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Kobe Bryant


Page: 12(3)

The Falcon
16:07 / 14.10.03
I don't think nowthink is a misogynist or troll, actually.
16:17 / 14.10.03
nowthink smells of wee.

there were a series of really exhaustive research studies done to back this up as undeniable fact, but thugs like us just can't be bothered with the details, BEYATCHES
Jack Fear
16:19 / 14.10.03
Duncan: Beautifully done.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
16:37 / 14.10.03
In my reading of things about the case, I am kindof amazed how far the science of "rape detection" has come. One of the scientists they had on MPR this morning said that they could tell by where tears on a woman's body were if the sex was consentual or not.

The thing that also is worth discussing on this case is how our sports culture makes it so the people at the top of it do NOT know what consentual sex is. Bryant was a multi-millionaire by the time he was 20, had married his high school sweetheart, and with the money and the fame, probably had more women throwing themselves at him than we can imagine.

And I can imagine a LOT OF WOMEN.

So, with his money and fame, for him to get laid, all he probably had to do is just make a crude advance, invite a woman to his room or other things that most men wouldn't even think of doing. And 99 times out of 100, it probably works. When a woman says no, it might not even register in his mind.

It might well be that when the girl came into his room, he thought she was ready to go, and when she said no...well, how often is a famous millionaire basketball star going to hear no? And when has he ever learned how to deal with it?

But, the court will have to sort it out. And I only have what bits and peices of the story that the reporters think are important.
17:12 / 14.10.03
additional stealthy remarks about my a;intelligence,lucidity and-or willingness to meet your reactionary 'challenges'to my view points will continue to be met with cold hard

nowthink smells of wee.
this is another pathetic attempt to assault my character.I could trade
insults with you pickle poachers all day but you would just get all excited and forget why the hell I started the thread in the first place...

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
17:14 / 14.10.03
I can assure you Solitaire, you are quite correct in this assumption.

I have entertained professional atheletes before and some, (not all of course) are very high on their fame and fortune. They forget completely that other people may choose NOT to go along with their wishes, no matter what the athelete offers them, ie: money, spotlight, trips, drugs...bleh, bleh, bleh... I have seen them cause a ruckus in the clubs where I work and it is quietly brushed under the carpet by managment and the customer is given champagne - then the girls are fired for not being compliant with the very prestigious customer. This has happened on more than one occassion, but I should emphasize, this is NOT the case with every professional athelete. Most are actually gentlemen.

Privilege indeed.
17:19 / 14.10.03
this is another pathetic attempt to assault my character

like your wee stink assaults my nose! YARR!
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:21 / 14.10.03
I'd voted to unlock the topic and was beginning to regret in on reading page two, thank god for Solitaire Rose trying to drag the conversation in the vague direction of stuff worth talking about.

I wonder if it's worth comparing and contrasting this with events in the UK where, as big news on the Sun website is trying to convince us that Britney Spears is fat, I assume we still don't know for sure who was involved in whatever it was that happened at a London hotel a few weeks back. And the Government have denied there's a need for more privacy laws.
17:26 / 14.10.03
Britney is FAT?
17:31 / 14.10.03
like your wee stink assaults my nose! YARR!

so you DO like me after all.
Here's a picture of K*** whassername

17:37 / 14.10.03
Here's another one
cue stevie wonder,*isn't she looooveeeleeee*
17:41 / 14.10.03
Just a question Nowthink:

Why are you providing these pictures of the alleged victim? I just want to know what it is you are trying to communicate. Or is just out of interests sake?
17:48 / 14.10.03
Here is an excerpt from a larger article with some clinical facts
about what your american idol K*** whatzername's real problem is.And why she is hiding in the deepest hole she can find right now.
the truth hurts baybee.

Originally thought to be at the "borderline" of psychosis, people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) suffer from a disorder of emotion regulation. While less well known than schizophrenia or bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness), BPD is more common, affecting 2% of adults, mostly young women. There is a high rate of self-injury without suicide intent, as well as a significant rate of suicide attempts and completed suicide in severe cases. Patients often need extensive mental health services and account for about 20% of psychiatric hospitalizations.

