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Halloween and Black (and Orange) Magick


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16:43 / 08.10.03
[I tried to post this last night right after the fact, but my computer wasn't having it - locked up for a minute then closed just my Barbelith window, leaving my other browser windows open.]

So I ended up going out to the pumpkin farm, and I did come back with a pumpkin - a cute little thing, only half ripe and fresh off the vine (with appropriate thanks to the plant spirits for the gift).

I worked out a sigil beforehand (though danged if I can remember what for... :P), and set up a little altar with an orange and a black candle and my little pumpkin in the middle. I also had my pumpkin carving tools, a little plastic coffin filled with consecrated candycorn (I never thought I'd say that and mean it!), and the Goblin Bells from my previous working.

This ritual was a little different from the others, because it was the first Halloween Magick I've done without using the Four Monsters Banishing - the main reason was that while the FMB (ha!) feels very protective, it is also insulating from the outside world (and hence suited for the reflective meditation I was doing before). For this ritual I wanted a more free flow of energy from the surrounding area (the pumpkin farm, the moonlit sky, the dark shadows under the oaks), so I tried a different approach.

The idea was to combine a devotional ritual (to the Pumpkin King) with a sigil launch: using the energy and intensity of the "worship"* to charge the sigil, while also offering the sigil (both in magickal intent and material base) as a sacrifice (which in turn generates more energy, which charges the sigil, making it a more powerful sacrifice, which... you get the picture). I was looking to make a kind of feedback loop and, while I'm not quite sure if the logic works out, the ritual seemed to go well.

So, I set up my orange and black candles, gave the Goblin Bells a ring (felt the air change immediately), and proclaimed an affirmation of my allegiance to the Pumpkin King [see endnote]. I did some breathing and visualization to gather the particular flavor of energy I needed: "pumpkin" energy in the form of a glowing orange mist that I took in with every inhalation.

As I absorbed and radiated the pumpkin energy, I started to push outward and charge my workspace - drawing further on the Halloween energy normally stored in the room (my living room, which is typically plastered with Halloween decorations and death-heads and Universal Monster action figures, etc.), and the surrounding area (see above). This energy took on the image of a spiraling column of bats, whirling and rustling around me, reaching far up into the sky and generating yet more energy with their ceaseless motion (the visualization was intense, and my body started swaying from the "wind").

Then I tried (with some success) to divide my attention between maintaining the bat-column and inscribing the sigil - I used my pumpkin-carving tools to carve it into the pumpkin ("make the athame fit the job" ), then I hollowed out the pumpkin and stuffed it with the candycorn. I took a moment to admire the sigilated (??) pumpkin as an object, a thing of beauty with its own intrinsic value (an important aspect of any sacrificial object, to my mind). I repeated the Pumpkin King affirmation over it, to dedicate it to Skeleton Jack. (I also ate some of the fresh pumpkin meat to strengthen my body-connection with the pumpkin as a sacrificial lifeform.)

I turned my focus back to the bat-column and got it building up and up and up up up (pardon my Seussing) until it was time to push and guide the energy down through my hand into the sacrificial pumpkin, visualizing the light streaming out through the cut sigil and thoroughly infusing it. At this point, unbidden, I received a startlingly vivid impression of Jack towering over the whirling pillar of bats and reaching his own hand down through mine to lay his own seal on both sigil and sacrifice. I had no fear, just a touch of awe at the sense of presence - UKOMA PEFIGU NOSA LEHITU ROBA! (an excerpt from the Pumpkin King affirmation, essentially: "I bear the blessing of the Pumpkin King.") It was very different than the internalized invokation I had done with the Skull-Mask, and carried a much greater sense of Jack acting as he Willed, independent of my conscious expectations.

When I had charged the pumpkin what seemed to be "enough," I concluded the rite by blowing out the candles and ringing the Goblin Bells one final time in the dark. I didn't banish, though - I still needed to launch the sigil (it was primed, and now needed to be fired, so to speak). So I asked Jack to stay with me and I took to the streets. Outside I took a moment to breath in a little fortifying energy from the nearly-full moon, and walked out to a less-inhabited and more dimly-lit stretch of semi-rural road (there are, believe it or not, no handy crossroads near my house - just a long stretch of straight road, with sidestreets staggered instead of crossing). I took one last moment to contemplate the moon, then called out "In the Name of the Pumpkin King!" and smashed my sacrifice/sigil to the street, where it exploded with a satisfying *thunk* and spray of candycorn. [I'm not sure what it means that I can do these things without feeling silly. ]

There was a sudden sense of release and lightening - the night seemed open and free, and I walked home *zinging* like after playing a show (and in no mood to sleep - I was up 'til 5, and left for work at 8).

