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Lame Shift I--kickin' it with the Fimbles


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Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:07 / 05.10.03
My computer is trying to kill me.
02:15 / 05.10.03
maz: yes. we're on the puter on a saturday night. that's not funny!

pan - it's pissed off about your wighatred. EMBRACE THE WIGS!
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:23 / 05.10.03
Well, i guess if guys didn't wear wigs i wouldn't be able to take the piss out of them. Viva the wig, the hairpiece and the toupe!
02:25 / 05.10.03
what about the...ah, shit, what's the one that you wear on your crotch? funny stuff.

can you imagine that love scene?

I can. that's why I'm laughing at my computer, wearing oversized jammies and white socks. small wonder I'm single, man!
02:26 / 05.10.03
next I'll start belching the alphabet while scratching my bum. HOT!
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
02:44 / 05.10.03
A Mirkin? You extnd your sympathies to merkin wearers? Ok I surrender unequivically!
02:50 / 05.10.03
you know you own a collection of them. you regularly groom them, and keep them in special moisture free containers. you're the top merkin seller on ebay.

you know it. it's ok to admit it, you're amongst friends. sorta.
Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
03:05 / 05.10.03
I've been rumbled, there is nothing i like more then attaching a pubic wig to a person in need. In fact, i am the premier applicator of merkins this side of the Atlantic.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:37 / 05.10.03
Hey anyone up? I am sitting here wired on starbucks chatting reading a comic reading the magick and now I want to add the lame shift to that.
08:43 / 05.10.03
Hey..uhm, I am up. I donot know how much longer though. Daylight soon.

Uhm...ya know...
08:45 / 05.10.03
Damn....Nietzsch E. Coyote? That is you?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:46 / 05.10.03
Yeah this is me. sunlight is still a little while off for me yet.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
08:51 / 05.10.03
how are things with you?
Nietzsch E. Coyote
12:29 / 05.10.03
6.30 am local time. even I must sleep eventually. See you later.

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