While a person with depression or bipolar disorder typically endures the same mood for weeks, a person with BPD may experience intense bouts of anger, depression and anxiety that may last only hours, or at most a day. These may be associated with episodes of impulsive aggression, self-injury, and drug or alcohol abuse. Distortions in cognition and sense of self can lead to frequent changes in long-term goals, career plans, jobs, friendships, gender identity, and values. Sometimes people with BPD view themselves as fundamentally bad, or unworthy. They may feel unfairly misunderstood or mistreated, bored, empty, and have little idea who they are. Such symptoms are most acute when people with BPD feel isolated and lacking in social support, and may result in frantic efforts to avoid being alone.

People with BPD often have highly unstable patterns of social relationships. While they can develop intense but stormy attachments, their attitudes towards family, friends, and loved ones may suddenly shift from idealization (great admiration and love) to devaluation (intense anger and dislike). Thus, they may form an immediate attachment and idealize the other person, but when a slight separation or conflict occurs, they switch unexpectedly to the other extreme and angrily accuse the other person of not caring for them at all. Even with family members, individuals with BPD are highly sensitive to rejection, reacting with anger and distress to such mild separations as a vacation, a business trip, or a sudden change in plans. These fears of abandonment seem to be related to difficulties feeling emotionally connected to important persons when they are physically absent, leaving the individual with BPD feeling lost and perhaps worthlessness. Suicide threats and attempts may occur along with anger at perceived abandonment and disappointments.

If you wish to read more click
17:57 / 14.10.03
This is a big bunch of stupid. You're just posting up things slagging off the woman, links to pages that actually say that Kobe's lawyer has been trying to poison the jury, and some guy on the net who says he knows her (yeah right).

But you're going to get roasted for that bipolar thing, implying that BPD means you're a nutter fantasist, because a large number of people here know people who are bipolar and/or are bipolar themselves and/or work in psychiatry, and know a fuckload more about it that you do it appears. Unless they choose to simply ignore you. Which would be the best thing to do.
Not Here Still
17:57 / 14.10.03
WRT to the last link to Hard Facts: Let's take a look

Kobe Bryant's attorney may have broached the subject of his alleged victim's reported sexual history during last Thursday's preliminary hearing because it probably won't be admissible at trial, local attorneys say.
They also say there's already enough evidence on the table to bind the case over for trial.

Facts here; Kobe Bryant's attorney has broached the alleged victim's sexual history; local attorneys are OF THE OPINION that (a) this is probably because it won't be admissable at trial (with the inference the attorney is being sneaky) and (b)that the case has enough evidence to be brought to trial. Hard facts 1, opinons (legal or otherwise), 2.

What happens if it's bound over, though, is still a matter of hot debate. "I think this is the Titanic," said local defense attorney Jim Fahrenholtz, suggesting the prosecutors have a weak case. "This thing is going to sink quickly."

Fact, what happens is still a matter of hot debate; opinion, the case will sink quickly.

Not so fast, said local attorney Rohn Robbins, who pointed out the physical evidence, especially Bryant's T-shirt stained with the victim's blood. "That's a very damning piece of evidence. They should not raise the white flag, but the bloody shirt," Robbins said, referring to the 1876 presidential election in which Republicans embraced "Raise the Bloody Shirt" as a successful campaign slogan to woo the votes of Civil War veterans, leading their candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes, to victory.

Fact; Kobe Bryant's t-shirt is stained with victims blood; a 1876 presedntial election had a 'raise the bloody shirt campaign' which led a candidate to victory. Opinion; that the T-shirt should be raised in court.

Norm Early, former Denver district attorney, said Eagle County Judge Fred Gannett should pull the plug on the preliminary hearing right now.
"The district attorney has already presented sufficient evidence to bind this case over for trial," said Early. "There's no question this case will be bound over. They had probable cause since halfway through the detective's testimony."

Opinon; the case should be bound over for trial.