So, that was last night. I've got some things to thing about re: my relationship with the Bone Daddy.

[Meanwhile, I'm finding this whole werewolf thing so interesting I may go ahead and start a separate thread about it soon...]

Good Haunting!


*I use the word "worship," but in actuality it was less a religious experience than a... political one, perhaps, or and sense of affiliation? It felt less like I was making offerings to a God, and more like I had joined, say, a law firm and was making a toast to the senior partner or, I don't know, something like that. My feeling is that Jack rules Halloween because Jack is the best at Halloweening, but while he loves to be the center of attention, I think worship, per se, is a little...embarassing? Like he doesn't quite know what to do with it. Instead, during and after the ritual, I had a sense of being "on his team," like an agent or deputy, even a "knight" to the King - but not a follower or supplicant. The paradoxical image is of a monarch ruling over an anarchy - I don't quite know how else to describe it - the Autumn People conform to Jack's wishes when and if they choose, and we choose to recognize him as King, because he's so good at it. He's the Bone Daddy. *sigh* This has all spilled out in hindsight, trying to capture in words the feelings of last night. I don't know how clear I'm being.
salix lucida
19:03 / 08.10.03
Lep, you are being absolutely perfectly clear to me with Jack and the Autumn people and the "worship" tangent. It's a dynamic I've been trying to explain to people regarding my own spiritual path for years now ("well, it's not really "worship", you see... it's... i kind of work for X when we're on about the same thing, because X is Bigger than me and embodies the concept better. Except when we're not about the same thing, and then I go do something else.") It makes me want to giggle maniacally here in my quiet little living room to read this, it does.

and hey.. i feel less silly doing things like that than I feel attempting a "perfectly normal" circle and invocation. It's more fun, anyway

I think I'll find something to do, myself, for the last week of this. Plans have already conspired around me for the last two days, so it should work out well.
20:21 / 08.10.03
Mr, L, the worship dynamic you describe also makes sense to me. It's also a bit like being adopted into a family, once the relationship deepens. When you described Jack as Bone Daddy, I also got a very vivid Voudoun frisson on the whole venture.

Unseelie Faething, maybe it's the Fey partiality towards the irreverant that lets us touched by that to do these things? And a step further, that it's these things that feed us just as much as reverent worship, and that there's really no difference.
19:25 / 09.10.03
Well, the Full Moon is on the 10th. What I failed to realize before now is that it is at around 3:30 AM on the 10th - or, for practical purposes, really late Thursday night instead of Friday night. My original plan involved an atavistic ritual out in the woods, but I may not get to do that.

Whatever - I'll find something good to do, anyway.

Is anyone else out there doing Halloween workings of any kind, besides those who've already rung in? C'mon, let us know what you're up to!

Good Haunting!

electric monk
20:11 / 10.10.03
Lep - Just wanted to say that the depth and detail that you've gone into in this thread is an inspiration for me. Thanks for sharing this.

"Fucking hell. You go for it, don't you?"
20:34 / 10.10.03
ElectricMonk: Thank you. Your thread on changework has also been inspirational. I know that the violent and bloody side of Halloween horror is something that I cannot safely ignore - "Never the Orange without the Black." I am very seriously considering a working to face my fear and harness the energy thereby released. We'll see what I can come up with (though I can see myself using the video card this weekend...).


"No Treat, Only Trick!"
14:49 / 11.10.03
So this morning I wake up from my first wolf dream...

Let me back up:

Last night I was casting about for a working to do - I was tired, I wasn't feeling especially motivated toward any of my usual magickal outlets - I just knew that I wanted to do something, and not in the house. I was very clear on that point. Now, something about me: I have too great a tendency to play the armchair adventurer. I read, I theorize, I wax mythical about the grand things to come - and, tired from all that, I go to bed. Huh. :| It doesn't mean I don't put effort into things, but I have a problem bringing my energy to bear on the more active, in your face aspects of anything - a group of friends is going for an ambitious late-night hike over some treacherous territory, so I spend many hours gathering information, maps, satellite photos of the area, and a list of known dangers - from the safety of my desk - and then, when the time comes, find some reason why I "can't make it." Yeah, it's kinda sad. The same thing applies to my magickal practice - this is a big part of why I insisted on grabbing the Halloween current as hard as I have: to make myself get over that and start doing something. It's working pretty well, but I still have that heavy sense of inertia, that there are so many things that would be great to do, but they're so much trouble, and it's late, and it's cold, and I'm tired, and couldn't I just do the FMB and raise the pillar of bats or something then check my email and go to bed?

