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The Late Shift: What the hell is going on here today?


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Eloi Tsabaoth
23:05 / 08.03.04
Must sleep now. Need to keep strength up. Sometimes the lost children come in the night. Sometimes the giant foetus from The Science Museum crosses the road and crawls... up the stairs. But I must sleep. Good night.
23:06 / 08.03.04
Night, Bizunth.
23:07 / 08.03.04
Night Biz
23:07 / 08.03.04
He's like... Um.... him? What do you weesh to know, meestar bedhead?
I was being spied on by 5 overprotective friends. Constantly.

And this fucking hostel- it has about 850 beds, and I cant have one? ONE? Fucking elitist bastards, they just dont like pie. Or maybe I should think more than a week in advance when it's central london. Humm.
Bed Head
23:14 / 08.03.04
Well, what’s the current beard situation, the state of the denim shirt, the precise oddness-to-cuteness ratio, and what, exactly, was the judgement of your friends? Because nothing in the universe cuts to the truth quicker than a gang of girls.
23:21 / 08.03.04
Yup, straight to the truth and frequently into it, and then we stand around and watch it bleed. And giggle. And snap our gum.
23:21 / 08.03.04
Actually, a group of gay boys plus one dubious female. Who say the same as always; "ohh well....(insert dubious partonising look here)" but did not launch any full-blown attack, which is always a good thing. Beardless, denimshirtless.
Bed Head
23:24 / 08.03.04
(comedy double-take) - bare-chested?!? In a hunktastic stylee?
23:28 / 08.03.04
We need to give denim shirtless a handle so we can refer to him without calling him denim shirtless.

And with that helpful helpful declaration, I'm off to finish dealing with the overly verbose Frenchman of the evening. Bon soir.
23:30 / 08.03.04
I've now got a truly bizarre mental image of a bare-chested colossus with a door-handle sticking out between his nipples.
Bed Head
23:30 / 08.03.04
So long Maz. Don’t overdo the moxie, y’hear?
23:31 / 08.03.04
Can you get moxie pie?
Night Maz.
Grey Area
23:33 / 08.03.04
The Stoat's visual is sure to haunt me in my dreams as I too must sadly quit this place. Good night all, avoid june bugs and make sure you clean your teeth. After all this pie you need to be careful to avoid cavities.
23:33 / 08.03.04
Night, Grey Area.
Bed Head
23:35 / 08.03.04
Your search - "moxie pie" - did not match any documents.

Pah. Google says no. All bow down before the all-wise, all-knowing google. Bastard.

Yeah, sweet dreams, Grey Area.
23:42 / 08.03.04
Where's Keggers tonight? He's missing all the pie.
23:49 / 08.03.04
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
I just booked a hostel, I searched the dates 16th-30th, it came up with lots of availableness, didn't check it properly, booked it, and now I realise I have 4 days missing. Hello pavement.
Bed Head
23:56 / 08.03.04
On the plus side, I hear that in London it's paved with gold.
23:59 / 08.03.04
No, that's just Special Brew cans and B&H packets.
00:00 / 09.03.04
Why don't you put a thread in the Gathering? I'm sure someone could put you up (got a bit of a full house at the moment myself, unfortunately).
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:09 / 09.03.04
what with his new wife an' all...

evenin all.

How you doing, Mr.Stoat?
00:15 / 09.03.04
B..but I'd feel so rude!
If desparation decends, then it will be a please help me thread, or a call to my sisters friend from school. Who I dont know much.

Evening Bip.
00:16 / 09.03.04
Doing pretty good... sitting at my desk pretending to work when really I'm pondering on pie.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:24 / 09.03.04
evening kyoung bop.

you been behaving yrself?
Bed Head
00:26 / 09.03.04
Oh bugger. You stroll in through the door just as I’m leaving, BiP. I’d like to stay now, because I so enjoyed yattering with you the other night, but I simply *must* sleep. If I don’t go right now I think I’ll fall asleep on my keyboard and post hdqgiuerfuiwruwghfilrkhjkhjkh, and wake up tomorrow with square dents pressed into my face. Again.

So, goodnight to you all. Don’t forget to save some pie for your breakfast tomorrow. And Bop, start that thread anyway, just to give yourself options. Why not? We’re all friends here.
00:30 / 09.03.04
Night, Bed Head. Sweet dreams of pie.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:36 / 09.03.04
ah well bedhead. another time.

< annoying auntie >

Bop, I could start it for you?

I can be cool auntie as well, I'm just enjoying Bengali Auntie too much. Actually I can do that and teach you how to bully yr menfolk, hows that?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:41 / 09.03.04
Ev'nin', all. Just been checking my referrer logs, and apparently someone was googling for "margot ledbetter" fiction. I am slightly disturbed.
00:42 / 09.03.04
Evening, MC.
Do you HAVE any Margot Ledbeatter ficton?
00:43 / 09.03.04
Hullo all.

I just drop by only to find that I've missed all the pie, and instead am just in time for the bullying of menfolk. Typical. Think I'm going to hover by the exit.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:44 / 09.03.04
evening MC. so then, come across with the Good Life slash.
00:44 / 09.03.04
There's still some pie, Smoothly. Have some. It's nice pie.
00:46 / 09.03.04
I began it myself, thanks auntie bip. With subtle I-HAVE-FOUR-HOMELESS-DAYS hinting. I may be able to find myself accom for them, if my internet connection wasnt quite so shite, and I didnt keep quite so not much money in my debit card. I'm not sure which factor is making the booking site more grumpy.

I think I need to go to bed before I get too stressed and cry. I need to get up early (before lunch) and go and find something interesting to do in town. I've been there 17 years and cant think of one interesting visitorish thing to do. It's pathetic.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
00:47 / 09.03.04
No. I have no fanfic of any kind, and the concept of Margot Ledbetter fanfic had hitherto never crossed my mind. Mark you, I get lots of hits for "pictures of dead dogs" and I don't have any of those either.
00:48 / 09.03.04
You know, I am Good Life Slash. Penelope Keith lives down the road from me. My friend knocked on her door when we were pissed. She was making macaroni for her husband, who seemed very eager to get her back in the house.

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