I'll throw my coin in on this, tattered and poorly developed though I'm sure it will be.
Regarding the trolls... I think it's important to draw a distinct difference, now if not applicable to past trolling, between those who feel they are oppressed/not listened to and those who bang their kitchenware JUST to get noticed, i.e. the trolls. The latter is, I'm sure, born from the former. But no where in this place is there a policy or reluctance to allow people to voice their grievances in a sane and civil manner. Spamming, obnoxious messages and threats against another person are instances where I think the moderators are more than justified in silencing, since it simply becomes clamor for attention's sake and nothing more. And ultimately drowns out what is a perfectly reasonable grievance.
In all the time I've been with Barbelith, and it's been since the Nexus padded around the Web in little footed pajamas, I've seen that sporadic conflict has ALWAYS been a constant here. Barbelith, being a collection of extremely intelligent individuals sharing their perspectives with one another, does have to tussle with clashes of ego, miscommunication, overbearing points of view, et al. It's just going to happen. It always has. And probably always will.
That's not to say that it's a nightly brawl and that new people had better get used to it. Sure, there can be some very strong voices. Haus, Jack Fear, Flux, they all bug the shit out of me sometimes. I haven't been on the sharp end of it (yet) but I've certainly witnessed it. And yes, they can occasionally evoke an atmosphere of smugness or arrogance, depending on how personally attached you are to your postings. It's probably born out of the fact they're sharp, sharp bastards and if you don't know what you're talking about when you post, they will tackle you on it.
But in no way are these boys representative of the greater Barbelith. Nobody speaks for the management, as it were, except Tom. Thank god. Besides they're no monsters. They're a litter of pussycats.
If you're not willing to take the air out of them/ be receptive to the core of their point/ call them on the carpet when they're wrong/ walk away with nary a care/ defend your comments intelligently/ or find the comedy in their chest-beating, then you're honestly not going to last long here. That's not said as a "Suck it up crybabies" dismissal of anyone's feelings of being pushed around. It's just the nature of the place. You have to hold your own. Or be prepared to disentangle yourself from your postings.
Along with that, I'm glad Nick has created this thread as a means for people to air their concerns/complaints in a safe and supported place. THIS is what Barbelith is about. THIS is representative of Barbelith. There are no cliques here, no inner circles of friendships that hold all the cards. Please let us know here if you think that to be true. Because for all the talk of overlords or Illuminati of Barbelith, all I've ever seen is broompushers, an owner, and a bunch of folks who want to talk about Buffy, drool over new science discoveries, debate about comic book nuances, explore their spirituality. And yeah, who do occasionally butt heads with one another. Maybe there's more to that. I dunno.
We do have a huge community here, with room enough for anyone (so long as they're not willing to light a match to the place just to see it burn). More than enough room for anyone, actually. And more than enough room for even more friendships and associations to be formed. I, for one, am guilty of not getting to know more people here *waves to Mazarine*, not extending myself beyond occasional posts in the Spectacle or the Comics Forum. And I have a feeling I'm not alone in that department. It could very well be contributing to the feelings of being attacked by an alien clique that some people have expressed here.
In conclusion, I like to think of Barbelith as a place that can seperate the memetic wheat from the chaff, that challenges ideas, and doesn't let them ride off willy-nilly without being examined. It IS a tough, but reasonable, and as this thread proves, a pretty damn introspective place. But without the persons in it, without the ideas flying like bullets in this place, it wouldn't be nearly as a cool a board as it is.
Let's be careful out there. |