So last night, at 1:15am, I said "okay, that's about enough of that," and went out. I didn't go to any of my usual spots (the cemetery, the old railroad bridge) - I wanted something new to sniff around. I drove around for a little while, then pulled the car up Old Holyoke Rd., which I had passed many times without so much as looking down it. There was a big ROAD CLOSED - Local Traffic Only sign. I figured, "hey, perfect."

Now, I don't know if I have ever driven down a street that gave a more witchy (and I ain't talking Wiccans) vibe - it almost made me turn around and find someplace else. The reek of the Autumn People was upon it for sure (it demands further investigation). I passed through that "zone" and came out the other side, to where the road pulled very close to the raised highway (the Mass Pike, for local readers) - and there was a tunnel passing under, with a gate. So, like any good noctivator I slipped through the gate into the echoing blackness beyond.

Inside, I closed my eyes for a couple minutes to let them adjust to the darkness while I attuned my hearing. I called down the Bone Daddy's blessing on my endeavor - which was, more or less, a kind of "facing my fears," in this case the Fear of Doing, or the Fear of Too Much Reality. I also, not knowing what kind of security (or drunk people, to judge by the occasional beercans) I might face, I called on the Wolfman to guide my steps and protect me from harm (and "give me eyes and ears that pierce the night," etc.).

I explored what lay beyond the tunnel/underpass for a good hour - the backlot of the Westfield gravel quarry - an unearthly landscape glowing in the moonlight, a wide marshy plain bounded by a semicircle of nearly sheer rock cliffs - "ruins" lining the hill of approach, the concrete bases of long-gone buildings. It was really something, and I was really doing it. I was frightened much of the time, but never paralyzingly so. It felt very good to do, and to have done, and I know that I will be back there again, now that I know where it is and how to get there.

While my little night-walk was not, in itself, explicitly tied to my Halloween workings (despite the blessings I asked for), it was a vital first step in the werewolf working: before I can feel truly comfortable in casting elaborate and mindbending solitary ritual off in the woods at night, I first need to actually be able to bring myself to be in the woods at night. More on the werewolf thing below.

I returned home and had a brief ritual - FMB, pillar of bats (less intense this time - next time I will take longer to gather and focus the energy before releasing the bats), a ritual thanks to Jack and the Wolfman for looking after me and, lastly, an appeal to the Pumpkin King for inspiration in how to best align myself with the Halloween current. I asked him specifically to reveal it to me "through signs and dreams."

Coming full circle to the beginning of this post: I had my first wolf dream last night.

Technically, by the "plot" of the dream they would've been coyotes - I knew where the dream was set and what animals I could expect. I was at the house of an old friend (she wasn't there, but her mom was complaining about her - sounds about right), and there was a recurring sense that it wasn't a good idea to go outside because of the animals - I think the others in the dream were afraid, so I took them at their word.

Then, through the window of the glassed-in side porch, I saw them. Three-ish (you know how dreams are?) grey canines, frolicking at the edge of the woods. They looked small from this distance, coyote-like (in keeping with my expectations). I stood and watched, recognizing dimly in this none-too-lucid dream that they were of significance to me. Suddenly, they were right outside the window, and they were much larger than they had appeared - great muscular grey wolves. They were agitated and behaving aggressively towards... I think towards the window itself, that separated us. There were domestic dogs in the scene as well - I think one was actually outside (this one had blue mask-like markings on its face, I remember that), tethered on a short rope and cringing against the house - the wolves ignored it (I think there was a boxer dog too, and someone was holding it on the porch). Then, they began to howl. They howled and it filled the dream, and the glass was gone and I howled and we howled together, and I registered surprise that I could do it, that I could howl with them, and it was good and then it ended, and I was awake, sweating, adrenaline-shocked, and very very late (my violin student was probably already at my studio waiting for me while I was peeling myself out of bed).

It was pretty intense, not least of all because I haven't been remembering my dreams very clearly at all for a couple weeks. The Halloween current almost feels like walking in dreams while awake anyway, and my sleep has been quiet and deep. This was anything but quiet!

I also take it as a sign from the Bone Daddy, as requested. I have been waffling a lot re: the werewolf working. My original conception, as previously noted, was to do a werewolf-themed ritual to recognize the Full Moon and also one of the Cardinal Monsters. My research, though, has itched at me and reminded me of my childhood fascination with the monsters, my fervent desire to become a wolf and run the moonlit forests (as I reached puberty I began to append "with my pack" to the original fantasy). I was so passionate about lycanthropy (and magick...) for many years, but it was buried somewhere when I reached highschool.

The desire is strong to explore lycanthropy more fully, as a kind of magickal expression of the bestial self, and this morning the Pumpkin King gave me his nod - "how can I best align myself with the Halloween current?" Howl with the wolves.

