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Twin Towers conspiracy theory site


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12:30 / 10.09.03
*Warning* the site has loads of pictures of the towers collapse, if that will upset you don't access the link.

Someone believes, after looking at the footage in detail, that explosives were planted on two floors of the south tower and one floor of the north, indicating that the towers were demolished by more than just the planes.
Site here.

Now, I am not convinced. It seems like a conspiracy theory- I think that the dynamics of a collapsing hundred-odd storey building are imperfectly understood, and the effects the site points out are side effects of the catastrophic disaster of the planes.

But it is a bit weird, and I thought worth pointing at, as I hadn't come across this particular view.

Can anyone put my (extremely slight) concerns to rest that this theory might be true?
12:56 / 10.09.03
I heard they'd hushed up the fact that it was a Godzilla attack. He'd been digitally removed from the news footage.
13:01 / 10.09.03
I'm not 100% sure about the following link, but it'll add a little spice to the conspiracy brew:

Linus Dunce
13:15 / 10.09.03
Well, this beggars belief.

OK, let's assume that all previous explanations of how the towers collapsed were cover-up jobs produced by engineers in the pay of the CIA or whomever. The implications of this are that no one really knows anything, and all bets are off. We're left with nothing but common sense. Let's use it:

How did the CIA install explosives in multiple floors of two multi-occupancy office buildings without anyone, not even the janitors, knowing? It would not be enough just to hide the explosives under a desk or behind a pot plant, otherwise the blast would have just taken the shortest route, straight out the windows without causing any structural damage. They would have to be placed directly on or in the steel parts of the building, behind the internal walls and ceilings without disturbing any of the office furniture, computers, cabling and random junk.

If you want a conspiracy theory, how about this?

Indymedia is regularly infiltrated by government and private organisations to produce bizarre and nonsensical theories to discredit dissent.
13:42 / 10.09.03
Another factor is that, correct me if i'm wrong, but, to my knowledge, neither Al-Queda or any other terrorist group have yet claimed responsibility for 911.
rizla mission
13:52 / 10.09.03
I've yet to hear any half-decent 9/11 conspiracy theories.

Why is this? I mean, it's such a huge iconic thing, and there are so many loose ends and weird possibilities (after all, there's still no conclusive proof of ANYTHING except that "it happened") - I would have thought we'd be DROWNING in byzantine conspiracy theories as expressed in 1000+ page books by now..

I mean, the sheer potential for conspiracy makes JFK look like a closed case..

How come the best we've got is some occasional half-assed crap like this? Did all the theorists suddenly get frightened and give up when, like, real things started happening?
14:13 / 10.09.03
GeenMann: Yeah, but old Osama was exactly crying into his beard when it happened was he? I thought it was a pretty safe bet that Al-Qadea did it, though I'd be interested to hear (plausible) alternative ideas.

And Riz, David Icke has a whole book out about it - "Alice in Wonderland and 9-11" or something similar. I flicked through it in the bookshop, and he does ask a couple of interesting questions (which might have very obvious answers if I knew anything about the events) kinda blows it by attributing it all to the omnipotent lizard men. There's some funny stuff in there about various government departments when put under pressure by phone calls from tough DI Icke, mysteriously refuse to return his calls. Shocking, eh? Obvious proof of the conspiracy...
14:26 / 10.09.03
Illmatic a.k.a. "Tony Jaguar", true Osama wasn't crying into his beard at all...but neither were millions of others.

Generally, i'm not into conspiracy theories at all but what seems a little odd in the case of 911 is that, to my knowledge, neither Osama nor anyone else has ever claimed responsibility for it.
Lurid Archive
14:35 / 10.09.03
But why should they? There are no demands, merely a will to destroy.
14:38 / 10.09.03
Lurid, i think there's slightly more to it than that!
14:44 / 10.09.03
'tis odd, I'll concede, but he's popularly thought of throughout the Arab world as author of the events. Doesn't mean he did it, but I'm sure he's happy to be thought of in that way.

