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New Lateshift. Now in Colour!


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Bed Head
22:17 / 18.02.04
I’ll do it then...

Um, not that I’m grouching. Come in. Grab a doily, have some cake, or something like that.
22:25 / 18.02.04
Give me my coffee!
Bed Head
22:33 / 18.02.04
Would you like a little something in your coffee, sir? What with you now being all grown-up and all?

I’ll say it again dude, happy b-day. You should do something extraordinary today. Something you’ve never done before. And I'm quite sure if I phrase it like that, other helpful lateshifters will pop up to suggest exactly *what* this should be.
Bomb The Past
22:40 / 18.02.04
Yeah, hand it over Bed Head or else. Assuming you wouldn't the rest of the 'shift to know you're dirty little secret... Whoda thought you could get so many dwarves into one room.
22:40 / 18.02.04
Something like staying in bed?

I've got my heart set on it!
Bomb The Past
22:42 / 18.02.04
That is shockingly bad grammar on my part. I do apologise.
22:58 / 18.02.04
I'll have mine dark and with a little cream. Thanks.
23:03 / 18.02.04
Contrary to my coffee demands, I actually don't like it all.

The only time I ever drank it was when I worked in a deli/sandwich bar and made myself lovely chocolate latte's. Bigger on chocolate than coffee.

Then I got fired! Wheee!
23:04 / 18.02.04
Evening shifters. Room for a part-timer?

Is it your birthday, Suedehead? Many happy returns, and all that filth.

Why the subtle name change, dead flower?
23:05 / 18.02.04
Dude! I was all about to start this, and now my Late Shift-starting duck continues. Ah well.

No coffee for me - just still, clear water, for I am detoxing after a birthday party.
Bed Head
23:06 / 18.02.04
Fuck. The announcer on Radio 4 just signed off, and as he was saying goodnight he let slip his name was Zebedee Soames. What kind of a name is that? Lucky sod.

Coffee’s right there, by the way. Service isn’t included in the offer.
Bomb The Past
23:16 / 18.02.04
I thought the capitals might be responsible for my amazing thread killing powers. Lowercase is a bit more stealthy. Or something. Have you lifted 'smoothly weaving' from somewhere interesting, or is that the name on your passport?
23:16 / 18.02.04
Well, I just half watched the NME awards while fooling about on here.

I am glad I could only get half annoyed, because then I never felt the need to rise to actual anger. Hurrah for multi tasking!
Bed Head
23:28 / 18.02.04
Didn’t anybody watch the football? It all sounded rather good on the radio, I like it when the commentators sound like they’re enjoying themselves.

Of course, it’s not looking any good if you happen to be Scottish tonight. And Graham Taylor never sounds like he’s having a good time, but he doesn’t count. Everything else sounded good. I particularly like the phrase “Oh! exquisite movement by Joe Cole”, I can’t hear it said enough, which is just as well really.

deadflower, I was also thinking about making the switch to lowercase. But I can’t be bothered, not if it means I can’t then make another, bigger change for the next 28 days.
23:37 / 18.02.04
The story behind Smoothly Weaving is a short but unintersting one, dead flower. But it might as well be the name on my passport, since my real name is already misspelt on that.

You a birthday boy too Haus? Have I not been paying proper attention? Too modest for your own thread, are you?

Well done on sitting through half of the NME awards, suedehead. I caught 30 seconds of Har Mar Superstar and buckled.
23:38 / 18.02.04
Oh, a birthday party. Definitely not paying attention then.
23:39 / 18.02.04
Ah, I was safe Smoothly, I wasn't looking at that moment.

In fact, I barely noticed them. The scissor sisters sounded a little off and the libertines were there long enough to annoy me.
Bomb The Past
23:44 / 18.02.04
BH, I'm not exactly a sports fan so I didn't catch any of the football. I always make sure to listen to the cricket commentary on radio 4 though. It's absolutely fantastic. There's this one guy, Henry Blofeld (Blofield?) who spends the entire time talking about the double decker buses he can see on the road or what the pigeons on top of the stands are up to. He occasionally mentions the game too. For some unfathomable reason it's a fantasticly compelling listen, even if you hate cricket (like me).
Ethan Hawke
23:49 / 18.02.04
I secretly like the Libertines. Not so much as to be able to tell one song from the other but enough to accord them space on my iPod, at least until I can sort out which ones I like. Of course, they're snuggling bytes with all sorts of other things of dubious taste.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:54 / 18.02.04
Hi, Late Ones.

I've got this thread to thank for my presence here tonight. It sorta planted a subconscious "I drink alone and enjoy it, so what's my big sociopathic problem, then?" seed in my mind, which has been throwing up shoots all day. Until, that is, I was walking through Sainsbury's and noticed they had £5 off Balvenie single malt Scotch, which just happens to be one of my favourites, necessitating a purchase. Just after this I stumbled across a case of Guinness Draught for £10.99 (free t-shirt on application), which was mandatory.

This was shortly followed by bumping into a semi-friend, who started telling me about some "rocket-fuel charlie" that he had, necessitating yet another impulse buy.

Thus you find me here at 01:48, drinking Guinness Draughts with Balvenie chasers, whilst having the occasional toot on a line and, despite having given up 6 weeks ago, smoking a ciggy every hour or so.

