Hopefully avoiding de-railed tubes, panarchy, and saving all Doc Martens in Camden from said train.
Hmm. That sucks a bit, Maz. Its ok though, dont panic- I will admit you to my grad school. Its great. We eat pancakes all day for a year or so, and come out the end with a PhD in pancake-eating, but we can just rename it (cause its my school and we can do what ever the fuck we want) so now I am or I have (not sure which is correct) a PhD, several MAs in pancake shaping and suchlike, renamed to Business (with German, so long as I say 'Ja, sie sind sicher gut, sie schmeckt mir fantastish!',and if i send you one, then its international Business), a BSc in appropriate-pan-temperature, which I prefer to call Civil Engineering. The only entry exam is if you can fit in the front door at the start. Cause you wont be able to leave by the end.
Today I found out there's a degree in underwear fashion. Im quite tempted to investigate further. |