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Lateshift...(if you know the number raise your hands)


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Saint Keggers
03:18 / 18.10.03
And Kegboy! That's not Ricky Martin, It's Enrique!

I know, its just I didnt like the fact that they got a 'face' to play one of the characters from the other movies.So they might as well have gone with Ricky or even J-Lo.
Mourne Kransky
09:26 / 18.10.03
D was such a wise choice, Maz. Couldn't thank you for your counsel last night because evil G was hogging the computer. Of course, you've gone to bed now too and can't give me further advice about my options for maximising the fun quotient of my Saturday. I shall stumble through the glee unassisted then.
14:12 / 18.10.03
I don't believe any of that but only because I'm older, tireder and more of valuable commodity in China than you are, lovely Trix.

lol...I hear if you are rubbed you will turn green.
22:29 / 18.10.03
Kegger's J-Lo reference reminds me of some of the truly dreadful J-Lo designed clothes I've spent half the week hanging up. Theres a hideous head-to-toe velour navy zip-up catsuit (its even more hideuos in the flesh). Now, im all in favour of catsuits, in fact i have a couple in my wardrobe (both spangly, one too small, the other with a hole in the fanny) but these are soo.. Oh, im just so casual, its just something i flung on style every-day wear for retards. Saying this, one of you is bound to have and love this lovely garment. Its torn between Kegboys pyjamas and Xocs party-frock.

And has anyone seen the twister duvet set? Its fabulous.

Anyway, how is everybody's evening going? I've done nothing all day, except shave my brother's head, and convince him Im hard as nails with all my muscles. I think its all fat that likes to pretend, cause if it IS muscle, its not doing an awful lot.
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:31 / 18.10.03
Must say the twister duvet set looks pretty damn cool, gingerbop!

Love Firebox - loads of wacky gizmos and stuff, not least the Weasel Coffee!

Strange, but the thought of drinking something that's already been consumed once by a smelly rodent sorta excites me. Must be the night shifts kicking in.
23:37 / 18.10.03
Oh. My. God. How vile. Can we get some for stoatie?

Glad someone's *finally* decided to come and talk rubbidge. *takes out party poppers*
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:43 / 18.10.03
*inhales deeply, goes red, deveops short-term headache, then collapses, laughing in a pool of vomit (to be collected later and sold to some gourmet food company)*
23:48 / 18.10.03
As long as it's been hand-picked by chinese monkeys, thats absolutely fine by me.
23:52 / 18.10.03
Sorry to leave just as the party has started (albeit a 2-person party) but im knackered. G'night Stevie x
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
23:55 / 18.10.03
'night, gingerbop.

It coulda been such a great party, too. *sniff*
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
23:57 / 18.10.03
Hello inmates, what’s the crack?
00:27 / 19.10.03
Woog. I have the GREs tomorrow morning, any advice?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:33 / 19.10.03
What is a GRE?
00:45 / 19.10.03
It stands for Graduate Readiness Examination. It's a four hour standardized test that supposedly determines whether or not a person knows enough to go to grad school. I'm already in grad school, but while my masters program didn't require the GREs, most of the PhD programs I'll be applying for will.
01:15 / 19.10.03
Good luck, Maz... doubt you need it, though. Bet you'll ace the fuckers.

Weasel coffee? Now that sounds good...

Hello all... and goodnight all. (I'm back on night shifts in a couple of days, and am making the most of being able to go to bed when it's actually dark and there aren't tons of people outside my bedroom window).
Mourne Kransky
01:27 / 19.10.03
Yay, Mazarine is still wasting her time on us ordinary mortals instead of plotting her course through the stars of acadème! Good luck with the hard brainwork stuff. I only managed the first module of my MSc in Primary Care and then thought, fuck this! Too much hard thinking required. I shall content myself with my aspirations to become a pop star. Apparently the market for pop stars in their late forties who can't sing and dont play any instruments in very small, so I should be the new Britney Spears in no time at all.

I make all the best career decisions at this time of the morning when I've just rolled in from a sleazy gay night club.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
01:41 / 19.10.03
Hey, I have a really good idea for a song, but I need people who can play surf music guitar. Can anyone help? If we pull it together I would need some crazy dancers. Lets rock the charts in a barbelith fashion!
Mourne Kransky
01:46 / 19.10.03
I do really good crazy dancing but I think I might not appeal to the required demographic, panarchy.

I have grown a beard tho. A lovely, lovely beard. Sent a picture text to a friend (that fucking hanabi) the other day and he said that it looked like a badger had recently died in the vicinity of my chin. Don't anyone tell Stoatie or the dead badger thing will upset him. Upset me, just a tad, to be sure...

I'm sorry this was posted in the original Albanian and that there are four identical posts to follow but I have asked the lovely, lovely moderators to delete them and I am just about to go to bed before my fingers do any more drunken damage...