I could go on, but you see my point; these stories, which come from that sensational media which you said you distrusted, nowthink, are a mixture of both fact and opinion.

As regards your query about what reception the Kobe Bryant case is getting over in Britain; hardly any. I'm in Wales, England and the case seems to be getting no coverage at all. I had to use Google to find out whether Kobe Bryant was basketball or baseball, both of which are minority sports in terms of coverage and public interest over here in the UK. I'm no sports fan anyway, but I think few people in the UK could tell you outright who the hell Kobe Bryant is. As a result, few papers will bother reporting the story - 'Man you've never heard of in court case!'

As regards the reception you've got here; would you have started this thread, if the tables were turned, with a reference to a 'coon' or a 'nigger'? Some people get offended by the words ho or bitch used to describe women. It's just courtesy - whether being satirical or not - to take people's feelings into account. Maybe a more considerate tone in your language would elicit a far better response from your potential readership.
Not Here Still
18:02 / 14.10.03
nb reference to link is the previosu MSNBC news link, not the one above...
Mourne Kransky
18:03 / 14.10.03
Adults with BPD are also considerably more likely to be the victim of violence, including rape and other crimes. This may result from both harmful environments as well as impulsivity and poor judgement in choosing partners and lifestyles.

National Institute for Mental Health.

None of this says that this man did or did not rape this woman. A jury will hear all the evidence and make an informed decision. Everything else is prejudice or media manipulation to sell papers.
18:05 / 14.10.03
But you're going to get roasted for that bipolar thing, implying that BPD means you're a nutter fantasist, because a large number of people here know people who are bipolar and/or are bipolar themselves and/or work in psychiatry, and know a fuckload more about it that you do it appears. Unless they choose to simply ignore you. Which would be the best thing to do.

I knew ya stankin ass was gonna come out the closet sooner or later kid,EINSTEIN,did you even READ the friggin post?
There is a distinct difference between Borderline Personality and Bipolar Disorder.This is incredible.
YOUSir,are the weakest link!!

18:17 / 14.10.03
Typo, fuckhat.

Oh, and a "weakest link" reference, always fresh and funny.

I can't believe anyone's still bothering, let alone me. Forget the incoherent troll. Unless you actively want to suck Kobe's dick he's just going to babble at you until you give up. Notice how none of the points anyone has made have been answered or even addressed.
Jack Fear
18:20 / 14.10.03
Isn't there a certain irony, nowthink, in calling for "a moratorium on ad hominem attacks" against yourself when this thread's whole purpose is for you to launch ad hominem attacks at Kobe's accuser?

It seems as if you're fixated on making this woman look bad.

What, exactly, is the point of that? It's ugly and it serves no real purpose that I can see.

To retutn to my earlier point about money as a motivator: I'd like you to try something for me. A thought experiment—an exercise in empathy: flip the script.

What's your price? How much money would it take for you to sacrifice your dignity? How much cash would I have to dangle in front of your nose to get you to cry rape and expose yourself to the character assassinations of the press and the grinding wheels of the justice system?

What's your life worth?
18:21 / 14.10.03
As regards the reception you've got here; would you have started this thread, if the tables were turned, with a reference to a 'coon' or a 'nigger'? Some people get offended by the words ho or bitch used to describe women. It's just courtesy - whether being satirical or not - to take people's feelings into account. Maybe a more considerate tone in your language would elicit a far better response from your potential readership.

That was weak man.Also somewhat of a cheapshot
But i'll play with you.If you're so goddamned offended then erase the word from your website altogether. I'll bet my last pair of knickers you'd crash the site.

the word nigger as a pejorative term applies to me no doubt,who the fuck else would you be talking about when you say that.
but 'bitch'as an insult is not necessarily gender specific.
For example,If I called you "Bitch" you would be offended probably but I doubt you would start checking your drawers to see if you were *really* a bitch.

or maybe you would

as far as whether or not I would be offended GO AHEAD chum.
bring the nigger shit out.I'll smash that to pieces too.

real niggaz post too
Jack Fear
18:23 / 14.10.03
Oh, and as for your constant references to the "eerie parallels" to the O.J. trial: have you forgotten that O.J. was acquitted, largely due to (a) the power of celebrity, and (b) obnoxious, craven playing of the race card?
Not Here Still
18:29 / 14.10.03
the word nigger as a pejorative term applies to me no doubt,who the fuck else would you be talking about when you say that.