So, what shall we talk about then?
00:04 / 19.02.04
For shame Todd, for shame!

I do really like the single "Don't look back in to the sun", and I appreciate the fact they release stand alone singles, muchly. I love bands that do.

However on the awards show, they recited some world war 1 poem when they won award, until the kissed. When they played they sounded pretty bad. And the whole time they were doing their "we're buggy eyed indie, a little drunk we take drugs and away and we think we're a bit weeeeeeeird" schtick, and it bugs me.
00:06 / 19.02.04
Also: I'm cooking samosas!
00:08 / 19.02.04
Lateness gets to me! In my first post, away should be sway. The swaying it important for a full libertanian mental image. Imagine a lot of swaying, dammit!
Bed Head
00:09 / 19.02.04
Wow. So debauched, and yet your spelling is immaculate, Mister Dubplate. I can’t fail to be impressed.

I don’t like the Libertines at all. Whatever they sound like, I just don’t like their faces. The bad behaviour is fine, only one’s got a squishy fat face and the other looks like the horse from Ren and Stimpy. Can’t get around that.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:18 / 19.02.04
Evenin' all.

NME awards were on in background, my potted version:

Melissa Auf de Mar!

(Not as hott as Kat Bjelland, mind)

Vernon Kay - so punchable. (after 10mins)

Scissor Sisters - very ho hum, disappointingly, as i've not seen them live, tho' Jake wearing a fetching stripey tailcoat...

Crowd looking utterly bemused by Dizzee Rascal. Probabaly wondering who let him in...

Bands I've never heard of...

Brody Dalle, who i've never actually seen before, looks rather like someone i know.

Libertines: blah. would probably have loved them 10 years ago.

Vernon Kay: Kiiiiilllllll.

Various people smoking and being drunken....
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:25 / 19.02.04
Wow. So debauched, and yet your spelling is immaculate, Mister Dubplate. I can’t fail to be impressed.

Thanks, BH, but check out the disparity between the time I mention in my post & the time the 'lith records my post. It took a full 6 minutes of proof-reading and subsequent adjustment before I dared click 'Submit'.

Must admit I'm finding typing ever more erratic.

Are the Libertines the same Libertines that used to support The Wonder Stuff in the late '80s?
Bomb The Past
00:28 / 19.02.04
Yes. Yes they are.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
00:49 / 19.02.04
Yes. Yes they are.

If that's the case, dead flower, then they are one of my Unresolved Issues in life.

I saw The Libertines support The Wonder Stuff in Manchester one night (International 2, I think) and was totally unimpressed at the time. A few months later, TWS played at The Ritz, so I went to that, too. Quite a while before the gig was due to begin a man shuffled on stage and started tweaking the mic stands and performing other, pre-performance adjustments.

I was a few yards behind the moshing area, and recognized this man to be a member of the band that so eminently failed to impress me at the previous gig, whereupon I shouted as enthusiastically and as loud as I could, "Libertines!!". His reaction to being 'recognized' was an expression that was a mixture of surprise and joy as he looked my way, grinning, and gave a matey wave over the crowd, which I then parried with an even louder, more enthusiastic, "You're SHIT!!".

It was like watching a hot-air balloon crashing, his expression rapidly changing from joy to abject embarrasment as he skulked off-stage, accompanied by the derisive laughter of a decent portion of the crowd.

This must have been circa 1988 and to this day it has endured as one of the most shameful moments of my life.

Even though it felt ace at the time.
Goodness Gracious Meme
00:54 / 19.02.04

If their limpant performance tonight was typical, you were right.
Bomb The Past
01:15 / 19.02.04
They're not really, but they are just as shit as the original Libertines sound. But I enjoyed the anecdote nonetheless.
01:26 / 19.02.04
Evening. I've been here for 3 hours, but I've been writing a PM. Either my typing/thinking needs to get faster, or I need to write shorter ones.

We are most busy tonight, must be the promise of coffee. I'd rather have some tea. Oh, and Im scottish and couldnt give a fuck we lost; I'm lower case yet still kill threads.

Let the tumbleweed roll.
Goodness Gracious Meme
01:34 / 19.02.04
'lo me dear.

England-Portugal was okaaay, from what i saw. no major excitments, no major tragedies. commiserations on the loss.
02:27 / 19.02.04
Yay! Someone else killed a thread!
Oh. Except now you've made me post, and I'll kill it. Tho when Im gone, you'll all start talking again. I know it.

Anyway, better be off. Tomorrow Im gonna swim a kilometer and then go for 3 hours of gym and see if im alive. Found out I've just missed the closing date for the Inverness half marathon that I am at last old enough to enter. What a shame; fun run it is instead then. Which is fun. Cause we always tumble at the end of it and get our photos in the paper when we're upside down. Fuck the running 3 miles part, I only like the last 100m.
Night all. x
01:26 / 20.02.04
Copa, copa ka-late shift. Where is everyone? It's Thursday.
Perfect Tommy
04:24 / 20.02.04
I'm sort of here. I'm mostly being annoyed that despite having had very little sleep over the past week, I'm unable to go to sleep.

I've posted a math problem, then I'll eat my toast, then I'll try again.

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