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The Tantrum Thread


Page: 12(3)

8===>Q: alyn
10:36 / 06.10.03
WFMU's in New Jersey, asshole.
10:38 / 06.10.03
Qalyn, lick Hatties venomous flange with your poseur NYC you-think-you're-all-that harsher-than-thou bullshit, if you can't smoke in a bar then you're soft as cookie dough.
Scottish-American? You know the Scots sent all their pansy soft-as-shite bastard throwbacks to the states, right? Like YO MOMMA? Practice saying 'Heed!' or 'Does y'Ma sew?'
Sauron- did you know the platypus has a venomous spur? It's true, a duckbill can kill you with it's heel. But while we're on the subject, CAN'T YOU READ YOU FUCKWIT? T-A-N-T-R-U-M, a half-assed throwaway 'lick it' won't cut the mustard round here my friend, work up your rage or fuck off. (it's true about the platypus though)
Tryphena Absent
10:40 / 06.10.03
WFMU's in New Jersey, asshole.

So that stops you listening to that shit? Real Player- duh! Hell can't you even hear it from NY or is American radio that trash that you actually have to be soooo local? And I'm not even gonna start with the rest you fucking clique bitch.
8===>Q: alyn
12:10 / 06.10.03
Anna, I can get WFMU on the radio any time I want, you little idiot. My point is that you don't know who you're talking to. I will house you and everybody who looks like you. I could drop a dime and house this whole fucking thread.

Quantum, I once shivved a grizzly bear for talking shit about my mother. Watch your step, son. My father moved here in 1970 to attend a university that offered degrees in something besides headbutting and worshipping the Queen of England. "All that"? Where's the bag-of-chips, you microcephalic dork? Go back to watching the bad television that your 3.4 networks import from America and leave me alone.

I could lick Hattie's venemous flange with both tongues, then eat 8 pollo asado tacos and drive home drunk. I don't give a shit.
12:24 / 06.10.03
Quantum, if you thought that was mild, you've obviously never licked poison pussy.

Naïve child.
Tryphena Absent
12:28 / 06.10.03
Go on then Qalyn! Show us your shit, come out of the sandbox you rabid little bastard!
12:51 / 06.10.03
Well, I leave Barbelith for the weekend and expect to come back to find the tantrum thread has flowered into a mighty titan of witty riposte and ironic parry. And instead it's imploded like a decaying dog turd.

Dorothy Parker watch out; the counterculture's most incisive minds are here.
Tryphena Absent
12:59 / 06.10.03
FINE! You fucking insult these twats and watch them fail to rise to the occasion. This place is DEAD! DEAD I TELL YOU!
13:08 / 06.10.03
I've never claimed to have an incisive mind. In fact, I've never claimed anything very much but I'll make an exception for you and state that I could fucking well take you out any time I fucking wanted. You and your feeble friends.
13:18 / 06.10.03
I can't believe you argue about Scottish-American being harder than being Scottish [or whatever]. That's like saying 'what's cuntier - a ginger obese sweaty cunt, or a ginger obese sweaty cunt?
Remember Culloden, you pansy-arsed sons of the empire! We own you! Escaping to New York [so shite thay named it twice] doesn't mean your arse doesn't belong to a hairdresser in Neasden.
WMFU? WMFU? What the fuck are you talking about? Go and order yourself a Babycham immediately and get a Bailey's chaser - and get one for your pox-ridden whore of a mother while you're at it. Local radio? Bow before BBC Radio 2, you unworthy bastards.
And as for you Sax, what's this with your noncey expectations? To a secure wing with you, and take your dollies too.
13:40 / 06.10.03
This just in... "cunt" still epithet of choice for arseholes.
13:48 / 06.10.03
Twat is the new cunt.
Kit-Cat Club
13:50 / 06.10.03
Call this a tantrum thread? Pfff....

Mummy mummy it's not fair they're supposed to be interesting and funny but all they do is snipe at each other and it's not even witty and why do none of them like me when I'm better than all of them and more interesting *sniff gulp* and it's not fair I sit here and have nothing to do all day and they should be my friends but they don't care because they're all nasty and they hate me and I hate them all *sniff sniff* and it's not fair why don't they like me and post something interesting *gulp* I hate them and I wish they would all d d d waaah d d *gulp* DIE!


