Ganesh - my analogy was intended to highlight the fact that he is suffering from something that is 1) of his own making and 2) considered socially unacceptable.
You should've thought it through a little more clearly, then, because it's a particularly flawed analogy where cannabis-induced paranoia is concerned.
Your response, especially the caveat "which is possible via a number of routes" indicates that some routes are avoidable (and they are) while others are a quirk of coincidence.
It "indicates" nothing of the sort; it states that HIV can be contracted via a number of routes - in contrast to cannabis-induced paranoia, which is unequivocally the result of ingesting cannabis. I also point out, for those who've not grasped such, that HIV/AIDS is essentially irreversible, while cannabis-induced paranoia is not. This is a kinda useful distinction when it comes to assessing the value of advising against this or that behaviour.
However this easily leads into the Good AIDS / Bad AIDS fallacy - the idea that people whom contract it through sexual activity or dirty needles are deserving of less compassion (as it is through their own actions that it is contracted) than those who recieve it through a blood transplant or organ donation, etc. I assume you don't feel that way about AIDS victims, but you see my point.
You've not only constructed a straw man here, you've forced him into my mouth. Way to assume.
And, if nothing else, preaching or advising in a "one-up" tone (as if you have the moral high ground) will simply cause someone to tune you out unless they are socialized to believe you ARE in a "one-up" position.
You might want to take a little of your own advice then, Preacher Boy. Whether or not r 'tunes me out' isn't particularly gonna cause me to lose sleep; I'm not his friend, lover or doctor. I'm just a poster on a message-board, responding to his post.
However, this is a forum, and neither "r" nor I know you from Adam, so that tone will be of little use. In addition, offering advice (even though I understand that you were simply trying to help) that someone has specifically indicated for you -not- to do -IS- pointless, because they are NOT going to listen to you in that situation. At least I wouldn't, and nor, I believe, would most other people in a similar situation.
And, as many have pointed out so far in this thread, going out of one's way to specifically exclude that which is likely to be of the most value in cannabis-induced paranoia (reducing one's cannabis intake) is equally pointless. Colluding with such a self-deluding view would, however, be pointlessness squared.
And, honestly, I agree with you that he should definately try to cut back on the cannabis, if not quit altogether. I only disagree with the way you put forth that opinion.
Yes, perhaps it could've been phrased more gently: something along the lines of 'don't bother cutting down; it's not important' would've done the trick.
Psychosis brought on by overuse of pot is a tough thing to go through, for the sufferer AND their friends and family, and if your advice had moved him to quit, I'd have been behind you all the way.
Well, there's a relief. I'm not sure I'm able to save r without you on board... |