It's an Old Testament / New Testament kinda schtick.
Should you 'Do unto others as you would have them do unto you', or should you 'Do not unto others that which you would not have done unto you'....knowarrimean.
Personally, I'm with the old skool Torah boys (and girls), and firmly believe that once you resort to physical means of expression and communication, that becomes the language being spoken, and you can't be crying when the lyrics get gnarly.
Or, in other words, whether you are very young, very old, frail, firm, healthy, sick, male, female, sane, insane, whatever...You hit someone, you'd better make sure they go down, cos they are going to hit you back otherwise.
Hence, if you are the fightin' type, make sure you are really very good at it (Think Mickey One Punch/Brad Pitt in 'Snatch') or else find some other, dare I say gentler means of expressing yourself.
What the fuck difference does it make if you are attacked by a woman or a man? Or a dolphin or a shark? KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER BEFORE IT KILLS YOU!
This thread touched a bit of a nerve actually, cos I once had my hair pulled out at the roots, and took a kicking from a couple of cracked up girls at a club...I was pulled to the floor, and protected my face, so i got loads of kicks in the guts...When I got to my feet and planted a steel-toed 30 yard punt squarely in the Poom Poom of Lead Bitch, thus ending her evening in a crutch splitting paroxysm of agony, the drunken milieu of 'gentlemen' (ooh, doesn't chivalry just live and breathe), who hadn't seen a thing up to the point that my boot connected with her flange, leaped to her noble defence, and I got a secong huge kicking, for no fucking reason.
I ended up in hospital.
All this happened because, for no fucking reason, they had pushed my mate down the stairs in the club. I was outside flyering, completely oblivious. When I offered them a flyer, my pissed mate came past, said 'Don't give them a flyer, they're bitches', and doshed his pint in their faces (very effectively).
I knew nothing, and was a surprised as them. My mate legged it, and they promptly started on me.
So I was in the same conundrum, until I decided 'Fuck it, I have to defend myself here'. For which I was kicked in a second time.
So anyway, since then, I have a simple, beautiful policy - Hit me, and I hit you back. Only harder.
The only exception is with my son. But he's only fifteen inches tall. |