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The Tantrum Thread


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Tryphena Absent
12:55 / 02.10.03
Welcome to The Tantrum Thread! A place where all petty differences and squabbles must be emphasised and not resolved. Got a problem? Hate someone so much you think your head might explode with petty anger and hate- HATE? Come in and HATE in peace... you fucking cunts.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:57 / 02.10.03
I love everyone.

And yes, I do know how annoying that is.
13:00 / 02.10.03
Rizla, Bill Posters and Illmatic are a bunch of geeky soap-dodging trainspotters who think four pieces of crudely-illustrated A4 paper clumsily stapled together makes a periodical and who wouldn't know good magazine journalism if it wiped the dogshit off its Patrick Cox loafers on them as they lay there festering among the kebab wrappers and rat droppings wondering why their thinly-veiled come-ons to encourage Barbelith's female contingent to take their clothes off have about as much chance of getting them laid as their sweaty-palmed endorsements of such painfully trendy bands as the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and the Donnas.
13:00 / 02.10.03
Hey, Anna, I empathise with Nick. I think it's a beautiful gesture that you've started this thread to address your concerns, and focus your aggression. Perhaps some of us can help you out here - thank you for sharing.
Tryphena Absent
13:04 / 02.10.03
Illmatic- I think you are wrong in the fucking head. Walking around with your sweet tone and your futile words of beauty when all I want to do IS TAKE A CROWBAR TO YOUR HEAD. RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH.

And Nick FUCK OFF.
13:15 / 02.10.03
(In a patronsising Clare Rayner voice for maximum annoyance)

Anna: I sense a lot of hostility in your tone. Where is this anger coming from?

(leans back in comfy therapists chair)
Tryphena Absent
13:17 / 02.10.03
It stems from your overbearing and repressive presence Illmatic you prissy little madam!
13:24 / 02.10.03
Can I just say I really understand your anger, Anna? Once again, I'd like to thank you being so honest, forthright and open with me. It's of tremendous value to me. I think together we can go on to make real progress, both in understanding each other and ourselves.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
13:28 / 02.10.03
I bet five quaglars on the newcomer.

I don't want to fight anyone, but I seem to remember that Kit-Kat, Bengali in Platforms and Angel were going to fight each other, so I want to see that.
Tryphena Absent
13:32 / 02.10.03
For Fuck's Sake Lady! We're not interested in your pathetic tendency to be peaceful! We want to FEEL THE ANGER. If you're not gonna cause the pain and throw the tantrum than don't come in here and Illmatic... %$^%&*(@|\+
13:37 / 02.10.03
*smiling, offers Anna hugs with open arms*
Tryphena Absent
13:38 / 02.10.03
Where the fuck is Quantum? Fucking lunatic, never on time, someone tell him he's not fit to lick the sole of my least favourite pair of shoes.
13:51 / 02.10.03
I can feel the love in this room. Mmmm...
Goodness Gracious Meme
13:53 / 02.10.03
*chucks ADeL under the chin*

awww, ain't she cute when she's angry. you go, girlfriend.

oh and don't worry about Illmatic, A, he's just spouting pyschotherapeutic phrases which he clearly wouldn't understand if they smacked him in the face. which they MIGHT.

Lady, for god's sake get over your sad geek alpha fantasies. As *if*. Get back to the tit-claw video, you pathetic excuse.
Mourne Kransky
13:59 / 02.10.03
No pics of Bear chokeslammin' Solitaire Rose then, or vice versa? In taut and mutli-coloured lycra.

Some bloody Fight Club this is, de Logardière! Bloody waste of all this aggression if it's not channelled into homoerotic fantasy.
14:03 / 02.10.03
I'm saddened, Anna deL. Are you really the person who initiated the fluffy rabbits thread? What have they done to you?
Now, I want you to imagine I'm holding out a little duckling. And the duckling is looking at you, and he's opening his tiny beak, and squeeking, Meep! Why is Mummy angry?
Are you going to dissapoint him, Anna?
Are you?
Tryphena Absent
14:07 / 02.10.03
Homoerotic fantsy taints the purity of the Tantrum Thread. Get your shitty wrestling paraphenalia out of here. Now come and fight like a MAN!

Ex, that duckling has no place here. How could you bring it along, knowing it could get so hurt? You should be ashamed of yourself! Go and cry in the corner!
14:17 / 02.10.03
This is a shit thread.
Lurid Archive
14:23 / 02.10.03
I think you'll find that this is a femdom thread, Xoc. I mean, look at Anna de L go. So its not a completely lost cause.
Mourne Kransky
14:24 / 02.10.03
But cathartic for Ms de L, Sax. I suspect her head will explode half way down the second page though, unless she gets a nice foot rub soon or starts practising candomblé.
Tryphena Absent
14:33 / 02.10.03
Sax- you're shit not this thread.
Lurid- what's up with the analysis freak. You're the lost cause. Go analyse your arse.
Xoc- I'd sooner chop your toes off one by one and send them to your family members than have anyone give me a foot rub.
Lurid Archive
14:38 / 02.10.03
I love it when you talk dirty, Anna de L.
Mourne Kransky
14:49 / 02.10.03
I was puzzled by your femidom reference, Lurid, till I realised my misreading. You mean like this:

I can't "fight like a MAN" but I think I could have a go at that "dressed by Bob Mackie and trying not to break a nail" type brawling. Especially if I thought it would turn Sax on.

