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Kobe Bryant


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17:18 / 13.10.03
there's probly(sic)a thread somewhere on here that touches on this but I don't give a damn,geena!
I don't think kobe did it mang..
17:25 / 13.10.03
disclaimer: I am not a racist.
nor am I a sexist. I really want to know what you union jack wearing
booty busters think about this shit. NO bullshit.

"keep it coming out on top"
sammy sosa,2003
18:52 / 13.10.03
Let me answer your barely-comprehensible question with a question. What do you think about Jody Morris?

19:13 / 13.10.03
Well soccer is da bomb in jolly old england kid-
but this wanker you just referred to is in no way equivalent to my main man KOBEZ on the popularity scale so I think you just tapped outta this one mate.

19:16 / 13.10.03
Is this spam?
19:28 / 13.10.03
Either that, or just very confusing.
19:31 / 13.10.03
sorry for the bold type faces and such, actually-I was trying out the bbs code here for the first time but that doesn't negate the point I was trying to make.
I think he's innocent-OK, who cares, right?..
but I want to know if this case is accumulating the kind of nasty steam
overseas as it is here in the states. If nobody in the world of self indulgent intelligentsia gives a bloody damn forgive me.
It just re-affirms that the more things change the more things stay the same in amerikkka.
shit, I would love to live in a country where black athletes and entertainers aren't held up for ridicule in mock lynchings every few months or so for public arousal and buku dollars.
So I regress-perhaps my tone was a bit gruff, just the thug in me I guess. But on a forum where people ponder whether they should stick two dildos or one or two thumbs up they stankin ass I just figured I would inject some good ole' fashioned testosterone into the conversation.

I know this topic is not that inane for you guys..
19:43 / 13.10.03
Maybe these chronicles would help.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:58 / 13.10.03
OK...never mind the faux street slang, the whole idea of automatically saying that the victim is a bitch, that it's all a set up, and this incredibly privledged man is beyond question is one of things about the discussion of this case that worries me.

When did we get put on the jury?
20:12 / 13.10.03
Actually, given that there's a witness who saw her come out of Kobe's room and tell him Kobe raped her (and was so concerned about her state that he followed her home to make sure she got there), her blood was found on Kobe, and she was examined by a medic who said that injuries to her vagina were incompatible with normal sexual intercourse, I'm kinda coming to the conclusion that she may have been raped.

Of course, she was probably asking for it, the slut.
20:22 / 13.10.03
let's see-it's all conjecture right now any way right?
They haven't sequestered a jury for this yet, so it's all speculation and that's where it is. But on a purely practical level I believe we are all potential jurors because whether you choose to admit it or not, the friggin fraggin O.J Simpson trial and subsequent aquittal and subsequent /division/ straight down the middle between most so-called blacks and so-called whites about his innocence has set a paradigm that I believe has sent us back about thirty some odd years in terms of race relations.

My point is not to rehash tired arguments although by my subject line it may have seemed like it. Listen, I get tired of every half witted pundit referring back to O.J every time some dark skinned cat does any
thing stupid or gets in trouble.I smell a rat,
and I believe it begins and ends with the MEDIA.
The KOBE trial is important to me because I believe the way the MEDIA handles this is exceptionally important to the overall civility and well-being of society.Most American media outlets that are readily consumed slap a sensationalist stamp on this every time they bring it up, kind of like I did.My tone is a direct response to the environment I'm living in..

perhaps it's cause I live in Collyfornia..
at any rate.
Jack Fear
21:15 / 13.10.03
Most American media outlets that are readily consumed slap a sensationalist stamp on this every time they bring it up...

Well, that's not really a surprise, is it? A high-profile athlete—one who has heretofore projected an image as being one of the gentlemen of the game, with a sane and stable private life to boot—is accused of a violent crime.

I think you'd have gotten the same media response had it been a white athlete, frankly. Imagine if, say, Joe Montana was charged with rape: you'd have a media circus.

As to the money: I'm inclined to discount this as a motive. Bryant's lawyers are going to make this woman's life a living hell. They'll call her a slut, they'll call her a psycho, they'll call her a stalker. They'll challenge the very definitions of "consent" and "rape" (even normally sensible commentators like Gregg Easterbrook have gone all squishy on this)—anything to make her look bad. They'll call her a tease, they'll call her a gold-digger, they'll call her a racist. They will slander and and hurt her to within an inch of what the law allows, and perhaps beyond. She will read horrible things about herself in the paper every morning, and cry herself to sleep every night.

She's must have a damned good reason to put herself through this misery. Do you really think the mere promise of money could motivate a person to do this?
Cat Chant
21:28 / 13.10.03
I want to know if this case is accumulating the kind of nasty steam
overseas as it is here in the states

You could check some UK newspaper websites - between the Sun, the Guardian, the Times/Telegraph and the Mirror you'd probably get a fair idea of the sorts of things people are saying in the UK.
22:48 / 13.10.03
As to the money: I'm inclined to discount this as a motive. Bryant's lawyers are going to make this woman's life a living hell

true dat, but the judge and law enforcement/legal system in Colorado
is going to do everything to undermine whatever Kobe's attorney dishes out. Consider this: they've already pretty much railroaded whatever information that could be used to show this (ahem) victim's sexual history, such as her frequent emotional baggage and with (recent)past boyfriends,or repeated suicide attempts as irrelevant.They won't require her to attend any of the preliminary hearings and certainly won't compel her to testify should a trial come up. The way this judge acts I don't think Kobe's attorney could even say her name in court let alone cross examine her.

