You know, I've been watching this thread limp along the mid-range of the queue for, what, a week now? without bothering to read it, because I figured it was either a fairly specific slapfest among a select group who really deserved it, or an floppy, club-footed attempt at an art form NYC Barbelith has already proven themselves past masters at. Turns out I was right the second time.
You should thank your politically correct socialized heavens that Flux, Todd, bio k9, MJ-12 and I are too busy dishing beat-downs with real, live chains to college boys in the East Village to have even noticed this pathetic mockery.
Let me make this clear, because you guys can be a little slow on the uptake. I don't even need the other guys to take care of you. All by myself, I WILL come down there with a nailgun and a chrome bumper ripped off of your mother's station wagon, I WILL take each and every one of you out into the alley and I WILL crush your flabby asses into gravy. I will take a slice off your back and make a sandwich and not even bother to eat it. I'll just throw the sandwich away. Got it? I am hell, motherfuckers. Pipe down before you annoy me, you puny, monkey-baiting, undernourished mongrels. |