Does anyone know if the trials of the people linked to the bombing are producing these sort of links?
Linus Dunce
14:48 / 10.09.03
Lurid, i think there's slightly more to it than that!

Er, OK, what?
14:56 / 10.09.03
Ignatius, i disagree that "there are no demands, merely a will to destroy."

I think that there are always reasons for what some call "terrorism" and others call "resistance" with attached demands, often to redress some of injustice.
15:27 / 10.09.03
I seem to remember a videotape of Osama admitting his part in the 9/11 tragedy, but pleasant surprise that it took the whole towers down rather than the simple impact of the planes that he had planned.

Am I imagining this?
15:36 / 10.09.03
The tape exists. Now, whether or not that really is bin Laden on the tape...
16:03 / 10.09.03
*rolls eyes* It's the leeeeeeezards.
Linus Dunce
16:12 / 10.09.03
GreenMann -- Well, I think if you attack a destroyer or even perhaps an embassy, as happened shortly before 9/11, or the Pentagon as happened on the day, one could argue that it was possibly resistance against a legitimate target. These were effective enough operations that gained plenty of publicity for "the cause." However, to kill 3,000 office workers in one go is quite a different thing.

A popular misconception, it seems to me in Britain at least, is that the WTC was somehow full of evil, suited capitalists trading shares in the blood of the developing world. OK, it was called the World Trade Centre, and there were financial concerns renting office space there, but mostly they were just ordinary offices full of ordinary people doing mundane things. Wall Street is where the capitalists really hang out, across town. And the buildings weren't an icon of anything. Most people hated them. The WTC was the Canary Wharf of New York -- a huge white elephant of dubious architectural merit that was filled with anyone prepared to pay rent.

Al-Qaeda knew, many suspect, it could be destroyed, especially after someone (possibly the same people) had tried before in 1991. It had an unusually vulnerable design.

Given that no one has claimed responsibility or described a cause, the interpretation of the destruction of the WTC as an act of resistance is something that exists only in the heads of the authors of the outrage and western, left-wing commentators, who, rightly or wrongly, never liked the US much anyway. In reality, the only reason the WTC was destroyed was to cause fear and confound the world by the very pointlessness of the exercise. This, by any reasonable definition, is terrorism.
16:28 / 10.09.03
I still like the theory that it was all a tremendous heist. There's all those high volumes of last minute trading that happened just prior to the attack, which bottomed out a lot of stocks. And then there was all the gold kept in vaults beneath the WTC, which I've never heard detail of how much was actually recovered... I think it was all about the lizard men earning a fat load of money if anything. Though the conspiracy theories that Bush was actually behind it so his cronies could take over America, do what they please, and pull shit like giving MCI/Worldcom the exclusive contract to develop cellular coverage in post war Iraq dispite their recent bankruptcy and zero history in the cellular market. The corruption is simply astounding.
18:22 / 10.09.03
70% of Icke's WTC book is actually really good, legit sources, details and facts. Only about 30% of the time does he go off into the Lizard Men stuff. Which is actually typical of almost all Icke's books - lots of it is really good verifiable fact (in his WTC book he even quotes many mainstream news sources, as well as people on public record, military figures, etc. and has footnotes).

Not to mention the completely on-record fact that we gave the Taliban gov't millions of dollars to fight the war on drugs (since we knew they produced most of the opium in Afghanistan) and we were planning to attack them in the fall, anyway, since they denied permission to complete a crucial oil pipeline American businesses were building that crosses through Afghanistan.

Also, look out for Michael Moore's upcoming movie about the also-public-record-if-you-look-for-it long-term relationship between the Bush family and the Bin Laden family (financial connections through oil business - obviously it's not like Bush and Osama are buddies, but the rest of the Bin Laden family is a huge Saudi oil magnate).

After reading Icke's book and several other WTC conspiracy things, I have serious questions that deserve legitimate answers:

1) Why is it that although we have the most powerful surveillance and communications in the world, no fighters were scrambed and no action was taken for a full 10 minutes after the first tower was hit? 10 minutes in air traffic controller time is an eternity. Saying "oh, it was the beauracracy and red tape and human error" is a joke when we've got things like NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain and we can see a leaf on the corner of Broadway and 34th St. with satellite surveillance.

