 / 01.04.04
Fancy claiming Shaun of the Dead anyone?
18:44 / 01.04.04
Randy, did we even see the same interview? I have no memory of him giving ope about a third series. Mostly I remember him being compared to a mole.
Spatula Clarke
18:58 / 01.04.04
Yeah, it was mentioned that he'd spoken to others from the show and they'd all expressed an interest in getting on to it "some time in the future," whatever that means. I'm not surprised you didn't notice it, though, Ross interviews being what they are.
Benny the Ball
09:30 / 04.04.04
Saw a preview screening of this last week. Loved it. Big fan of spaced, but not only that Simon Pegg is so charming that you like him in anything (I find anyway). Also agree, Kate Ashfield is great and under-rated
Chubby P
13:52 / 06.04.04
Just bumping this up to remind people that 2000ad is due out tommorrow with the Shaun of the Dead story in it.
04:11 / 07.04.04
(eeks! first post on Barbelith)

Saw this at an industry screening last night and am overjoyed to report that the trailer doesn't even begin to do justice to how good it is. It got to the stage where I stopped laughing and just sat there with a rictus grin of absolute bliss.

Aside from the funny (and it is very, very funny), it's constantly aping the style of zombie movies with crash zooms and tracking shots etc, and is littered with in-jokes - I'm not an expert but I spotted shouts to the Living Dead series, Day of the Dead and even a nod to 28 Days Later at the end. My mate, who is an expert, just keept squeaking with glee and elbowing me every five minutes.


It's even rather poignant and emotional in places, especially the relationship between Shaun and his parents. Which is just the icing on the cake in anything which features a zombie landlord being beaten with pool cues to the tune of Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now'; a scene in which the gang meet a group that are not only doppelgangers of themselves but also cameo roles for stars of The Office, Spaced, League of Gentlemen, Little Britain and Black Books; and the following exchange in the record-chucking scene:

Ed: The Stone Roses?
Shaun: No.
Ed: Howabout The Second Coming?
Shaun (defensive): I liked it!


I'm gushing, but really, we're talking re-enacting-bits-on-the-tube-with-your-friends-and-disconcerting-other-passengers good.
Benny the Ball
21:54 / 07.04.04
More spoiler lines.

My favourite;

We're coming to get you Barbera!

You'll get it when you see it.
21:42 / 08.04.04
It's a British film and it's got people excited and it's not by Richard Curtis.

This can only be a good thing. Perhaps it's just because I'm a part of it's core audience target but when was there last a film out that had got people this excited? Episode 1? And we all know what happened after that. And if you don't then watch Spaced series 2.
11:14 / 09.04.04
The film is out... the reviews are in...


Seriously, I'd be rushing out to see this today, if I didn't live a few hundred miles from the nearest cinema showing it.
20:51 / 09.04.04
Saw it today.

Definitely fun, but I wanted more. Maybe I've been spoiled by Spaced.
09:06 / 10.04.04
Saw this last night and thought it was dead good like. The first half was better that the second, due to the fact that there was more room for Pegg and co to arse around there, but the whole thing works well and I highly recomend it.
00:15 / 12.04.04
It's not perfect, but it's fucking great. Get Penelope Wilton an Oscar.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry
Our Lady Has Left the Building
07:39 / 12.04.04
I think Sleaze is on the money here. I did enjoy it, there are some very funny lines and situations in it, but looking back afterwards it did seem a bit... slight. Maybe it's that slack-com thing. There isn't any of what traditional comedies would have once done, of each scene piling absurdity on absurdity until the whole thing crashes down and then moving on to the next scene. Pegg and Wright were relying on each joke actually being funny, which was nice.

"Ash can't make it in today." Nice.
Gary Lactus
07:46 / 13.04.04
Like Spaced? Yes. Like zombies? Yes. Like Shaun of the Dead? Yes I did. It was like Spaced but with zombies.
08:26 / 13.04.04
"Alright.. gay"

This film is pretty excellent. See Ed for all the funniest/absurd/crass lines ("Wot up, niggas"). I love the actor that plays him (excellent presenting his show on C5, also. Funny lad).

I seriously enjoyed this movie, anyway. I'm not super big on zombie films, but when I got home from seeing this - I wanted to watch more right away. Or watch this again in bed. It's a very comfortable film - but with a few scares along the way.

In fact the only thing wrong with this film, for me, is that it didn't carry on. I wanted them to fight out of the pub and carry on... fighting! Maybe hole up in a very British mall/shopping centre. What happened seemed more in keeping with the films it's a reference to, however. I watched Dawn of the Dead the other night, and they seem to have the same "flat-ness" here, for want of a better word. It's a simple straight ahead, sort of film, although it has awfully funny moments.

I'm glad I saw that film first, though, as I really appreciated the tone they achieved. In fact, it works excellently as a simple zombie film, and a comedy, in it's own right. The romance I could do without ("Sneaky monkey") maybe, but it worked well enough.

All in all a hugely pleasurable cinema experience, and real joy (laughter from me) at seeing Dylan Moran's intestines being eaten up, classic style.
09:11 / 13.04.04
Enjoyed it, but not as much as I hoped.
The humour was a little too straight for my left-field tastes.

Satirical edge was nice to see, although with zombies satire is almost impossible to avoid.
12:16 / 13.04.04
I saw this over the weekend and really enjoyed it. It had zombies-a-go-go, and I really liked seeing them in a british setting, made the movie much scarier. Most zombie movies are set in the US, which is pretty much a fictional place to me emotionally, if that makes any sense, but to see zombies in places that look just like my home town, creepy. I thought the humour was good, though it was exactly what you expected, almost like a feature length episode of spaced; but that's not neccesarily a bad thing. I also liked all the sly references to other zombie movies, but that's because I'm a big film geek. Basically two thumbs up, though it's not a film that's going to change your life or anything like that
12:22 / 13.04.04
Ah, you jog my memory! I was thinking about this the other day. My real favourite movies are the ones that are comfortable and warm - you can always watch them. I like a movie that doesn't set out to CHANGE YOUR LIFE! I appreciate that. This movie is like a cup of tea in bed. But what's under the bed?

I'm awful, aren't I? Yes, yes I am.
12:52 / 13.04.04
(off-topic) Most zombie movies are set in the US, which is pretty much a fictional place to me emotionally, if that makes any sense, but to see zombies in places that look just like my home town, creepy.

That was what I loved about 28 Days Later. (off-topic)

Going to see this tomorrow... can't fucking wait. It's been getting pretty much universally good reviews in the press- the Financial Times, especially, loved it. (Don't laugh- they do actually have pretty clued-up people with souls writing their arts stuff.)

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