Good Hunting,

14:55 / 11.10.03
One last quick little note before I take off:

I performed the ritual last night in near-darkness (lights off, shades down, streetlight filtering in through the edges), wearing (oh Jack Alive, I love these...) my gloves with the raised-plastic glow-in-the-dark skeleton handbones and the red led's in the fingertips.

They're so boss.

They also give a really interesting (and compelling) visual impression during the Four Monsters Banishing - the glowing hands floating disembodied in the air, shaping the signs and giving my (now almost dance-like) gestures lingering trails.

It really does add something to the rite.

Anyone else been playing with their Halloween props?

Good Haunting,

19:16 / 11.10.03
If someone drops a lot of cash on me today to beat them silly [1], you can guarntee that I'll be at the Hallowe'en store scouring for goodies & shinies.

I could use some fur, right about now. Not that I will find it there. But I can see adding some little cauldron to my working, to use as a black mirror for gazing (when filled with water). Normally I stink at that sort of scrying, but with the unintimidating Halloween touch to it, I feel like I've got a cahnce of getting good stuff.

As an aside, what have you been for Halloween in years past, L? I've been many things. I won't admit to last year's here out (it involved a certain supersexysly ultradimensional spy couple and the last of my ruby red hair), but I gravitated towards being a witch for a few years in my childhood, the only costume I repeated.

That, and She-Ra. My mother also vetoed Cleopatra one year so I had to be an angel instead. (But oh those wings...)

The witchy gate --- hmmm, the kind where you pass through Elsewhere? And to which Monster did you ascribe the element of Earth (gravel quarry)?

[1] As a prodomme; I'm not brute force for hire, not exactly.
21:23 / 11.10.03
beautifultoxin: Earth would have been the Mummy, but I didn't evoke because I didn't actually realize where I would end up.

Hmmm... costumes of Halloween past: my very first Halloween costume was my second Halloween when my parents dressed me as Wee Willy Winkie, from the nursery rhyme of the same name (one could argue prophecy ). The first one I remember was Godzilla, followed by The Devil, followed by Dracula. Then I went through an odd period of self-made costumes: a knife-wielding "freedom fighter" (don't ask), a cyborg with flashlight hands, a weird kinda Yoda-saurus robot wearing a big furry hat (I said don't ask, and I meant it!), an urban mage (I think I was maybe 10 or 11?), and a Psycorp operative (urban camo, beret, uzi and psionic brainjack – aka “a soldier” until I explain the backstory…). Oh, and there was a Robin Hood in there, somewhere. I had a brief latent period in later highschool and early college, then I had my last (so far) “real” costume: I went as Morpheus’s brother-in-law, Insomnia. I had one of those “no-face” black hooded robes, with a red led clockface where my eyes should be (4:34am), and a large selection of noisemakers. It was really obnoxious and wonderful. Since then I’ve pretty much just “dressed up all fancy” for Halloween – first our handfasting, then our re-handfasting, then our Big Time Legal Wedding, then our first anniversary (though, really, there’s no reason why we couldn’t have costumed for that). This year, though – it’s costume time. My wife wants some kind of Family Theme costume involving the baby, which is nice in theory, but so far I haven’t really like any of the people I would end up being. I really have the urge to be something actually scary (or at least spooky) for the first time in ages. We’ll see what happens.

I’ve got these little plastic bats that I just know I can figure something out for – they’re just Too Cool not to.

Anyway, probably more tonight or tomorrow!

Good Haunting!

15:11 / 12.10.03
Time to make a Halloween To-Do List. I'm just brainstorming for myself, but if any of the ideas sound interesting, run with it (and let us know what happens).

- further, deeper invokation of Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King.
- more practice raising the Pillar of Bats ('til it's second nature).
- Four Monsters meditations:
- tidal metamorphosis meditation for the Wolfman
- buried alive meditation for the Mummy (neither dead nor alive, waiting to be unearthed
- "cosmic fire" meditation for Frankenstein's Monster (as revealed in Son of Frankenstein, the Monster was animated by cosmic rays that actually made him, not an undead monster, but an entirely new, living immortal being).
- "blood thirst" meditation for Dracula.
(The point of the four meditations is to build a stronger awareness of the natures of the Cardinal Monsters, in order to be able to better manifest their presence in the Banishing ritual.)
- a lot more raw energy work, to help fuel the other workings.
- preliminary werewolf exercises and visualizations
- I'm thinking about invoking the spirit of Vincent Price for the festivities on Halloween night - charming and urbane, with a macabre wit.
- As previously noted, charge and powder Autumn leaves for later use.
- Also, charge orange and black candles with Halloween energy, for use elsewhen in the year ('cos everyday is Halloween).
- I need to visit the friendly dead at my cemetery (one of my youthful haunts in town), possibly with offerings.
- I have been, for some time, considering evoking a guardian spirit for my household. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to do this now. (I may just wait, since the material base and altar that I have in mind are a little elaborate and will take some serious handywork.) The spirit will likely have a strong Autumnal cast, anyway (just to be in tune with the household).

