Ah, ah! Finally someone is with me on this! I'm almost 100% sure Xorn (or some kind of Xorn force) is real and he's going to play a major role in the groundbreaking conclusion (if he's not, I'll be first to say "I was wrong", but beware if I'm right) 
Is anyone here familiar with Tipler's OMEGA POINT THEORY? It deals with the c-boundaries of the spacetime/universe and the processing and storing of infinite information (the reaching of the Aleph state or, should I say, the "WHITE HOT ROOM", the "Crown Shakra" or the "Crown Kether"); or, in another definition, a possible future state when intelligence controls the Universe totally, and the amount of information processed and stored goes towards infinity.
And what about the OMEGONS (maybe Phoenix was refering to them when she said in issue 150 "I don't know how long THEY will let me stay"), an intelligence turning itself into a neutron STAR (ring a bell?), black hole or even a BABY UNIVERSE in order to increase its computing speed or to evolve towards a Omega Point; a hypofemtotech, planketch, or subplanktech civilization (godtech civilizations) which creates a LOCAL COLAPSE OF SPACETIME in order to create a c-boundary and reach an Aleph state.
These OMEGONS 'live' in the "Outside rooms bigger than the whole world" postulated by QUENTIN QUIRE; they created the colapse in space time we saw in issue 150 and restored everything in the Baby Universe of "Here Comes Tomorrow", in order to save our 'BROKEN' universe.
QUENTIN QUIRE did 'understand things'. He reached the aleph state. He became probably one of the Omegons. He was, after all, KID OMEGA, leader of the OMEGA GANG; and did you notice as 'Quentin' sounds almost exactly like 'Quantum', as in QUANTUM OMEGA POINT THEORY, the extended definition 
How will everything be tied together in issue 154? I honestly don't know, but I'm more eager than ever to it.
Make my day, Grant. |