Well, yesterday was October 1st, the official opening day (by my reckoning) of the Halloween season.
This year, as part of my overarching goal to get my magickal butt in gear, I've decided to do a nightly meditation/devotion/working to hammer my Halloween Magick system into shape.
(I don't know if anyone's interested in the particulars, but here goes anyway, for any of you who are...)
I started last night by turning the lights down and reading some H. P. Lovecraft ("The Moon-bog"). Cheesy, maybe, but it set the mood nicely. I'll probably do this with a different horror short story or novel excerpt every night.
Then I got things rolling with the quasi-improvised Four Monsters Banishing. Basically "calling the quarters," with Dracula to the North (air), The Mummy to the South (earth), The Wolfman to the East (water) and Frankenstein's Monster to the West (fire). (I've spent a while trying out different combinations of associations, and this seems to work out best, for now.) Then I read aloud a short passage from Bradbury's "Something Wicked This Way Comes" (the bit about the Autumn People).
As silly as it might sound, I have never had a more powerful opening to a ritual, whether solo or group. As I finished the final "call," the air in the room charged up with an almost audible *thunk*, and my hands positively swarmed with gathered energy.
The feeling was so powerful that I almost considered charging a spontaneous working, but I decided to stick with the original plan, which was the "skull mask" meditation, the first step toward a full-blown Pumpkin King invokation. I have this "novelty-candelabra" with a glowing skull on top (more Mexican Day of the Dead than cartoony) which I used as a focus - kneeling ("Dragon Pose" if you prefer), I had my eyes open and fixed on the skull as I inhaled and then closed and focused on the after-image as I exhaled (I think, on reflection, that I may reverse that next time). After several long minutes of this, I felt something stirring inside me, some hints of Jack Skellington. I found myself standing, arms outflung in a classic Jack pose. My eyes were still fixed on the glowing skull, and I gradually managed to flex the image from convex to concave, like I was looking into the hollow of a mask. I reached out for the mask and pulled the visuallized (astral?) mask over my own face. Again, as with the Banishing, everything *clicked* perfectly -- and I began spontaneously dancing, ending with a flourish and Jack's signature high-pitched laugh (which I have often tried to emulate, and could never seem to do right - I got it last night!).
I was exhausted and a little off-balance (this started out a quiet, reflective meditation, right?), so I closed with another Four Monsters Banishing and relaxed with some light pranayama (a few rounds of Sama Vriti, for what it's worth).
All in all, a success (I would say), and a good start (I've got 30 more nights of this...). I'm going to try to expand into some actual workings soon.
Anyone have any questions or suggestions? I don't know if this is of any interest to anyone, but I figured I'd share (who was it who was complaining about too much theory and not enough practice? *wink*).
Good Haunting,
~L |