And... my computer is starting to act funny, so I'm going to post this and hope all is well.

Good Haunting!

16:04 / 12.10.03
Actually I have hated Hallowe'en for years and years, due to a taumatic experience in my early teens one Hallowe'en night.

I have over the years overcome this and no longer drink myself into a stupor and curl up into a little ball on this night. (Not exactly how one might expect an occultist and witchmage to spend it!) One of my girlfriends helped to purge me of my fears by dressing me up as a goddess one year. She was Artemis and I was Athena. We really rocked, it was so empowering. So every year after that I chose a different goddess to empower myself so I could overcome the trauma and celebrate Hallowe'en.

For the past few years, I have been my normal vampy-witch self and get to dress up my little guy and take him out. His first hallowe'en I dressed him up in a little bunting suit that was shaped like a red hot chili pepper! He was adorable!

This year I am dealing with a lot of other skeletons in my closet and I hope to send them on their merry way by bribing them with candy. I will tell them they "...(you)have to go now and don't come back for another year!" They won't, I will do the same thing next year too.

And in my biased opinion, Tricks areTreats!
16:27 / 14.10.03
Trix: your Goddess-empowerment costuming (aside from rocking completely!) is definitely inspiring. The costumes/masks we put on (not just on Halloween!) can have such a dramatic (and drastic) effect on our feelings and behavior. I'm glad it had such an empowering effect for you. (And yes, Tricks often are Treats - I had a feeling that would catch your eye. )

Has anyone else made use of costumes (Halloween or otherwise) to manifest certain effects within themselves? What does everyone think about the power of costuming in general? (This is a big part of Halloween that we have just barely begun to talk about here.)

Well, after my nocturnal outing and dreaming on Friday night, it was a pretty quiet weekend (for those outside the US, Monday was Columbus Day - making a 3-day weekend for at least some of us). Neither my wife nor I was feeling particularly well, so most of our energy went toward taking care of the baby and ourselves, with little left over. I did manage to stay astride the Halloween-horse, despite no major ritual, by watching a bunch of movies - The Exorcist, Dracula (1931), Sleepy Hollow, The Brain that Wouldn't Die (MST3k version), Dr. Phibes Rises Again(!!!), and The Nightmare Before Christmas (of course) - and reading much of Roger Zelazny's A Night In the Lonesome October, one of my favorite Halloween books (highly recommended reading, for Halloween or otherwise).

I did have my first explicitly Halloween-oriented dream on Sunday morning, though - a Burtonesque Halloweentown that existed at least partially underground in a semi-wooded area. The detail that sticks out most are these jack-o'-lanterns on stakes which guard the borders and snare the unwary with sticky strands of spiderweb which shoot from their mouths. I knew, at the time, that I was supposed to be returning to the Halloweentown-type place, but I lingered too long and the pumpkin-things nabbed me to speed things up - once so nabbed, I was pulled into a swirling grey vortex that pulled me down into... wherever it was I ended up. I know that I wasn't scared (I knew what to expect), but when I saw that they were going to get me I braced myself for the vertiginous journey. I have no idea what relation I bore to this place, except that I was somehow supposed to be doing something to do with it. It's all really vague and hazy in memory.

Halloween/Monster Magick has turned out to be very useful for me in integrating different parts of my life, to good effect. I tend to flit between my different interests, touching on one then the other, distracting myself in the middle of everything. When I'm really involved in magick, it's my Big Thing at the moment. The same with my Monster Movie fixation (which is damn near driven). Up to now they've seemed almost mutually exclusive - getting into one "shuts off" the other. The same with my writing and editing (I edit fiction for an online horror magazine) - I just seem not to be able to do one when I'm also doing the other, and neither of them when I'm working heavily with magick.

With Halloween Magick I have effectively intertwined the two fields of interest so that they reinforce each other instead of distracting from each other. It makes me wonder why I never got around to doing it before. This might be worth a separate thread to discuss, in general: incorporating disparate interests with magick to create a more unified, personalized practice.

Anyway, there'll be a full ritual tonight if I have to staple my eyelids open to get through it! I can't afford to completely lose momentum now.

16:28 / 15.10.03
Lepidopteran: "Anyway, there'll be a full ritual tonight if I have to staple my eyelids open to get through it!"

