well you don't really need to know the etymology of the word to know it's an appropriate name for a champ-type, you just need to know a tiny bit about european history.
Yes. Because the former doesn't inform the latter at all. I feel diachronic, give me gin and tonic...
I quite liked last night's episode, primarily because it does tie in so well with the ongoing Spike/Angel dynamics. It may be a throwaway comedy ep on the face of it, but as Harm (love that abbreviation) says - she doesn't have a soul. It's a lot harder for her. And she's placed herself in the same position as Spike and Angel were placed in following the reinstallation of their souls. Without the necessity to go get one.
Now, you can argue that she's just doing it for career advancement - but that's missing some of the fundamentals of Harm's position relating to Angel. For a vampire with no respect and no social life seeing Angel get all the respect in the world from good and evil sides in the cold war, because of who he is, both when he was evil, and afterwards - it's not hard to see him (in that light) as a role model, and soulless vampires in the Whedonverse are supposed to be damned impressionable (Harm being more than most, too - remember her in high school?)
Now overlay that onto Spike. He's got a similar problem to deal with, but his incorporates the hundred-plus year envy/veangeance/oedipal thing he's had going... I mean, why do you think he went and got his soul back? Because when Angel had one, Buffy loved him. Spike's always been Angel/Angelus' pale shadow - never as evil as Angelus, never as loved as Angel, famous for being a bloodthirsty scrapper rather than a machiavellian, twisted mass-murderer.
Apologies for rushed posting - it's lunchtime, I gotta get back to work. And I liked Spike's reason for staying in LA, personally... both becasue of what he said (he's scared of seeing Buffy. They had their big finale dramatic emotional moment - the bathos of just turning up again would be unbearable. It'd be like breaking up with your partner in a final, nasty, confrontational way, moving out - and then sneaking back into bed later on that night, and hoping ze doesn't notice next morning) and what he didn't say (prophecy say Spike become human. Human Spike maybe good for Buffy? Even better than soully Spike? Hmmm...). |