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New Lateshift. Now in Colour!


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02:29 / 25.02.04
Oui, oui, je suis allez au bed monseir Keggeriez. C'est une bed tres speciale, parce qui c'est la bed au madamoselle Jinjhur B'Awp. Je ne dinne ken pas, warum ich habe ein grad 1 auf Franzosich bekommen, wenn ich kann nicht denken was der Wort fur "Bett" ist, und kann nicht schreiben ein Post in alle in Franzosich. Ich habe immer gedacht, dass ich total bollocks bin. Ich denke ich was recht.

Guten nacht, Lateshiftkameradin. x
02:32 / 25.02.04
I was doin' okay until the german started.

since you're both already gone: Welcome Back Anna and the Bopster!
Saint Keggers
02:34 / 25.02.04
Damn foreigners!

Excuse moi, mais je voudrais te dire que ta francais est tres bonne malgre quelques fautes grammaire. Felicitations!
Saint Keggers
02:36 / 25.02.04
Oh yeah! Bonne Nuit Mademoiselle Bop!

(I still have no clue how to make accents on this damn coputer!)
02:40 / 25.02.04
got character map?
02:41 / 25.02.04
... cuz I don't. gah!
Saint Keggers
02:43 / 25.02.04
Nope. Oh well. I guess people who can read french will understand what I mean.
02:48 / 25.02.04
Alors... J'ai besoin de m'endormir aussi. A demain, copain
Saint Keggers
03:25 / 25.02.04
Me too dere and so i say to you good nite and salut la visite!
Cat Chant
07:55 / 25.02.04
What day does Lent finish on?

Easter Day!! Lent finishes on Easter Day, you pagans!!! (Hint. When do Christians get to eat chocolate? Easter Day!!!!)

Hmm. The fact that Cadbury's Creme Eggs are basically only on sale during Lent points to some sort of strange Quaker conspiracy. Or heresy.
08:47 / 25.02.04
I know it's not late (it's late for me to be starting work).

cause it's Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, and that nobody gives a fuck about the wednesday

Not at all! I hereby open the annual Barbelith Evening of Ash-Eating. Because we're a bunch of ash-munchers. I seen you baby, baking that ash...

Um. I actually quite like "balls" myself (am I weird?)

I rather feel that some characters have "balls", some don't. In my plucky twosome, Vila definitely has balls. Does Avon have balls? I'm not sure why I'm fretting so, as anything which exposes Vila's balls to the chill air has a probable readership of three.
Cat Chant
09:17 / 25.02.04
Ex, not so! Behold the complete list of A/V stories in print. It's a hugely popular pairing (MFae, the Superstar of Slash in the eighties, wrote a ton of it), and rightly so - Robert Holmes at least thinks it's canonical.

I know what you mean about some characters not having balls. (Hermione doesn't have a cunt, which is very annoying given how much I hate all other words for that general area.) Personally, I think Avon does, but Avons (or should I say "Ava"?) vary wildly from person to person.
09:47 / 25.02.04
Deva about the train thing, I saw someone on the train I thought I recognised and figured that it might have been someone from Barbelith and thought it might be you, I wasn't thinking too straight!

I also saw some actor guy but I can't remember what he was in, possibly a ganster flick was there a gay character in The Krays? Or he might have been a vampire in something, or maybe a gay vampire gangster....Kinda looked like Klaud from The Big Lebowski was bugging the hell out of me....

It's nowhere near late!
11:14 / 25.02.04
Ex, not so! Behold...

Ta for that. I know it's a fairly popular pairing in the fandom - someone I read said it was the second most popular - but it still feels slightly obscure. Second fiddle in a 20-year-old fandom. That should be a relief; not feeling relieved, though.

Weirdly, I tried googling for Sex in the City slash last week, and lo, there was none... I didn't want to read it, just to know if it existed.

Hermione probably has a mimsy.
18:26 / 25.02.04
Easter Day!! Lent finishes on Easter Day, you pagans!!!

uhmmm... didn't we invent it and you lot appropriated it - complete with the egg symbol and the same name?

Eostre, Ostara? Eostre, Ostara? Let's call the whole thing ouef.
19:04 / 25.02.04
That is unspeakably bad.
Saint Keggers
19:15 / 25.02.04
You me before we're all shellshocked?
19:19 / 25.02.04
Oh God.

Here they come...
Saint Keggers
19:26 / 25.02.04
Oh its not like you weren't eggspecting it. Omletting you off over easy with these.
19:28 / 25.02.04
Mixmage, do you see what you've done?

Do you? Do you?
19:30 / 25.02.04
Everyone, watch Keggers scrambling to find the most appalling egg pun.
Saint Keggers
19:34 / 25.02.04
Saint Keggers
19:41 / 25.02.04
Only yolking! Ofcourse I have more puns. If you like them, its a sure sign you've benedicted!
20:01 / 25.02.04
Aren't they monks? Oh no, that's Benedictine. Um...founded by Saint Benedict.

Er...So what possessed Saint Benedict to get involved with egg recipes then? Not much of a calling from God, was it?

GOD - "Benedict, I command you to make me a REALLY NICE egg recipe."
Saint Keggers
20:04 / 25.02.04
"Darn it god! Why do all the other monks get to make alchohol???"
21:10 / 25.02.04
I can post now it's late and just to add to that drunken effect I'm listening to MFR radio!
Saint Keggers
21:24 / 25.02.04
Oh it doesn't have to be late anymore. We all figured its late somewhere so why be picky about time.

MFR radio?
21:28 / 25.02.04
Mother Fucking Radio er..Radio
21:30 / 25.02.04
Were you not part of the big drunk night when everyone was listening to my local radio (local as in back in Scotland) when we were all getting our names read out.... that was a good night... Scottish Highland radio.. more a gingerbop kinda thing really I'm from Elgin which is much more civilised....

NESC 4 Life and all that.....
Bed Head
21:43 / 25.02.04
Mixmag, my first instincts were to attempt to barbequote your little ditty, but for some reason my computer refuses to cut-and-paste it. I think all this time I’ve been letting it correct my spelling, the power has gone to it’s head, and the spellchecker has evolved into a tastechecker without my noticing. Obviously, on reflection it’s a Very Good Thing in this case, but the implications are a little worrying.

Oh, and eggs benedict was invented by Dirk Benedict, according to the files in my head. The correct preparation of which involves stirring the egg mixture with a fat cigar.

Hello, all you crazy, mixed-up kids.
21:51 / 25.02.04
Cheers, Bed Head, you've just sparked off an entire A Team/Battlestar Galactica argment at work, which should make my night go quicker!
21:54 / 25.02.04
Bed-Head, how do you know that? I am scared for you.

I do not understand the Battlestar Gallactica reference.
Bed Head
21:57 / 25.02.04
Oh, glad to have helped! But don’t keep the argument to yourself and your work-chums, Stoatie. Share the argument, and let Barbelith participate by proxy. You, you can be the mouthpiece of the mighty Barbelith group-mind in this debate in the so-called ‘real’ world. Resistance is futile. Bzztzx.
22:01 / 25.02.04
Oh I feel stupid. Do you mean this Dirk Benedict?

Who he?
22:02 / 25.02.04
Which d'you reckon was the bigger hit with, y'know, the laydeez?
Face or Starbuck?

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