Okay, bad idea. I have got to find a way around waiting until everyone else is in bed to do ritual. Unfortunately our house is (literally) about the size of a bus - not a lot of room to be alone.

As it was, my wife stayed up pretty late last night and I didn't get going until about 2am. I kept falling asleep during ritual, and that gets pretty spooky. I'm not sure what I actually did and what I just dreamed I did (or how much difference it makes). The bottom line, though, is that I was too tired to focus. Gotta do something about this.

Vivid dreams about pirates, and some shades of Bradbury's "the ghastly passenger and his nurse." Otherwise nothing of note.


I did go noctivating last night, though (while my wife was up), and I started brainstorming some ideas. The first is more general - a pendulum for divination, but tied to the Halloween current. The pendulum itself, ideally, would be home (or host) to a spirit/servitor (for purposes of Halloween Magick I usually prefer an externalized perspective). The image of the weight that came to me while walking was a small bird skull, hanging beak-down - probably metal rather than real (there are gothy jewelery companies that make them).

The second idea, also divinitory in nature (but more complex), involves A Thousand Times Great Grandmere, the wise 6,000 year old mummy from Bradbury's From the Dust Returned. The idea is for a kind of mojo bag (of white linen) containing appropriate items (to be determined as I go), tied to dream working. A short pre-sleep ritual calls on the ancient being for counsel (she is much more than a yes/no oracle) and "activates" the mojo bag with wine (I think a nice Pinot Noir, yes?). Bag goes under pillow, I go to bed, and - if all goes well - I should awaken with some insight into my problem. I have been wondering how best to approach her for a while, but this idea burst unbidden into my mind while walking (in fact, distracting me persistently from what I was trying to think about) and *clicked* nicely. I think it's the way to go.

I will start determining and collecting items now, and designing the ritual that will "charge" the bag.

How's everyone doing? Any spooky projects in the works that you feel like sharing?

12:54 / 20.10.03
Well, I've come to realize something very important about my own magickal life. This past week and a half or so it has been extremely difficult for me to focus on the Halloween project (or any magick, in general). Suddenly I'm writing again, and working on a new website, and getting ideas for new music... but no Halloween magick (or meditation, or dream-diary work, or...or...).

This isn't unusual for me, though - to have a burst of a couple weeks then nothing, then another burst for a couple weeks then nothing, and so on. SO, I decided it was time to figure out what was going on. I looked back through my magickal journal and tracked my entries against the calendar (sing "Woo!" for keeping a journal!) - and wouldn't you know, my entries get longer and more frequent as the moon waxes and dwindle to almost nothing as the moon wanes.

I certainly didn't do this on purpose, but it seems to have been fairly consistent over the past year that I've kept the journal. While I normally "pay attention" to the moon when I see it in the sky (it's the Wiccan in me ), I have never made the effort to keep track of its phases in any consistent manner. Huhm.

Anyway, I've got about 5 days 'til the new moon, and a few more days after that to jack myself up for Halloween again. Now that I'm more aware of my cycle I can experiment a little bit and see how flexible it can be (it may be that simple awareness of it will break my moon-dependence. On the other hand, it might work out better to work with the moon, at least when it comes to the formal, ritualized side of magick - the spontaneous field-work magick is still here when I need it).

So, you're be hearing from me before the month is out.

Good Haunting!

15:37 / 20.10.03
Lepidopteran, have you seen Monster Squad? I used to watch that film constantly when I was a kid.
17:29 / 20.10.03
akira: Saw it, loved it. I've been thinking of looking it up again, actually.


"Wolfman's got nads!!!
18:21 / 20.10.03
I was thinking about carving a sigil into a pumpkin and putting the pumpkin on my deck outside my apartment.
20:48 / 20.10.03
I'm getting a big dark orange gourd-like pumpkin to put out on my apartment balcony with a sigil carved into a crature on it -- my partner is a huge creature fanatic, and a good artist to boot -- we will probably go leave it near the ocean or in a park when we're done with it.

How else can one release that sigil goodness?
12:38 / 28.10.03
Well, gang, we're in the final countdown.

Got myself back in the swing of things on Saturday when we went to the big Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular in Providence, Rhode Island. Over 4,000 exquisitely carved pumpkins arranged along a winding (and crowded) path. The long lines threatened to drive the spirit right out of me, but once we got into the dark with the pumpkins everything was much better.

These next few days are going to be a flurry of costume-making, preparing for anniversary, (getting the car inspected before the 1st), and getting everything in place for ritual on Friday (dang it, I need black candles!).

What's everybody else doing?

Good Haunting!