Unless my opponent has a gun or a knife, the benefit of being trained in basic Control & Restraint techniques is I'd have them subdued on the floor within thirty seconds though. In spite of my Caledonian genes.
Tryphena Absent
14:58 / 02.10.03
Does this thread look like it says PICs in the subject heading? Well does it? No, NO IT DOESN'T, you inattentive Caledonian hot footer it fucking doesn't!!!
15:02 / 02.10.03
you bunch of sissies. I come in here looking for a good, quality rumble amongst friends and all I find is a half assed limp wristed slapfest.

you fuckers ain't worthy of the full on force of my mighty wrath. I'm gonna go eat some raw meat.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
15:14 / 02.10.03
I'm gonna nick your raw meat and eat it in front of you while you cry. Then I'm going to roll you in damp lino until you look like a big sausage, and use you to squelch puppies.
Spyder Todd 2008
15:15 / 02.10.03
I'm angry because no one is PISSING ME OFF!!!!! Damn you people, do something to annoy the shit out of me. Where's the goddamn voilence in my direction? I want to kill something. Piss me off, you stupid assholes, or I'll DESTROY THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!
Tryphena Absent
15:18 / 02.10.03
God Spyder, all you do is whine, whine, whine all fucking day like a small child whose balloon has floated off in to the atmosphere. I'M GOING TO CRUSH YOU LIKE THE DAWG YOU ARE!
Spyder Todd 2008
16:40 / 02.10.03
Gods, Anna, why don't you bitch about it some more! If you'd shut the fuck up for two seconds, maybe you'd realize I've shoved a god damn hand grenade up your fucking colon, be-atch!!!

I like this thread.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:07 / 02.10.03
Geek Alpha BiP? Is he related to Jonny Alpha from 2000AD? Anyway, by being all peaceful and loving, I'm being more subversive than the lot of you! Ha! I don't need to fight you all to smack you down! I just use the power of my massive mutant brain! And exc!ama!ion m!!ks!!!!!!!!
Mourne Kransky
19:04 / 02.10.03
What a stupid idea for a thread. I have sat in contemplative silence for a good hour now, with the aim of balancing my chakras and achieving inner peace. But it hasn't fucking worked because of you juvenile lemonsuckers and all the bad karma you're oppressing me with. Gah!

There's fuck all wrong with my gorgeous catfight pic, Snotnose de Logardiere. I don't need your fucking permission to introduce another dimension into your shrill girly squabblethon. Sheesh...

You're just jealous because you were still struggling with big words like "potty" and "poo" when REAL women were wearing alpha-female shoulder pads and taking it to the streets on prime time tv. No anonymous internet taunting for them. Barbara Castle didn't hide behind a laptop when she went mano a mano with Maggie Thatcher in the House of Commons car park.

Sandi Shaw went barefoot everywhere because she was ready, at an instant's provocation, to kick the living shit out of Cilla Black or Pet Clark in the Top of the Pops Studio. Why do you think Dusty Springfield always had those two black eyes?

You're all wusses, you milk-fed children of the internet age.
mondo a-go-go
20:49 / 02.10.03
What I really fucking hate is when everyone refers to Anna de L as Anna, because I'm Anna. I mean, I even started a thread explaining why there were two Annas on the board now, so it's not my fucking fault you're all fucking confused. You're all fucking confused because you're all fucking retarded and clearly too fucking lazy to get peoples' names right.

Take a cue from that Bengali lass and call that other Anna Adele, instead, go on. Oh, all right AdeL, then.

Oh, and AdeL -- don't fancy yours much. I mean, the job. Bored are you? <insert evil laughter here>
Tryphena Absent
21:13 / 02.10.03
Oh screw you Anna, if this Anna wants to be called fucking Anna than she will be called Anna, got it Anna. God, you're so fucking screwed, I don't think you could be screwed any tighter. I'm gonna call you Anal Anna and I'm gonna come over to the USA and I'm going stick a doll called Anna up your backside.
Whisky Priestess
22:35 / 02.10.03


(where's my supplementary testosterone?!?)
Spyder Todd 2008
01:57 / 03.10.03
Oh, Jesus tap dancing Christ! Anna, you changed your fucking name to Anna, even when Anna L had been here since god was a fucking toddler! You were some other crappy name before that! Stop your bitching!

Shit, now I'm defending Anna L? Well, you can go fuck yourself too, girl!

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