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Kobe Bryant


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10:25 / 14.10.03
Probably because it's going nowhere but down. There are several sensible discussions about rape in the Head Shop if people want to contribute.
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:27 / 14.10.03
WHy? Because it's never a good idea to feed the trolls.

There is probably a place for a good discussion of the Kobe Bryant case: this isn't it.
Tryphena Absent
10:31 / 14.10.03
Just because it's a lame thread and slightly irritating doesn't mean it should be locked immediately. Can we please not over-exercise moderation powers? This is hardly explosive or even close to becoming so, it's just a stupid thread with some reactionary views being spouted.
10:32 / 14.10.03
Do you think it needs locking - I'd rather contine the arguement to be honest.

Yeah, NT, Personally, whatever happened really happened in the rape case aside, I think the way you've expressed it is is pretty wanky rather than funny, pretty childish and infantile. The fact we don't have this board clogged up with shite like that is one of the things that makes it worth reading, IMO. If you want to talk about Kobe and the case fine, no objection, but if you want to drop the kind of "bitches - they're all asking for it really" sort of shit expect to be challenged. Why bother writing stuff on a discussion board if you don't expect to be challenged?

Also, BTW, saying this sort of thing makes you sound as if you've got zero experience with women
11:14 / 14.10.03
Fol de rol.
Regrettable Juvenilia
11:15 / 14.10.03
Knock y'self out.
11:22 / 14.10.03
OK,back to the real shit. More info about this broad

read this

personally I liked the old name for this thread but hey

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
Less searchable M0rd4nt
11:25 / 14.10.03
Hey, I think he's nearly at the Messianistic, I'm-here-to-save-Babelith-from-itself stage. That's always fun to watch.
Tryphena Absent
11:29 / 14.10.03
Oh come on! Some guy/gal (posts like a guy) is writing about someone on a message board. How is that information?
11:38 / 14.10.03
I also know nothing about this specific case. But your propositions are odd:

Yes, people-this beeyatch has cried rape before five times!,do the fuckin research-the information is available.Who the hell is more credible, a girl with a history of mental illness

I assume you're suggesting that when someone has a mental illness, or makes suicide attempts (as mentioned in your link), they're probably lying about their experiences? The opposite seems equally likely - someone who has been repeatedly raped subsequently experiencing mental illness isn't a great leap of the imagination.
Incidentally, this attempt to engage with your arguments doesn't mean I don't think you're a pillock.
Jack The Bodiless
11:41 / 14.10.03
But why would anyone post something that wasn't true on a message board?

And 'posts like a guy'... nyah, Log Lady. You post like a guy!
11:43 / 14.10.03
But why would anyone post something that wasn't true on a message board?

Exactly! And one that has the phrases "free kobe" and "conspiracy theories" in the URL as well!
Lurid Archive
11:49 / 14.10.03
Hey, I think he's nearly at the Messianistic, I'm-here-to-save-Babelith-from-itself stage. - MC

We can't let that happen! Think of the shrews.
11:56 / 14.10.03
A request for a moratorium on ad hominem insults posing as a response to my argument.
I picked this gem out of an earlier very popular barbelith thread

I think the subject was bitch slapping girls and if that's cool or something.By the way I've never advocated violence against women that's self evident.

To be fair, they started it and were complete bitches anyway. Alright, so they were only kinda rude and seemed intent on starting some shit. They gave his girlfriend's friend a black eye and then went to work on her. He had just slipped on a puddle of spilt beer and stood up to see four girls working over his girlfriend, so in his half drunken state he decided the best thing to do was go to her aid. So he runs up and pushes two girls out of the way (very easily, as Brian is quite strong) and then -crack- he punches out the leader. And let me tell you, he fucked her shit up good. She went down like in Mortal Kombat when the voice says "Finish Him!" and you don't do anything. Arms at her sides, straight as a tree trunk.

Now back to the real shit.
Exactly! And one that has the phrases "free kobe" and "conspiracy theories" in the URL as well!

You ridiculing the fact that other sentient intelligenthuman beings are strong advocates for Kobe doesn't change the fact that amongst all the speculation there are gradually developing strong leaks in the prosecution's case which is starting to look pretty shabby in light of the available evidence.
Tryphena Absent
12:06 / 14.10.03
Oh dear NowThink, can't you tell sarcasm when it's blatant in a thread?