Colonel Kadmon
22:04 / 28.10.03
I'm helping to make a spoof horror film on Wednesday then GMing a Call of Cthulhu game on Halloween proper. I've got a little pumpkin head grinning on top of my computer already.

Black candles is a good idea - any suggestions for incense?

I'm looking at it in terms of it being the day when the veil between the spirit world and the material world are thinnest.
13:02 / 29.10.03
I was looking around for (mostly Samhain) incense ideas, and the one I see most is myrrh. I don't know how hard it might be to get 'round your way. Patchouli, the second most-frequently-mentioned, is a lot easier to get. The smell of burning leaves, especially oak, can be very evocative of Halloween, and Autumn in general. Either incorporate the dried leaves into homemade incense (if you do that), or just go ahead and burn some (I wonder how well smudging would work with oak leaves?).

Call of Cthulu is a Good Thing.

Good Haunting!

16:43 / 29.10.03
I've been having a Halloween-oriented PM conversation with another 'lither, and I figure that some extracts from it might be relevant to this discussion of Halloween Magick (and the Halloween current/Autumn People in general). As a matter of courtesy, I will only be quoting my own words:

"[What] are your thoughts on a Grand Scheme underlying Halloween Magick - does it have any intrinsic goals, do you think, that would be appropriate for the Big Working? Or maybe it's just the Grand Party for the Autumn People, when the spirits are all "off their tits," as Gypsy Lantern put it?

"Maybe the best use for our magick is simply to amplify the experience of Halloween for anyone we can - give them a touch of the magick that we feel, to crack through the day at work and the annoyance of herding the kids from house to house and the TV blaring in the background and all the rest of the banal, draining day-to-day shit. When the Autumn people return to their caves and coffins and haunted castles, maybe that's the time for the "serious" magicks in the Autumnal way. What do monsters do the other 364?"


"Just letting people have the hint that there's Something Else Out There (In the Dark) is really giving them a gift. I say this, of course, speaking as one of the Things () - I suppose there are plenty of people who see it very differently. Hells, maybe most people would Rather Not Know. But we are here for those who do, or would if they knew how: the kid who has never seen a goth before and stares in wide-eyed fascination (a friend of mine ran into a bunch of rainbow-mohawked punks as a young child and immediately decided she wanted to grow up to be a punk. She did.) - the 9-5 office worker who comes home after work and sits staring out the window at the night rain, yearning (that's really one of the key words in this whole business, isn't it? Yearning, longing, as opposed to the consumer-lust for acquisition, commodified desire) - the retiree who starts awake at a bump in the night and hopes (for a flash, in her deepest heart) that it's finally Them, come to get her and take her Home."

We talk alot about Magick here in, uh, the Magick Forum (duh.), but this seems to be more about the "sense of the magical," and ways of sharing and spreading it. In my own current, personal set of values, this is something of an Intrinsic Good - even when the results are fearsome (even monsters increase the sum total of Wonder - if handled properly! It may not outweigh the potential devastation, but it is at least a check in the '+' column). What are people's thoughts (particularly in a Halloween context, but be general if you must - or start a new thread, if the topic seizes you)?

In other news:

My sense of the Pumpkin King has been steadily growing since Saturday so that there is a constant, barely perceptible feeling of presence. A quick recitation of my mantra/affirmation (see earlier post) sends out a little *rush* and a sense of expansiveness, a flash awareness of my place in the energy-web. I attended a concert/dance-night at our local goth club last night (at The Haven: You Shriek and Cruxshadows), and there were points where the energy flowed so thick and fast it had me literally in tears (especially during Ministry's "Everyday Is Halloween" and Cruxshadow's second encore [!!!] "Monsters").

Every time I dress, I feel the impulse to "costume" in one way or another - to use my outward appearance to express the Halloween current (case in point: I'm sitting in my cubicle now, wearing a bright purple button-up shirt with a black tie featuring a bright orange and white Grim Reaper. Definitely ooky, in a way that gives me permagrin). Things are building, and it feels good.

So, it looks as though my Halloween workings will be mostly of an Intensifying nature, with some appropriate Devotions. I will also be charging and storing materials for use over the year - candles, leaves, various rubber bats and spiders - miscellaneous ritual paraphenalia for when the Autumn current goes back underground.

The werewolf working is proceeding slowly - and in fact was nearly aborted altogether when my normally laid-back temper started getting downright volatile. I don't believe the lycanthropy stuff was the cause: there are a lot of factors involved, lack of sleep not being the least of them. Still, I don't think it's necessarily the best time to go trying to loosen my human inhibitions. I'm working mainly on a research level, studying lupine behavior and social structure and things like that.
I also need to keep developing technologies of self-control one step ahead (or more) of my lycanthropic explorations (especially Pranayama, which has been most effective for me in the past, but which I "temporarily" suspended due to a respiratory infection and never picked back up - another factor in my temper flare-ups).