And I was so looking forward to having a proper chat with Maz which wasn't curtailed by Ganesh wanting onto the computer (he's even more out of it than me and has gone to bed before me for once).
Mourne Kransky
01:46 / 19.10.03
I dfo really good crazy dancing but I think I might not appeal to the required demographic, panmarchy.

I have grownb a beard tho. A lovely, lovely beard. Sent a poicture tecxt to a friend (that fuckinbg hanabi) the other day and he said that it lloked lkike a badger had rceently died in the civicinty of my chin. Don't anyone tell s
01:49 / 19.10.03
Yay, Mazarine is still wasting her time on us ordinary mortals instead of plotting her course through the stars of acadème!

Except of course that you're pretty much all of you smarter than me, and post-graduate work is my strained attempt to avoid real life.

Re: Weasel coffee. Someone once told me that the same substance that makes skunks smell bad makes coffee smell good, there's just much, much more of it in skunks. I'm 99 per cent positive that fact will not be on my test tomorrow.

Didn't we declare you a vicar at some point, Xoc? I liked that idea. Maybe we could blend that with the pop star aspect, though I think that might technically make you a pope.
01:53 / 19.10.03
Panarchy- I can dance crazy, but I can't dance at all without biting my lower lip. It tends to take my dancing from the realm of crazy to dorky muppet. But if you need muppet-like people dancing crazy, I'm your girl.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:00 / 19.10.03
Hey, this would be a punk thing, Maz, Xoc you are both signed up for dancing/maraca shaking duties (if you want to) if this thing pulls off.
Mourne Kransky
02:06 / 19.10.03
My offer of sinuous and lithe dance accompaniment is sincere, though rather inebriate, panarchy, and you may wish to bear in mind that I have just posted the same crap in flawless Albanian in quintuplicate.

I might be a liability!
02:08 / 19.10.03
Xoc, you could post in Albanian, Swahili, or Tagalog if you wanted, and the rest of us would just go out and buy dictionaries. You're not a liability, we love you.
Mourne Kransky
02:12 / 19.10.03
I would so love to a vicar, Maz. I really think I would be rather good at it. Unfortunately my inveterate atheism would get in the way, I suspect, even in the Church of England.

And I would also be a very, very good Pope. Of this I have no doubt. Vestments - no problemn, antiquated ritual - just my thang, speaking many languages and travelling all over the world - I am well experienced, tolerating ( and covering up for) lots of fucked up notionally-celibate priests who fiddle with little kids and damage them for the rest of their lives - that I would not do so well with. However, IMHO, it's about time the RCC had a Pope with his feet in the real blood and guts world who would bring the Church of Rome into line with the needs of real people. I'd prefer a women in the job myself. Pope Joan II.
02:19 / 19.10.03
You could be a televangelist. I don't think atheism impedes that, in fact, I think it actually smooths the way.
Saint Keggers
02:28 / 19.10.03
Hey all! All this talk of religiousity has made me want religion. OR a choirgirl. Yeah If I had me a choir girl I'd be spending enough time in confessional...and I aint catholic.
How's everyone else?
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:28 / 19.10.03
Feel free to dress up as the pope Xoc, I am still gen about my song, so if there are instrumentalists in London give me a call, I’m probably following the KLF guide to singles, but who cares?
02:34 / 19.10.03
I'd love to be a televangelist, but I'd have to be a cross-dressing televangelist. No sequined dresses or Tammy Faye-Baker makeup, hell no. White silk suit all the way, maybe silver crucifix cuff-links. Call now, give generously, God said to. My tailor doesn't work for free, you know.
Mourne Kransky
02:36 / 19.10.03
I am thrilled to bits, Kegman, to find Ganesh snoring next door and the computer ALL MINE but, sadly, I seem to be too pissed to type correctly.

I often come to the Late Shift threads and manage a single post before I must surrender, in all fairness, the computer to G. Feels like coitus interruptus. Sometime next year we shall buy ourselves a (very small) flat in central London and then we can have two computers and two broadband connections and I will be a free man - online, anyway!

When that happy day comes I will probably be too busy pretending to be a 21 year old East Euroepean immigrant with an anaconda in his trousers to be arsed with the intellectual barbeworld but que será, será...
02:45 / 19.10.03
Eastern Europe's a bit cold for anacondas, isn't it? Oh, wait. Oh. My.
Mourne Kransky
03:01 / 19.10.03
Oh, I'm going to have to go climb in beside the elephant god and do the spoons thing. And poke him when he snores. The noise is amplified by the trunk, of course. Have a good Late Shift, transatlantic barbeloids. I shall awaken in the morning and see all my miscommunications here and feel very ashamed. But, at this precise moment, I could give a shit. Ha!

Bonne nuit, mes chers. Dormez bien.
03:03 / 19.10.03
Good night, dear Xoc, sleep well.
Saint Keggers
03:06 / 19.10.03
Good Night Xoc!
03:12 / 19.10.03
I too must sleep so that I don't keel over and start drooling on the computer tomorrow morning. Thanks for the luck! Night all!

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