"Undead undead undead..."
So, a month has passed (and another moon-cycle) and I think it's time for an update.
First, did anyone do a Halloween working (or have an interesting experience) that they are willing to share? I know several of us had plans, but how did they turn out?
Second, for those of you who are interested (*cough*), here is a picture of me and my wife in our Halloween costumes. Thrilling stuff, really. :P
Finally, Is There Life After Halloween?
What does the Autumnal Witch do after Halloween has passed and Autumn moves on into Winter?
The ooky, deliciously wild and wicked energy of the Halloween Current doesn't die November 1st, but it does change form. I am still in close contact with the Pumpkin King, but it has become clear to me that I need to work to define my own practice beyond the holiday festival. My investigations into lycanthropy continue, and I have also become interested in hoodoo, or rootwork (thanks, Gypsy Lantern, for the "Lucky Mojo" link in a different thread). Something about hoodoo *clicked* for me, and I'm starting to incorporate elements of it into my practice (and hope to do much more as I learn).
November also saw me start out on an eco-anarchy trip, which has branched into a growing interest in self-sufficiency small-plot gardening and plant spirits, while also tying back into the rootwork and the werewolfism (and the anti-authoritarian potential of each), and my spiritual/religious identity is humming with activity as well (a new thread is coming), which ties back again to each of these areas.
Yes, it's a time of serious syncretism in Halloweentown. 
I'm moving forward on a project I mentioned upthread: the Thousand-times Great Grand Mere mojo bag for dream-divination/spirit contact. The list of ingredients (13 in all, decided on intuitively – what *clicks*) is more-or-less complete. Now I just need to find everything.
The list as is stands:
- lapis lazuli (more than once, Bradbury describes her eyes as being of this stone)
- wishbone from family turkey on Thanksgiving (both the remains of the dead and a reminder of the closeness of family)
- wormwood from my mother-in-law’s garden (the bitterness of death, but also associated with prophetic dreams)
- oak leaves gathered in the cemetery on Halloween
- graveyard dirt taken from the roots of a tree (with whom I already have a relationship) growing out of a grave – given freely by the tree, as a token of our friendship.
- root, leaf or vine of pumpkin from the remnants of the nearby pumpkin field
- piece of wood from a long-abandoned building
- myrrh ash
- sandalwood ash
- a cat’s whisker (dressed in amber oil)
- bee’s wax
- a dead moth
- dried rose bud (from a rose given in love)
The bag itself will be white linen (the mummy connection) from one of my wife’s departed grandfather’s old handkerchiefs (the family connection). To power it up, it will be smoked with myrrh and sandalwood, then dressed with the Pinot Noir saved from the Halloween party.
There’s much more that I’m up to, but some of it I’ll save for later and some of it will get it’s own thread shortly.
So where’s my Halloween people?