13:52 / 06.10.03
Oh, Christ, look who's here. No party without Punch, eh? You're about as welcome as blood on bog-roll, Kitty-cat.
Kit-Cat Club
13:57 / 06.10.03


*drums heels on floor, waves fists in air*
13:58 / 06.10.03
I always had you marked down as Violet Elizabeth, you know.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
13:59 / 06.10.03
I fucking hate you all. If there's one thing I hate more than smug, stuck up board royalty with more posts than braincells it's pathetic whinging little shits who think that they're all hard-done-by because every single other person in the entire Universe doesn't agree with them. Fuck off the lot of you.
14:01 / 06.10.03
Hah! The tantrum thread is dyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying you say? FUCK OFF! If necessary I'll fight AnnadeL to the death armed only with a poison fannyflap (to which I am immune due to my extreme virility, there's no pussy made I can't master- except those fucking NY pussies, you can keep them) I can't believe that someone pretending to be scottish would lie back and take the abuse that's being dished out, why not just bend over and take it from the English like you always have and stop pretending to be hard
Kit-Cat Club
14:07 / 06.10.03
Sax, I think you are jolly beastly and I'm not inviting you round to tea ever ever again.
Tryphena Absent
14:10 / 06.10.03
Oh fuck off back to no-net land Quantum, you can't even be arsed to put the time in, you no good, dirty dog breathed mollusc.
Spyder Todd 2008
14:35 / 06.10.03
I've chosen to never again enter this post. You people can't argue worth shit, and I've realized that when I disappear for a day or two it gets covered with a bunch of drunken-Scotsmen arguing about who has bigger balls. So, fuck all of you, except for a couple of you. And gingerbop is quite correct, I do indeed have five appendages.
14:43 / 06.10.03
Oh. you wanted an argument? That's next door. This is abuse.

It may be a silly concept, but it doesn't stop you all being cunts. And as for arseholes, you're going to have an arsehole like a fresh bullet wound when I've finished with you, young Saxophonist-me-lad.

Where are all the sweaties hiding? Flower of Scotland, my flange.
Kit-Cat Club
14:49 / 06.10.03
God, you ill-educated morons, do none of you know what a tantrum actually is? Go and look it up - I wash my hands of the lot of you. Why does no one have any brain in this abysmal hole but me?
15:08 / 06.10.03
Sax is a feltcher, he's got herpes too
Silly fucking arsehole, he's got it up the flue
Oh, what a fucking boring cunt, he goes on and on all day
He's got this fucking herpes and it's gone all the way
He's got herpes in his false teeth, He's got herpes in his wig
He's got herpes in his fucking knob, he thinks it's fucking big
His knob is full of herpes, the thing is falling off
And worst of all, the worst of it, he's got this fucking cough
Oh Sax has got herpes, he's got herpes up his arse,
And the reason he has got it is cos he's working class.
Old brown-eye is back
15:14 / 06.10.03
You Derick and Clive-quoting cunt.
15:34 / 06.10.03
I thought this thread was meant to be acerbic. That's the best cunting compliment I've ever received.
Baz Auckland
15:54 / 06.10.03
You all suck because you filled up this thread with hundreds of replies so I had to spend HOURS catching up, when I should be studying! Damn you all!

Who wants to fight? Come on!
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
17:46 / 06.10.03
Why would we fight you, Baz? I mean, let's be honest, you wouldn't last more than a minute or two before you were crying and begging for mercy.

A fight with you would be a warmup for a real fight, one where I might actually have to show why they call me the dirtiest player in the game, the man who will do anything to win. You might even say, "Gee, Solitaire, you're old, you're washed up, you got nothing left." You'd be wrong. DAMN wrong. Space Mountain may be the oldest ride in the park, but it's also got the longest line! So bring it on and I'll just smack you down again, like I did all the others who wanted to be as good as me but failed.

You say you want to fight me. You really don't. Trust me on that one. Why? Because in order to BE the man, you have to Beat the man, and my friend, you will Never. Beat. The Man.

Then again, come on. Fight me. I got about 15 minutes to kill before CSI's on, and it's good to work up a bit of a sweat.
8===>Q: alyn
18:56 / 06.10.03
I can't really tell you listless pudding-eaters apart, so I'll just address this to the general readership: I'll be the guy on your doorstep at some six am, dressed all in grey with a fresh haircut and blood dripping from my knuckles. You better be a fast fucking runner.
19:02 / 06.10.03
may tricks and i will KILL you all with our HUGE BREASTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SUCK A DICK if you don't like it!!!!
Baz Auckland
19:36 / 06.10.03
...ah, a fate better than life is it? I humbly resign myself to my destiny. Kill away.
Brigade du jour
19:47 / 06.10.03
Wow man ...
This is the best thread ever ...
Cool ...

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