i'm sure you will take me the wrong way, hence my staying clear of this topic so far, but i have to weigh in a little here...
weed is too much a part of my life
i know what you meant, but that 'too' is telling you something.
i also smoked a power of weed for a long time(relating, yah?), and the only reason i was able to snap the feck out of it was because i was abroad and was not willing to risk deportation.(that, and i was with a nine year old relative much of the time.) i still smoked, but i cut the hell back.
the truth of the matter is, the skunk these days is of a fucking INSANE strength, and people are tweaking strains all the time to get it stronger and more fucked up. as was said before, such powerful psychadelics are not a good daily bread(unless you really want sectioned).
try smoking without any tobacco for a while, and see if you get the depression and the crankiness.(hell, you might already do this.. most folks dont smoke it pure over here though)
a lot of the time for people who smoke dope, this is the only time they smoke tobacco, and are unused to the pangs of nicotine withdrawal. i can imagine that connection being missed and the weed withdrawal being blamed for the headaches and irritability.
seriously, though...
people are not trying to make you feel bad, they are just pointing out what appears to be obvious yet missed; the drug is causing the problems, and its removal ends them. if you see that as an attack, or as a moral high horse being mounted, maybe you should wonder a little about why.
you wanted us to say "oh simple just do this..."
oh, its simple. cut the cause of your panic attakcs out of your life, and they will stop. if you are unwilling to quit, examine thoroughly for yourself why not, and be hard on your excuses. there are a million reasons to continue with a chronic drug dependency(sorry, that sounds harsh i know), and they are almost all bullshit.
"looks like i picked the wrong week to stop smoking/drinking/sniffing glue/taking amphetamines..."
over to you, bro. |