And 'posts like a guy'... nyah, Log Lady. You post like a guy!

Do I really? Yikes, how fascinating! Quick tell me how so??
12:07 / 14.10.03

What? You lost ya mind? UNconsentual sex and slapping a girl who starts a fight are very fucking different!

You are obviously a misogynistic sports fan, and not much more...oh wait...A TROLL

I think my first asessment of this thread was correct.
Kit-Cat Club
12:08 / 14.10.03
Well, what are these strong leaks? I haven't seen any in anything you've posted so far.

I don't know if you read the rest of the thread you've just quoted, but I think there was a great deal of criticism of that post, similar to the criticism which has been posted in this one regarding your language (which I, too, find offensive).
Mourne Kransky
12:13 / 14.10.03
The problem with frothing at the mouth whilst you post is that allthewordsruntogether and you c'antp unct-uate fo:r shiT and your spelinng goze tofuk, assuming you were able to master the basics of the English language in the first place.

The principles of proposing and rebutting argument clearly didn't take in Troll Skool. Nor Credible Evidenciary Sources 101.

Being as he's a multi-millionaire, I'm sure KB will have the best lawyer money can buy and will get a fair hearing in a court of law where people who have heard all the evidence and weighed it will come to a decision about what really went on here. Or as near as can be managed. At the moment all there is is speculation, hearsay and tittle-tattle. And an awful lot of ugly language being vomited up to muddy the waters.

And why did Ma and Pa Bryant name their boy after Japanese beef anyway, I wonder?
12:21 / 14.10.03
And why did Ma and Pa Bryant name their boy after Japanese beef anyway, I wonder?

BWHAHAHA! Why is that so funny? Really? Why is that so funny?

If this were initiated as an intelligent discussion, wouldn't it be in the Headshop or Switchboard? This thread/topic isn't offensive. Nowthink is offensive.
12:26 / 14.10.03
more name calling.
once again, I offer a logical explanation for my posts,
you start with the Troll shit.
well the kid gloves are off. Yes, I will admit to being a sports fan.
So what.I am attempting to be civilized about this. Once again.
I. have. not. insulted. anyone. here.
Moderator-step up MAN,I can live with being a troll if that's what you think I am,*I know you are but what am I?* but if you don't start dispensing some fair and balanced swift justice to these multiple attacks then mycritique of this board is highly justified and
is true to a fault, if that makes any sense.

My posts, while crude and offensive at times are designed (intentionally)to wake people up.I just spit the real shit.I'll leave all that artfully designed poetical begging the question shit for some of the other clone suits in here.

Now back to the subject at hand.

You are obviously a misogynistic sports fan

whatever ho.
I have plenty of self respecting women in my life who I love dearly and would give my life for and they got love for me and that's real, chief among them is my mother and my sister and my current significant other who I'll just call 'wifey'for lack of a better term.Just cause I call this girl a *bitch*you want to try and invalidate my argument?Do you 'know'this bitch or something? Is the Colorado District Attorney's office funding this website or what?

you don't know me so just shut the fuck up and speak on the topic
12:32 / 14.10.03
The problem with frothing at the mouth whilst you post is that allthewordsruntogether and you c'antp unct-uate fo:r shiT and your spelinng goze tofuk, assuming you were able to master the basics of the English language in the first place.

The principles of proposing and rebutting argument clearly didn't take in Troll Skool. Nor Credible Evidenciary Sources 101

Oh-you sure told me.
try dis,'I be black man MUDDASUCKA and I KILL YOU MAN'

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
Kit-Cat Club
12:32 / 14.10.03
But what is your argument, and what is your evidence to support it? Just trying to get a clear picture of it, you know. I'd like to be able to judge for myself whether you 'just spit the real shit' or not. I think most of your points have actually been challenged in this thread already, and you haven't really answered those challenges yet; but I can see that the issue has been clouded by other points concerning your language, etc., and it might be beneficial to take it from the top.
12:37 / 14.10.03
Hear hear. Shall we start again Nowthink? If you think you haven't been given a proper hearing.
Tryphena Absent
12:42 / 14.10.03
I concur. Your evidence is unfounded, you're biased in favour of Kobe Bryant and are making rather nasty and irrational claims about the behaviour of the woman who claims she is a victim of his brutality. Address this point with a clear and specific answer and perhaps people will stop treating you like the fool you currently appear to be.
12:42 / 14.10.03
Okay, this has gone far enough. If NowThink wants a proper, measured, controlled debate and feels his original, valid points have been lost in a sea of name-calling, let's re-post his very first argument and take it from there:

there's probly(sic)a thread somewhere on here that touches on this but I don't give a damn,geena!
I don't think kobe did it mang..
12:43 / 14.10.03
You say in your original post that you wanted to know what we brits were thinking about the whole situation. I have to be honest and say that I hadn't even heard about it before you posted, I don't think it's getting to the news in the UK, so what we were thinking wasn't much really.

