Let me see if I've got this straight.
There are real, definite, definable cliques.
But membership is so fluid that you can't provide a roster for any of them.
And yet these amorphous, occasional groupings somehow manage to comprise a censorship-happy fascist regime.
How conve-e-e-e-e-e-nient for you, to have a "them" against which to rail, without actually having to pin anyone down as being one of "them," just in case they should take offense and/or lose sympathy for you. In other words, it's more of the "accusing-without-actually-accusing" bullshit that Mordant mentioned in another thread.
Well, I'm callin' you out, sonny Jim.
It's time to put up or shut up.
Let's name some names, Mr. Kazan.
Who is "in"? Who is "out?"
Who's fer yuh, and who's agin yuh?
Let's have it. If you wish to be taken seriously, you cannot afford to play coy. Lay it all out, dawg, so's we can all be sure we're on the same page, here.
(Oh dear, I seem to have dropped this gauntlet. If perhaps you'd be so kind...?) |