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Barbelith IQ Test


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Char Aina
18:40 / 14.03.04
so not too good a score, then?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
18:45 / 14.03.04
Fred since you and I got the same result, I have to think that we either have a lot in common or you have been cheating off of my paper.

An d since I have nothing in common with anyone, J'accuse!
21:17 / 14.03.04
Given the balls the testers expect us to swallow, I'd say that because Walter is bigger than Flub, a score of 131 after six pints means Arthur is shorter than Susan's score of 190.
21:50 / 14.03.04
Don't do IQ tests. I get very boring on the subject of why not, I'm afraid.
D Terminator XXXIII
22:17 / 14.03.04
I only made it halfway through before I decided to do something else. Does that automatically give me a bad IQ?

I'm guilty of much the same. What does this say about me? Ey?

...I wann' know.
das kindt
06:41 / 15.03.04
IQ tests were developed to justify institutionalized racism, sexism, and bigotry. The early tests were developed and employed in the United States as part of the eugenics movement at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century.
The tests examine a very limited conception of intelligence--one that is highly culturally biased, and unlikely to provide any meaningful data.
Some interesting notes about this particular test however.
All true answers as quickly as I could answer the questions: 118 (75% pattern)
All false answers as above: 99 (25% pattern)
Alternating T then F: 118 (75% pattern)
Alternating F then T: 99 (25% pattern)
16 T then 16 F: 118 (75% pattern)
16 F then 16 T: 99 (25% pattern)
24 T then 08 F: 118 (75% pattern)
24 F then 08 T: 99 (25% pattern)
A number of other patterns produced the same alternating pattern of scores 118/99 (75%/25%). I'd be more interested in someone exercising their intelligence and pattern recognition abilities to hypothosize exactly how this regular pattern emerges in the scoring. (But at least it seems the test rewards optimism with higher IQ scores than pessimism).
Couple other experiments . . .
08 T then 24 F: 103 (50% pattern)
08 F then 24 T: 114 (50% pattern)
These two patterns finally broke the trend I was discovering which makes it more difficult to determine why exactly those early efforts broke down in the same pattern so clearly. I was wondering if it was a feature of recycling through the browser so I reran the all true pattern wondering if I would get locked into this new 103/114 breakdown, but it scored the original 118 (75% pattern)
As much time as I've already wasted, I wasn't willing to do the test slowly to see how much completing the questions quickly boosted the scores. Do I score better for answering poorly quickly?
beelzebub jones
09:10 / 15.03.04
there are iq test out there, japanese and swedish to name a couple, that are not really cultually biased. a few have no writen instructions, no words or numbers at all. they are basically all patern recongnition, the little boxes with slashes and/or dots and multi choice of which comes next. these do not give you a number score but put you in a percentile of all tested. iq tests meassure your cup size, but can't tell you if it's empty or full let alone half empty or half full.

i scored 168 five years ago when i took i believe the same test, this time it was 130. it seems that aging, drugs and apathy have diminished the size of my cup, explaining possibly why i feel i overflow.
10:45 / 15.03.04

If the color red was created by combining purple and yellow, and the color blue was created by combining green and purple, then orange could be created by combining yellow and green.

I'm not sure I could get my head round this one with all the time in the world. It's a veritable rubix cube of a question. Does anyone know how to answer this one?

(I promise I won't go back and cheat - I put 'true', not because I had any idea, but on the premise that there would have to be some kind of logic involved in order to even construct the question in a convincing manner. Not that I would be able to tell the difference.)
11:52 / 15.03.04
121 And I cheated using a calculator. Do I not get points for initiative?
11:53 / 15.03.04
I think the colour would be blue.
8===>Q: alyn
12:25 / 15.03.04
13:30 / 15.03.04
On the color one: Its a valid IQ question only if it does not presuppose prior specific knowledge, such as advanced ideas in color theory. So, it must be purely logical in nature, drawing from "common knowledge". In this case, the common data is the set of basic colors, of which there are 6: 3 primary and 3 secondary. Though the primary/secondary bit isn't taken into account, just the number of colors, and that the relationship of primary/secondary exists at all. So, they gave you that relationship as the logical premis of the question, but scrambled the color data. You then had to identify the pattern (primary+primary=secondary) and use the process of elimiation to determine that Green+Yellow=Orange because Orange is the only color left, so must be their product. So, it does require recognizing a 6 color system, which may be considered biased, but only slightly.
Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
13:46 / 15.03.04

This is about what I have scored on all of the IQ tests I have taken. They always come in around 140.

I only made it halfway through before I decided to do something else. Does that automatically give me a bad IQ?

