Well, Bush has his trophy 'kill' now. I was pretty disgusted at the Vietnam-reminiscent photos of Saddam's sons being plastered all over the news, and it remains to be seen what will happen here.
NPR has been saying that, according to US officials, any 'trial' is a "long ways off"... probably about 9 months or so, if I don't miss my guess. With all the blabber about this being an Iraqi affair, I'm sure Dubya will want to have his claws in it somehow. I imagine the immediate push to have him tried in Iraq, as opposed to, say, the Hague, probably does have something to do with the Hague not being able to hand out the death penalty, and they don't want the possibility of his going to an international court to even come up.
As for this cementing Bush's chances next year, I doubt it. This, combined with the economy, will probably give his popularity ratings a temporary pop, but unless Iraq looks like heaven on earth come November 2004, I could see this being more of a detriment to his chances than an advantage. Iraqi citizen: "Yes, Mr. Bush, it's nice to have Hussein gone and all, but I haven't showered in a year..."
For some reason, I immediately pictured Bush, right after he heard the news, hopping around the oval office like a jacked-up monkey, shooting streams of jism all over the american flag... of course, I picture him like that on a regular day, too. |