Consider this part 2:Similarities to the O.J case are chilling-
the sheriff in this case went over the head of the D.A straight to a judge to file the initial charges-*Mark Furhman hopping a gate,anyone?*
Reportedly, the police department in that community had to award millions in damages over a racial profiling flap, and one of the officers named in that suit is working on this case-
the (alleged)crime occured in an exclusive enclave,resort(Brentwood anyone?)in an all-white community.Before anybody even knew shit from shinola a grainy, grayed out mug-shot of KOBE gets splashed on every front page..I could go on-but you get the point...

Do you really think the mere promise of money could motivate a person to do this?

AFFIRMATIVE! Money is the prime motivator behind most fraudulent charges against athletes and entertainers, they're fucking 'loaded!'

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa 2003
23:06 / 13.10.03
whatever information that could be used to show this (ahem) victim's sexual history, such as her frequent emotional baggage and with (recent)past boyfriends,or repeated suicide attempts

The fact that these have been in the papers already means they've succeeded. Whether it officially counts in court isn't the point. This is pretty typical stuff.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
23:56 / 13.10.03
injuries to her vagina were incompatible with normal sexual intercourse

I know nothing about this story, and therefore I really have no position about innocence or guilt (yet?). The above quote unnerves me, however; who gets to decide 'normal' in this context? And what if you aren't having 'normal' sex? What if you're having consensual but frankly bizarre or violent sex? I'm perfectly prepared to believe that wasn't the situation here if that's how the case turns out - I'm just unsettled by anyone, even a medic, being prepared to make that statement. I've sustained a couple of injuries during sex - even during fairly vanilla sex - and I'd hate to have to account for them to a judge.
00:25 / 14.10.03
Well, it's the usual police procedural language. Apparently she was seen by a "Sexual Abuse Nurse Examiner" who might be expected to have experience there, but it's not a given. Doubtless his defence team will say it was rough sex (as was the blood) and her team will say it's evidence of rape.

I agree it's disturbing that people are making judgements about what's "normal" in sex but the jury, media and public will, and the sides have to take account of that, not only for the sake of winning but also to protect their clients' reputations. It would be a brave prosecution team that went for "yes, she likes sex that makes her bleed, but it was rape anyway" unless they had no other alternative, quite apart from that making that witness useless to them.

I'm sure those of us in the US will be hearing far more details than we ever wanted to know about it once the trial gets underway. I mean, I heard all this on NPR, for fuck's sake.
00:33 / 14.10.03
And what if you aren't having 'normal' sex? What if you're having consensual but frankly bizarre or violent sex?

Exactly. You see, I know that no means no. Except when it means maybe..I can't tell you how many potential HOT dates ended with a hopeful smile and a hug after some heavy petting cause the girl said no..Only to see this same girl later in a social setting and have her tell me,'You should have tried harder.'

I coulda had way more pussy(excuse ladies)if I would have just pushed the envelope on the lovemaking a little harder to use a trite term. Everytime I just acted like Charlie Brown and tried to be so respectable, but I just end up feeling like a doosh bag,I should have shown her the BADBOYBADBOY eheh eheh..

woa, excuse the rant but like I said. This case not only opens up plenty of fodder for feminists and race baiters but basically just frustrates the hell out of a cat like me because if this shit can happen to KOBE...

of course If he's guilty, then the shit don't matter anyway?
Fucc Dat
All this shit is subjective-it totally rests on him getting a fair trial,but that's the problem-he can't get a fair trial in Mayberry, Andy!I want a jury of my peers, that means I want to be tried in L.A County Superior Court bitches!
bio k9
03:17 / 14.10.03
they've already pretty much railroaded whatever information that could be used to show this (ahem) victim's sexual history, such as her frequent emotional baggage and with (recent) past boyfriends, or repeated suicide attempts as irrelevant. They won't require her to attend any of the preliminary hearings and certainly won't compel her to testify should a trial come up. The way this judge acts I don't think Kobe's attorney could even say her name in court let alone cross examine her.

May's link above mentions says that Kobe's lawyer "referred to the alleged victim six times by name and dropped a bombshell that drew gasps: Could the woman's injuries be 'consistent with a person who had sex with three different men in three days?'" It also says that the girl might be subpoenaed for the preliminary hearing.

So thats that.

Going after a girls past sexual history always seems like bullshit to me. She sleeps around and suddenly shes a fucking whore. Kobe cheats on his wife and hes a good upstanding man who made a mistake? Bullshit.

