70% of Icke's WTC book is actually really good, legit sources, details and facts. Only about 30% of the time does he go off into the Lizard Men stuff. Which is actually typical of almost all Icke's books - lots of it is really good verifiable fact (in his WTC book he even quotes many mainstream news sources, as well as people on public record, military figures, etc. and has footnotes).
Not to mention the completely on-record fact that we gave the Taliban gov't millions of dollars to fight the war on drugs (since we knew they produced most of the opium in Afghanistan) and we were planning to attack them in the fall, anyway, since they denied permission to complete a crucial oil pipeline American businesses were building that crosses through Afghanistan.
Also, look out for Michael Moore's upcoming movie about the also-public-record-if-you-look-for-it long-term relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family (financial connections through oil business - obviously it's not like Bush and Osama are buddies, but the rest of the Bin Laden family is a huge Saudi oil magnate).
After reading Icke's book and several other WTC conspiracy things, I have serious questions that deserve legitimate answers:
1) Why is it that although we have the most powerful surveillance and communications in the world, no fighters were scrambed and no action was taken for a full 10 minutes after the first tower was hit? 10 minutes in air traffic controller time is an eternity. Saying "oh, it was the beauracracy and red tape and human error" is a joke when we've got things like NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain and we can see a leaf on the corner of Broadway and 34th St. with satellite surveillance.
2) Why is it that we have NO PICTURES OR FOOTAGE WHATSOEVER of the plane flying into the Pentagon? If anything should have 100 million security cameras around it from every angle, it's the freakin' Pentagon. I remember thinking about this a lot at the time, and several months after 9/11 there were two pictures on the front page of the New York Times: one of the Pentagon sitting there, minding its own business, and the second of a Pentagon with smoke coming out of it. Many people on the street in DC, many of them with military and jet backgrounds, say what they saw careen into the Pentagon that day didn't sound or look like a jet at all, but more like a missile.
3) Why is it that we saw almost NO footage or pictures of plane wreckage found at both the Pentagon and at the Pennsylvania crash site (which, incidentally, many people have said pictures showing the crash site showed a much smaller explosion and impact in the ground than a huge jet would make)?
2) Why is it that when they finally scrambled fighters, they sent them from the bases farthest away from their targets (i.e. White House fighters were sent from a base that was not the closest to the White House)? More details about this are in Icke's book - once again, confirmed facts, not idle speculation.
3) Why did Bush CONTINUE TO READ A CHILDREN'S BOOK IN CLASS IN FLORIDA for a full 5 minutes or so AFTER an aide whispered into his ear that a plane had just hit the north tower of the WTC? Some have even said he read in that class for 20 minutes, even after the 2nd plane hit - I don't have the book in front of me so I can't say right now.
4) Why is it that although air traffic and airline regulations show that whenever a transponder goes off, it should be treated as a hijacking and all necessary precautions taken (fighters sent up and other precautions), ESPECIALLY when near potential targets like the White House, the Pentagon, and the WTC? That golfer guy who experienced trouble in his private jet in the 90s (was it Payne Stewart?) got faster relief when his jet was in trouble than on the morning of 9/11.
Most of the book comes to the conclusion that this attack wasn't planned by the U.S., but they knew it was coming and allowed it to happen to give Bush & Co. carte blanche to do whatever they wanted, attack whoever they wanted, detain whoever they wanted, etc. One major military official says there are too many safeguards and procedures in place for this sort of thing for the U.S. to have let this happen.
Just some tidbits - like I said, this is from memory, albeit recent memory of reading the book. I've got another book on the Pentagon where some guy who's an expert in explosives and impact signatures says how the impact patterns in the Pentagon don't match that of a jet plane, they match the patterns of a missile. And many other people agree with him who know explosives, apparently. |