Any chance you could explain, without bias, the whole case from the beginning? Just so we can get a handle on why you're so very angry.
12:44 / 14.10.03
So what.I am attempting to be civilized about this. Once again.
I. have. not. insulted. anyone. here.


whatever ho.

Well, there goes that little piece of credulity and attempt at being civil.
12:54 / 14.10.03

What? You lost ya mind? UNconsentual sex and slapping a girl who starts a fight are very fucking different!

You are commiting the what is called the straw man fallacy in logical terms my dear.You are attempting to set up a false argument against mine and then blow it to pieces,under the guise of a response to my posts.

again.When the hell did I say rape is equal to a 'bitch slap'?
All I said was,there have been plenty of dubious threads submitted to this forum and that particular post was a response to attacks on my language,or slanguage if you prefer.

as far as this-
The principles of proposing and rebutting argument clearly didn't take in Troll Skool. Nor Credible Evidenciary Sources 101

what,the new york daily news is not credible?
that was my first first link.
mang, you sound like an idiot

as far as the second evidentiary post to support my argument,that was merely one exhibit your honor,I had more canon bombs like saddam to drop but the almighty moderator locked me out and I got stuck in this quagmire of schoolyard insults.

my original tone was a *failed* attempt at a humorous jab at what I felt was a sort of elitist attitude towards subject matter around here.But I appreciate the clear-headedness prevailing...
13:03 / 14.10.03
my original tone was a *failed* attempt at a humorous jab at what I felt was a sort of elitist attitude towards subject matter around here.

Aw mate!
Backfired on you badly, much sympathies, and appreciation of you letting your true and easier-to-understand self come through.

Still don't have a clue what this thread is all about though! Wanna enlighten me?
Saint Keggers
13:20 / 14.10.03
The only problem I have with the whole Kobe thing is his wife should be the one on trial. For murder. She should have gutted him like a fish the moment she found out.
13:26 / 14.10.03
The KOBE trial is important to me because I believe the way the MEDIA handles this is exceptionally important to the overall civility and well-being of society.Most American media outlets that are readily consumed slap a sensationalist stamp on this every time they bring it up, kind of like I did.My tone is a direct response to the environment I'm living in..

this was a very lucid post by ME
author of the thread where I *shudder* characterized this heifer as a troglodyte,(my opinion)

You guys are adorable.
See,I live in Los Angeles and I'm getting this steady stream of hyperbole journalism on a daily basis, I can't escape the shit.I react.I reach out.This board, believe it or not is one of the few on the whole WORLDWIDEWEB that I even bother posting on.Trust me.I've got to go and make a living now, but as the day develops I will continue the enlightenment with information such as
the D.A reversing himself in this case. A full 180.

You'll see.Just let what I've said thus-far marinate for a sec.
Oh yeah,Anna with the long name and Sir Tropical dude thanks for advocating for my right to be a dickhead,(online)even if you do find my steelo disagreeable.It's a free country after all..

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
Tryphena Absent
13:41 / 14.10.03
It's a free country after all..

Well actually it's the Internet and it can be quite expensive depending on where you're getting it from.
Tom Coates
15:10 / 14.10.03
Nowthink - you have the right to be a dickhead online. But there is a lot of 'online' and I'm not sure you have the right to be a dickhead here.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:10 / 14.10.03
This is turning into the most perfect little set piece, isn't it? We've got the woman-hating, the ill-thought out arguments backed up with hearsay 'evidence', then we've got the namecalling, then we've got the other namecalling, demands for moderator interference in other's posts coupled with frea-speach ranting in defence of his own... mmm, so stylised, almost like a Noh play in its ritualistic construction.
Tryphena Absent
15:26 / 14.10.03
Mordant are you suggesting that this isn't the perfectly contrived play that I thought it was? You mean this could be for real? My world view is shattered.

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