Also, claiming I am not a sexist two posts after calling an alleged rape victim a lying bitch and a hoe is brilliant. Well done.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
06:07 / 14.10.03

No. Not 'exactly'.

That it's disturbing to me that a police health official should be able to set limits on what is 'normal sex' has nothing to do with this case or your arguments about it.
Tryphena Absent
08:47 / 14.10.03
You're disturbed about an official. I'm disturbed at Nowthink.

on a forum where people ponder whether they should stick two dildos or one or two thumbs up they stankin ass I just figured I would inject some good ole' fashioned testosterone into the conversation.

good ole' fashioned testosterone huh! I think you're sexist, a traditionalist, rather boring and dull and trying to wind us up. I think you're doing a good job of fucking me off.

As for this case- of course they're trotting out her sexual history but rape injuries are not consistent with sex of any type and that they brought this up shows that they're grasping a bit. If he gets off because of that claim than I'd advise all the women living in the US to get the hell out of there.
Tryphena Absent
08:52 / 14.10.03
Erm, look surely you've had enough sex to realise that if women are forced they're really forced. They don't just open up, they have to be turned on, it's very painful to have a man just push in to you and it causes injury. That what they mean- even if you have a violent sex life the likelihood of you getting that type of injury is extremely low because usually people get off on fucking and it creates natural lubrication.
09:00 / 14.10.03
Can I at least get a phone number?
09:09 / 14.10.03
You really should live up to your name before posting tripe like this, you know.
09:16 / 14.10.03
This just in: I'm sorry about the remark about her being a bitch and a slut and thangs fa'real. I mean, if you think about it-It's perfectly believable that Kobe raped her. I mean if it makes you feel any better I did call him a dumbass in the summary.

good ole' fashioned testosterone huh! I think you're sexist, a traditionalist, rather boring and dull and trying to wind us up. I think you're doing a good job of fucking me off.

You're right about me being a traditionalist and all-but don't be too hasty about the dull and boring,I may indeed be a sexist but I don't think so.Some of my best friends are bitches and hoes.
oops.Anyway,you guys pretty much swooped down from the castle of self righteousness like I figured you would.I mean, far be it from me to start a discussion about something that means something to me.

No. Not 'exactly'
O.k mate,cheers-anal masturbation it is-
carry on!
09:16 / 14.10.03
And all that "I shoulda shown her the bad boy" shite... surely a case like this provides you with a reason for not doing so, as if you fucking needed one. I think there's give and take, domination and gameplaying in every relationship or ever time you flirt, but you don't seem to be thinking of these potential complexities. If all that matters is getting your rocks off, why not get a blow up doll?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
09:19 / 14.10.03
Bah. Do not feed.
09:32 / 14.10.03
you didn't think I would let ya'll off the hook that easy did you?

all apologies and donations can be sent to
by the way.

keep it coming out on top
sammy sosa, 2003
Bill Posters
09:51 / 14.10.03
It just re-affirms that the more things change the more things stay the same in amerikkka.

i find your spelling of 'America' both infantile and offensive. Why, you should be ashamed.
10:01 / 14.10.03
And all that "I shoulda shown her the bad boy" shite... surely a case like this provides you with a reason for not doing so, as if you fucking needed one

Mang,Shame on you Sir Tropical Fruitcake whoever you are.DAMN GEENA,where the hell is everybody's sense of humor?(or humour)if you prefer.I try to inject some life into this board and all I get is *wah,you said bitch, wah, you said BadBoy,wah,you are sir are a sexist-cry cry cry*
I think I know what's going on here.You guys are offended by my style,please don't go getting all vengeful and filled with righteous indignation at ya boy.Like I said,check out that link I just provided and honestly try and sit here and tell me what Kobe's attorney just did is not some serious legal firepower.
I disagree with this notion that this girl is an angel.I've done my homework folks,she's no angel.Plenty of evidence to support my theory.

and at the end of the day if you don't wanna be my friend that's cool.
cause I'm still cool.
Tryphena Absent
10:04 / 14.10.03
That evidence does not in any way conclusively prove that she was not raped.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:17 / 14.10.03
Who said this girl was an angel? She doesn't have to be a fucking angel. Or is it okay to rape hoes and bitches?
Regrettable Juvenilia
10:19 / 14.10.03
I may indeed be a sexist but I don't think so.Some of my best friends are bitches and hoes.
oops.Anyway,you guys pretty much swooped down from the castle of self righteousness like I figured you would.I mean, far be it from me to start a discussion about something that means something to me.

Okay, I think this thread has been given the chance to develop into an intelligent discussion, and the true nature of nowthink's intentions have become pretty clear. I'm moving for it to be locked: show's over, folks.
Tryphena Absent
10:20 / 14.10.03
Or people who have sex twice in one day. Ohmygod, how shocking, she must be guilty. She should be put to death for ruining the moral fabric of North American society. Oh wait, the last President already did that.
Tryphena Absent
10:24 / 14.10.03
Hang on. This thread is in conversation which is generally full of nonsense so I want to know why you're proposing to lock this thread? With a little detail behind the explanation please!

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