Dear 40%, I honestly don't have much of an opinion on you (or anyone here) yet because I'm still fairly new. Now though I know you are 1) male and 2) a musician, and I think it's really neat that you advertised to make a song. Oh yeah and now I do think you're obsessive 
Re: pervy: Haus is right, it might not be the right word. "Hideously over-invested" is perfect, though, and it's this over-investment that gives it this weird sexual/romantic vibe. If I were Nicola, I'd think, "Why does he care so much about this?" She barely knows you, you barely know her. Yet you're having such a huge reaction to this, it's inappropriate, and that feels creepy. But then, I'm pretty sensitive to over-bearing males who want to lecture me about the proper way to conduct relationships, business or otherwise. Because who the fuck are you, really? I'm just saying.
I cannot emphasize enough the stupidity of her reply, which comes across as a hysterical wrist-slap.
I don't know how much this has helped, considering that you have filed this under "she freaked out because I'm intense" and you like that intensity about yourself, so. |