Well I apologise if you've taken offence - I can't see your skin colour, just as you can't see mine, as you are in America and I'm in Wales. Duh.

My point wasn't about you; it was that Kobe Bryant is black, and that you'd be unlikely to use a term as loaded as coon or nigger about him, and you shouldn't use a loaded term like bitch or ho either.

Simple really.

Anyway, I'm giving up on this because you cleraly aren't interested in a dbeate or discussion, just in soapboxing.

So I'm *fucking OFF* to anotha threddddd. Bye.
18:35 / 14.10.03
Oh, and a "weakest link" reference, always fresh and funny

go to hell,kid.

Isn't there a certain irony, nowthink, in calling for "a moratorium on ad hominem attacks" against yourself when this thread's whole purpose is for you to launch ad hominem attacks at Kobe's accuser?

It is a certain irony that certain people in this group are defending the virtue of a person who through their own admission they've never heard of.The'purpose' of me starting this thread was not to launch attacks on this crab-ho,but to express my disgust at yet another rush to judgement/railroad job being perpetrated on the brotherman by the american media.I specifically said I didn't know what was going on on your side of the pond.I already 'apologized'for my initial tone ad nauseum.zzzzzzzz

Oh, and as for your constant references to the "eerie parallels" to the O.J. trial: have you forgotten that O.J. was acquitted, largely due to (a) the power of celebrity, and (b) obnoxious, craven playing of the race card?

O.J was acquitted huh.
soooooo do you think he did it?

thought so
18:42 / 14.10.03
She's cuter than I was led to believe. I'd do her.
Lurid Archive
18:42 / 14.10.03
This thread is, as Jack Fear says, ugly and I don't see it getting any better. I'm going to propose locking it. If successful, then anyone who wants to discuss this in a more adult way is free to do so in another thread.
18:47 / 14.10.03
Lock the thread? Why? Because you think it's inappropriate? Who are you to judge the appropriateness of this thread? It would have died before reaching 2 pages if members of the Barbelith community would stop posting in it. It's fairly obvious that nowthink continues to post in part because he enjoys pissing you guys off. Don't get me wrong, this thread sucks. Sucks long, sucks hard. I just don't see any reason to lock it up. Freedom of speech, baby.
18:47 / 14.10.03
Please lock. This is just sick.
18:49 / 14.10.03
Well fellow internet users I'm beat.
So far I've learned that

People in the UK have never heard of Kobe Bryant
or the Los Angeles Lakers

Some people on this board are offended by me calling a ho a ho.

Fair Enough.
I'm kind of tired of getting my awesome posts interrupted by

Anyway, I'm giving up on this because you cleraly(sic) aren't interested in a dbeate(sic) or discussion, just in soapboxing

*cue door slamming*
As far as everybody else, like I said before.I make fun of k*** whazzername because I can do that.I will repond to this thread as time permits when I have ample time to wade through the swamp of witty retorts and find some posters who've actually addressed what I've provided.

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
18:53 / 14.10.03
Slim: Agreed. And mad chicks are always great in bed. Like Betty Blue.

I'd do Kobe, too, even if he did make me bleed abnormally.
19:06 / 14.10.03
I'll bet my last pair of knickers you'd crash the site.

See, this is where your street cred just falls to the ground.
The Falcon
00:49 / 15.10.03
I think if you went for some cutting analysis of links rather than just posting them, and, as Jack says, stopped being deeply unpleasant about the victim/accuser we just might get somewhere, nowthink.

I don't want this thread locked; if it upsets you - there are other places you can go, obviously.

Question: Do white American sportsmen ever do bad things? We know they do in the UK.

Page: 12(3)

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