2) Why is it that we have NO PICTURES OR FOOTAGE WHATSOEVER of the plane flying into the Pentagon? If anything should have 100 million security cameras around it from every angle, it's the freakin' Pentagon. I remember thinking about this a lot at the time, and several months after 9/11 there were two pictures on the front page of the New York Times: one of the Pentagon sitting there, minding its own business, and the second of a Pentagon with smoke coming out of it. Many people on the street in DC, many of them with military and jet backgrounds, say what they saw careen into the Pentagon that day didn't sound or look like a jet at all, but more like a missile.

3) Why is it that we saw almost NO footage or pictures of plane wreckage found at both the Pentagon and at the Pennsylvania crash site (which, incidentally, many people have said pictures showing the crash site showed a much smaller explosion and impact in the ground than a huge jet would make)?

2) Why is it that when they finally scrambled fighters, they sent them from the bases farthest away from their targets (i.e. White House fighters were sent from a base that was not the closest to the White House)? More details about this are in Icke's book - once again, confirmed facts, not idle speculation.

3) Why did Bush CONTINUE TO READ A CHILDREN'S BOOK IN CLASS IN FLORIDA for a full 5 minutes or so AFTER an aide whispered into his ear that a plane had just hit the north tower of the WTC? Some have even said he read in that class for 20 minutes, even after the 2nd plane hit - I don't have the book in front of me so I can't say right now.

4) Why is it that although air traffic and airline regulations show that whenever a transponder goes off, it should be treated as a hijacking and all necessary precautions taken (fighters sent up and other precautions), ESPECIALLY when near potential targets like the White House, the Pentagon, and the WTC? That golfer guy who experienced trouble in his private jet in the 90s (was it Payne Stewart?) got faster relief when his jet was in trouble than on the morning of 9/11.

Most of the book comes to the conclusion that this attack wasn't planned by the U.S., but they knew it was coming and allowed it to happen to give Bush & Co. carte blanche to do whatever they wanted, attack whoever they wanted, detain whoever they wanted, etc. One major military official says there are too many safeguards and procedures in place for this sort of thing for the U.S. to have let this happen.

Just some tidbits - like I said, this is from memory, albeit recent memory of reading the book. I've got another book on the Pentagon where some guy who's an expert in explosives and impact signatures says how the impact patterns in the Pentagon don't match that of a jet plane, they match the patterns of a missile. And many other people agree with him who know explosives, apparently.
21:19 / 10.09.03
There's also 9-11 - The Big Lie by Thierry Miessen (I think). Again, it's a mixture of the plausible, the thought-provoking and the downright stupid.
21:34 / 10.09.03
1) Why is it that although we have the most powerful surveillance and communications in the world, no fighters were scrambed and no action was taken for a full 10 minutes after the first tower was hit? 10 minutes in air traffic controller time is an eternity. Saying "oh, it was the beauracracy and red tape and human error" is a joke when we've got things like NORAD in Cheyenne Mountain and we can see a leaf on the corner of Broadway and 34th St. with satellite surveillance.

Actually it's not a joke, Hunter. Technology is not an omnipotent, omnipresent system. And yes, human error does have an impact on how information is passed. See below.

2) Why is it that we have NO PICTURES OR FOOTAGE WHATSOEVER of the plane flying into the Pentagon? If anything should have 100 million security cameras around it from every angle, it's the freakin' Pentagon. I remember thinking about this a lot at the time, and several months after 9/11 there were two pictures on the front page of the New York Times: one of the Pentagon sitting there, minding its own business, and the second of a Pentagon with smoke coming out of it. Many people on the street in DC, many of them with military and jet backgrounds, say what they saw careen into the Pentagon that day didn't sound or look like a jet at all, but more like a missile.

Who are these people you speak of, Hunter? Because it seems the ACTUAL reports are in the favor of what ACTUALLY happened. God I'm getting sick of this hyperbolic bunk.