Nah, it means that you have ADD!
ibis the being
14:14 / 15.03.04
I scored 158, which is higher than I usually score on these internet IQ things. I think it's because on the questions I was too lazy/confused to work out, I chose "true" knowing from this thread that there are more "true" answers.
15:21 / 15.03.04
Fred since you and I got the same result, I have to think that we either have a lot in common or you have been cheating off of my paper

Hey! The instructions said you weren't supposed to use paper, you rat! I did do quite a lot of singing the alphabet and counting on my fingers though.

I like kittens, long walks on the beach at sunset, hot cocoa, and the color orange (but only when it's made by combining red and yellow). Do we have anything in common?
15:32 / 15.03.04
It seems to me that there being 6 colours, 3 of which are primary and 3 of which are secondary, is a fact similar in nature to the fact that red+yellow=orange. Both facts happen to be true in practice, but there is no logical reason why they should be. It seems rather strange to suspend disbelief in one but not the other.

Furthermore, having once accepted cusm's assumptions, the answer becomes blindingly obvious. Which means the key to answering the question is in making certain assumptions, rather than in any logical thought process. Maybe the question is designed to reward practical rather than abstract thinking.
16:48 / 15.03.04
I think to some degree, you are rewarded for your ability to secondguess what the test designers want you to answer, more so than the ability to answer correctly.
8===>Q: alyn
16:52 / 15.03.04
That's how I scored so high. I don't think I'm that intelligent, just really good as second-guessing.
16:56 / 15.03.04
Another "gifted" member of Barbelith with a score of 144 (pattern recognition score of 88%). And nice to see that my score is the bottom of the band for the "gifted" amongst us.

I take it that the other elements of the IQ test it lists (computation, logic, spatial skills, etc) gives a more detailed account of your IQ.

I'm guessing I couldn't march into Mensa with this test result and demand membership or anything. Actually, come to think about it, what is the membership level for those guys anyway?
8===>Q: alyn
16:58 / 15.03.04
You have to kill someone with your mind.

Okay, okay, I'll stop.
16:58 / 15.03.04

If I didn't go over each question again then it would be higher but I wouldn't so sure of the answers.
18:30 / 15.03.04

Of course, I should really deduct points for spending my time on that instead of my schoolwork.
das kindt
19:19 / 15.03.04
This test seems to scale very high. (163 before experiments) Usually it is quite difficult to break the 140 barrier and there is no way you should be able to score 118 just by answering quickly with all trues or some other random pattern. I also doubt the use of only T and F as options for the answers. Every question has at least a 50% chance of being right. And the small number of questions doesn't seem to produce a very accurate result. In a small number of cases, statistical abberations (like the predominance of true answers) have an ability to profoundly effect the curve of scores.
There is another IQ test online at Same marketing scam. Take a free test and then pay us to tell you how smart you are. But the questions seemed more varied, and didn't rely solely on T or F. It would be interesting to compare the results of the two tests.
19:39 / 15.03.04
I scored 161. The last time I took an IQ test, I scored 162.

My pattern recognition score was 100.
das kindt
19:59 / 15.03.04
Check out the test at

and compare results.

144 on the Tickle Test.
00:18 / 16.03.04
Your general IQ score is 160.
A person whose IQ score falls in the range of 144-160 is considered to be "gifted".

Yet one point below 'genius'. Damn.
Brigade du jour
00:35 / 16.03.04
IQ score: 166.
Absence-of-worthwhile-things-to-do-in-my-life score: 168.
00:37 / 16.03.04
Equally so, as I did both. Liked the first one better though. Got 131 in the Tickle one. More accurate, I presume. But dont let on.
03:11 / 16.03.04
Sigh. 155 with a pattern recognition of 100%...

s'poze I should check out the other test at this "tickle" thingie...
03:31 / 16.03.04
140, and:

Your Intellectual Type is Facts Curator. This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
07:26 / 16.03.04
138 on iq...
but im a sexoholic.....
13:33 / 16.03.04
167. They're taking the piss, surely?
14:37 / 16.03.04
I tried the test, but I think Ganesh has hacked the site because all I got Your Intellectual Type is Twelve Ounce Bottle of Man Mustard...

Pearly Man Mustard by Ganesh
16:30 / 16.03.04
Hm. I'm a 140 facts curator, and the tickle test is complete ballocks. Its a fine example of a bad IQ test with heavy cultural emphasis. I mean, come on. One of the questions required you to descramble ENGLAND and recognize it as a country. Its a test of how educatedly white you are, with some cognitive pattern matching elements.
ibis the being
17:02 / 16.03.04
131 facts curator on tickle. "This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills" - sounds like it just means "you were good at school."

Taking these internet IQ tests is not unlike doing crossword puzzles - once you've done a bunch you get a handle on what sort of answers they're looking for, what their diction means in the world of tests/puzzles, what tricks & red herrings they use, etc. Basically you're good at tests or puzzles which isn't much of an IQ measure. But it's fun, isn't it? I feel a little better that tickle thinks I'm smart even though my boss thinks I'm a jerkoff.

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