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What do men find attractive?


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23:13 / 05.01.04
Big knockers.

Only kidding. I prefer a nice tight ass.
23:18 / 05.01.04
everyone knows it's all about the waist-to-hip ratio. there are different standards of beauty all over the world, but that never fails. it indicates fertility, as does youth. you don't love us, you just love our fecundity. i think it was matthew flux who said in the other thread about women that all we want is babies. well all men want is to fertilize us! subconsciously, i mean.
gotham island fae
23:20 / 05.01.04
I would then assume this addition to be toilet humor, Turd?

[SMACK to now be induced to me by Barbelith elders for feeding this one.]
23:24 / 05.01.04
My girl
Mr Tricks
23:28 / 05.01.04
nice toes...
Ethan Hawke
23:33 / 05.01.04
Fecundity? HECK no! I go for the sterile looking ones. There's no way I'm giving up my dream of becoming an Astronaut because I knocked up some chick.
23:40 / 05.01.04
Slightly unusual looking girls. Wild hair, elfin ears, hand-sized boobs

There are two types of good looking:

what society wants us to think

and what we actually think.
The Apple-Picker
00:07 / 06.01.04
Baz Auckland
00:16 / 06.01.04

My girl...
00:49 / 06.01.04
someone should either delete that picture, or label this thread not work safe. todd you made me laugh.
Ethan Hawke
01:21 / 06.01.04
Can we just delete this thread?
09:54 / 06.01.04
Everyone look at the monkey, its got a santa costume on. Arrrrrrrrrrrrr.
09:59 / 06.01.04
And what apears to be a shiney metal bell-end. Metal cocked santa monkey, do you have a hard time finding the right girl?
Tryphena Absent
14:00 / 06.01.04
Monkeys have weird noses.
14:05 / 06.01.04
But the waist-hip ratio doesnt make any sense- where do tits come into the equation?
Unless they're reeeallly saggy..
14:28 / 06.01.04
tits don't affect yr fertility. all types of girls, from AA to DD cups, are fertile. therefore it's not as important. that's where personal taste comes in. desmond morris theorizes that we evolved larger breasts cos they mimic the buttocks, for we used to (evolutionary history-wise) fuck doggy style, and face-to-face copulation, w/all that eye contact, increased pair bonding, which ultimately helped the species, but who the fuck knows.
14:43 / 06.01.04
at the risk of rise the tone of this thread allow me to put my thoughts down.

For me the highest level of attractiveness in a woman is her face. Forget the body and the individual parts that others concerntrate on, they come and go with age and other factors. During my younger years I lived by the maxim: "A body to turn my head. A face to keep my head turned!"

I'm not denying a woman with a fabulous body will arouse me, but it's the face I will concerntrate on. And it's the face that will allow me to make a decision as to pursue this woman or merely point her out to my friends in the bar (or where-ever we happen to be).

Now I've refined this idea somewhat. I guess you can say I'm all about the personality. Which I've summed up into the three "I's". These are:-

  • Intelligence

  • Independance

  • Imagination

All of which I gather from the woman's face or, if I get round to talking to her, our conversation.

Okay so I'm single at the moment, and actually refer to myself as "terminally single", but that doesn't mean I don't (or can't) appreciate my definition of beauty as I witness it.
15:01 / 06.01.04
Baz, you better not bring your woman anywhere near me. She reminds me a lot of an ex... we were so good together. we'd turned into one of those couples that started to resemble one another. Whole thing ended really badly; although I do still have the ashtray she gave me, so she's never far from my mind.
Regrettable Juvenilia
15:01 / 06.01.04
Tryphena Absent
15:21 / 06.01.04
Evolutionary psychology never accounts for the fetishising of body parts.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:40 / 06.01.04
Matthew Fluxington
15:50 / 06.01.04
Tryphena Absent
15:52 / 06.01.04
Oresa delta 20
16:00 / 06.01.04
Fetishing of individual body parts is a purely sexual interest though. I'm slightly confused by this thread. Are we talking about the attributes that originally attract you to a person (i.e physical appearance, such as breasts, arse (sorry, don't know the technical term), and general looks) or are we talking about the attributes that keep you interested, such as the mental and emotional aspects of a partner?? If it's the first, then she has to be brunette, shorter than myself, with breasts that are not too big, but not too small. Perhaps a 32B?? Also, i prefer girls who are outgoing, even though i'm almost totally introverted, myself.

