Speaking of Zizek and whether anyone's put Lacan and Delueze together, check out Zizek's new book on Deleuze. I can't remember what it's called but there's a bit on fist-fucking.
Anyhow, re fashionable theory, I reckon it's all about pitching very specifically to programs, departments, etc. Ie, when I was a Cultural Studies student, during the queer theory Foucault heyday, I was under the impression that Foucault's relevance would be apparent to almost everyone who actually read him properly. Now I'm aware that a) the hatred for Foucault is older than the hills, has to do with functionalism, sociology and various people hating Althusser before Foucault (an Althusser revival, that's what I want!) and b) a lot of the time, people are responding to bad Anglo-American readings of Foucault rather than Foucault himself. The department I'm in is full of old lefties: oddly, it's much more politically 'progressive' than my old, elite university; but they're still stuck in identity politics and the need for stable categories. So, there is no fashionable theory that can be said to be universal, it's all about specificity.
On the other hand, there is a definite revival of stuff reifying 'ontology'. Which needs to be stopped. But how to theorise difference regimes of being in the body that acknowledge how deeply felt things are without talking about ontolgy? Ack. |