On the color one: Its a valid IQ question only if it does not presuppose prior specific knowledge, such as advanced ideas in color theory. So, it must be purely logical in nature, drawing from "common knowledge". In this case, the common data is the set of basic colors, of which there are 6: 3 primary and 3 secondary. Though the primary/secondary bit isn't taken into account, just the number of colors, and that the relationship of primary/secondary exists at all. So, they gave you that relationship as the logical premis of the question, but scrambled the color data. You then had to identify the pattern (primary+primary=secondary) and use the process of elimiation to determine that Green+Yellow=Orange because Orange is the only color left, so must be their product. So, it does require recognizing a 6 color system, which may be considered biased, but only slightly. |