After a while, this all loses it's appeal, and i can only maintain a relationship with a girl who's as deeply involved as i am. I want someone who isn't afraid to dream. Someone who can see where she's going to be in ten years time, but at the same time, is open to suggestion, and can adapt to any sort of life. Shit. I'm never going to find anyone. I'm destined to be lonely for my entire life. In the meantime, i'm gonnae go find me some tall (but not too tall) brunette with a nice arse, and 32B breasts. Wish me luck boys!!
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:06 / 06.01.04
I'm slightly confused by this thread.

Well see, there's this concept called trolling...
16:08 / 06.01.04
Fetishing of individual body parts is a purely sexual interest though

Maybe so Jupiter but it's amazing how many people end up in relationships based on this one fetishing.

And I'm not going to wish you good luck. Manner because that description sounds rather good. If she's got a cute face I'll fight you for her
Regrettable Juvenilia
16:13 / 06.01.04
16:20 / 06.01.04
Seriously though, and I realise this is dragging the thread back to its actual topic, which may offend some of you immature piss-takers who aren't interested in proper discussion, I could never go out with a girl who couldn't catch her own herring. I mean, I might catch some herring to impress her initially, but, you know, long-term, I don't think I could cope with someone who couldn't fend for herself and any chicks we might have. I just don't think I could *respect* her.

I suppose that accounts for a few of my physical preferences - sharp bill, smooth coat, that sort of thing. I think it cheapens them to call them "fetishes". They're perfectly natural and I think most men would admit to secretly having the same sort of desires.
gotham island fae
16:27 / 06.01.04
I admit I secretly have man-desires.
Tryphena Absent
16:50 / 06.01.04
The difference between initial and continuing attraction.
17:52 / 06.01.04
I know this one. It's the difference between being magnetic and being magnetised, isn't it, Tryph?
18:56 / 06.01.04
All of which I gather from the woman's face or, if I get round to talking to her, our conversation.

How can you tell if someone's intelligent, independent and imaginative from her face? I'm not knocking it; I often think "Well, there's a sensitive and poetic soul with fascinating sexual predelictions" just from the ponytail. But I'm almost always wrong. Are you usually right?
19:24 / 06.01.04
Quick moderator hat: This thread is trolling. There are two basic responses to trolling generally sanctioned by Barbelith. One is to ignore and efface, the other is to mock and subvert. There is, of course, a third way.

What a lovely bird.

Still reeling over here from the knowledge that somebody out there not only has a preferred breast size, but a preferred cup size. Anyone read The Collector?
Tryphena Absent
19:29 / 06.01.04
I know this one. It's the difference between being magnetic and being magnetised, isn't it, Tryph?

No, it's the difference between your first yummy bite of a Boost and wondering if you've overdone it a bit halfway through the chocolate bar.
Oresa delta 20
19:34 / 06.01.04
Sorry if you think i'm an immature piss-taker fridge, but please understand i don't mean to be. I know what you mean about the whole 'fetishes' thing tho. They're only called fetishes because of the devout christian bourgoisie who disapprove of anything other than copulation in order to produce more devout christian bourgoisie offspring. It's only natural to be interested in other sexual entertainment. Frankly, i find it rather strange if i meet someone who doesn't have some sort of 'bizarre' interest. A lot of people are afraid to say what they really think, and this is saddening. We have managed to build a society that, even after the massive sexual revolution in the 60s and 70s, still thinks less of people who are honest about their sexual orientation.
Sexuality is the most fundamental aspect of human nature, and only after we can accept the various perversions (and believe me, i use the word in it's true form, not the despicable meaning it's taken on) and 'nuances' ( many thanks to George Dubya for inventing that word for us) will we be able to start accepting ourselves, and moving on from all this petty in-fighting, and judgemental mind-set. Sorry if i've bored any of you, but that's just my sexuality. A literary climax is my oragasm, and i hope you came too. Shit. I'm way too drunk to be writing. Sorry folks, but i only really communicate when i'm uninhibited.

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