Ah, break's over. Back to work. Then to class. Then home to my baby - the little light at the end of the long, dark tunnel that is my Wednesday.

Good Haunting!


20:19 / 29.10.03
Is anyone else realy fucking seriously interested in this? I've gone all Fruit loop gnomeostic! I cant wait to here what happens next. Lepidopteran, is there any way you can incorporate a sigil (posted on here) into your ritual so I can have a wank in your honour?!
20:29 / 29.10.03
akira: wow, uh, yeah! I'm on my way out the door right now (late, but moving fast!) - I'll get back to you tonight or tomorrow morning. Thanks!



05:17 / 30.10.03
akira (and anyone else who's interested): the sigil is available here. If anyone comes up with a neat Halloween-themed method for charging it, be sure to let us know!


Good Haunting!


13:19 / 30.10.03
Hey, just to rot out my own thread a bit,

The instructions packaged with our great big pumpkin yard-lamps:

Assembled parts:
1. pumpkin
2. power supply line
3. three spikes

Process Instructions:
1. First, Hold the spikes insert the orifice of the pumpkins base.
2. Following, Hold the completed's pumpkin insert the soil of garden.
3. Plug s into the power supply.
That's OK! Now you will see the miracle

We will see the miracle indeed.

If you cannot see the miracle, eat some candycorn and try again.

And if this doesn't, in some weird perverse way, capture something essential about the Halloween spirt, then I don't know what does...

with a bloodcurdling shriek,


14:23 / 30.10.03
All done.
14:39 / 30.10.03
Good show, akira!

What else is on your platter for Halloween?


salix lucida
15:08 / 30.10.03
More pumpkin sigils (well, just a rune)...


I baked the seeds from it, and anyone at my party on Saturday who wants in can have some. I'll even be nice and tell them.

I've got a second, much larger pumpkin. Any ideas for a sigil I can completely carve through so I can do the same deal with the seeds?
15:12 / 30.10.03
I'm sacrificeing a virgin in the woods. Got a spot worked out, and will make up a ritual as I go along (Peter Pan style make-believe tends to works best for me). May do it 2 or 3 times, hopefully more if shes up for it Except she wont be virgin second time round. But she said we can pretend, actualy come to think of it shes not even a virgin, the ritual blag has already started! Maybe we'll do it tantric style. I want to absorb the atmosphere of the experiance and see where the mood takes us. Rope. Thats what I need.
15:26 / 30.10.03
Lepidopteran, You'll never guess what just happend! I went to and guess who's on the main index page...Jack Skellington. Aparently Capcom are makeing a video game of Tim Burtons animated classic, The Nightmare Before Christmas.
18:41 / 30.10.03
akira: actually, I would believe it. I found out/realized (after I started all this) that this is the movie's 10-year anniversary (and the 10th year of the "Jack Meme," if you want to think about it in those terms).

Also, I'm sure you've noticed the way things like this seem to go out of their way to keep your attention once they've grasped it? Keep your eyes and ears open.

Meanwhile, unseelie presence, nice rune-pumpkin. Hmmm... a fully-carved sigil would have to be pretty simple (unless you're a damn good carver). An alternative might be to carve out the front of the pumpkin to just under the skin, then paint/draw the sigil on in a nice dark color - the candle will light up the thin part of the wall like stained glass, and the sigil will stand out in relief against it. Or, you could leave the pumpkin wall a little thicker, then cut and peel the pumpkin skin off to form your sigil (making little furrows that are thinner than the surrounding wall) - then the sigil will stand out lighter.

As far as what to sigilize? The mind boggles...

Good Haunting,


20:13 / 30.10.03
I'm just batshit crazy excited for all of this coming to fruition.

Tommorrow I'm going to do some Radical Faerie carousing in the Castro (San Francisco's Haloween hubub central), perhaps followed by a genderqueer play party, so lots of sigil charging (ahem) potential there. Saturday I work at the peep show late at night, but I'll be in costume, and Sunday is the Day of the Dear promenade in the Mission, which will also be my first.

I feel like a little kid all over again.

And last night -- last night was the final performance of Jill Tracy & The Malcontent Orchestra's live score to the F W Murnau's Nosferatu. I almost died. (linkitty:

Pumpkin carving late tonight. Red wine will flow, sigils will be put in place...

And is anyone doing anything Donnie Darko related observances of Halloween? Other than a viewing, of course, I feel like I need to pay homage to The Darko, as well.
20:17 / 30.10.03
Day of the Dead, that is. Mmm.

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