3) Why is it that we saw almost NO footage or pictures of plane wreckage found at both the Pentagon and at the Pennsylvania crash site (which, incidentally, many people have said pictures showing the crash site showed a much smaller explosion and impact in the ground than a huge jet would make)?

Ahem. . But then of course, that was just a prop placed there after the bomb huh?

It's always a Rube Goldberg machine.

2) Why is it that when they finally scrambled fighters, they sent them from the bases farthest away from their targets (i.e. White House fighters were sent from a base that was not the closest to the White House)? More details about this are in Icke's book - once again, confirmed facts, not idle speculation.

"Marr said that on the morning of the attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, only 14 armed planes were available to defend the U.S. mainland." But that was probably orchestrated too huh?

I'm dying to meet the choreographer of such a gigantic production.

3) Why did Bush CONTINUE TO READ A CHILDREN'S BOOK IN CLASS IN FLORIDA for a full 5 minutes or so AFTER an aide whispered into his ear that a plane had just hit the north tower of the WTC? Some have even said he read in that class for 20 minutes, even after the 2nd plane hit - I don't have the book in front of me so I can't say right now.

First off, Hunter, you don't know that was what the aide whispered in his ear. In fact you don't know what he told him at all, do you? Much of the reports of the impact were still coming in as to what actually happened even while the first tower was still smoldering. News in the Information Age is fast. But it's not instantaneous. Especially the correct news.

Second, a president is fully aware that there are people handling the situation at hand. Should he have done a press conference, 10 minutes into being informed, without knowing all the facts? You're splitting hairs on this and it undermines the 'legitimacy' of your questions. Is his continuation of reading somehow synonymous with his culpability in what happened? What lines are you drawing with questioning?

4) Why is it that although air traffic and airline regulations show that whenever a transponder goes off, it should be treated as a hijacking and all necessary precautions taken (fighters sent up and other precautions), ESPECIALLY when near potential targets like the White House, the Pentagon, and the WTC? That golfer guy who experienced trouble in his private jet in the 90s (was it Payne Stewart?) got faster relief when his jet was in trouble than on the morning of 9/11.

I'd like to see your documents to that effect, Hunter. That when a transponder goes off, terrorism is naturally to blame per procedure.

It's the same old, same old, isn't it? It wouldn't be nearly as funny if it weren't for the fact that the 'government did it' has been a trope used again and again when something happens out of people's control.
22:53 / 10.09.03
Has Al Qaeda ever taken credit for their attacks? It seems a foolish strategy for them to do so, since uncertainty leads to more fear, I think. Unlike Hamas, they don't have demands.

I must admit, I do entertain the idea that the gov't did it, unlikely though it may seem. The fact is, we just don't know for sure, and we probably never will. If you look at who benefits, however, it's pretty clear that 9/11 has been a dream come true for Bush and his handlers. Also note that the massive Patriot Act was ready to be shoved through Congress in mere days. If the administration wasn't anticipating the 9/11 attacks, they were at least ready to capitalize on something like it.

Still, it seems unlikely that such a business-oriented president would willingly allow such economic devastation to occur. Unless destroying our economy is part of the insidious lizards' plans...

And yeah, it's kinda weird that there are no photos or video of the plane hitting or flying toward the Pentagon, but keep in mind, it's not exactly downtown like the WTC. The military probably does have pictures, but naturally they don't want to release them. Look at how fast they patched the building up. They don't want their vulnerability broadcast throughout the world!
23:27 / 10.09.03
If the administration wasn't anticipating the 9/11 attacks, they were at least ready to capitalize on something like it.

This seems to be more likely to me. I remember Bush attempting to build up some sort of new Cold War with China when the spyplane was captured before 9/11, rattling his saber even then, anxious for a new enemy to point American opinon at. It's common knowledge that the neocons believed that Clinton debilitated the armed forces and left us vulnerable and that a good old conflict with somebody, anybody, would pump that up (and fill their Carlyle Group coffers et al). 9/11 simply fulfilled every wish and dream the neocons were dying to stir up.

But the idea of him orchestrating, in my mind, is either giving him too much credit and/or simply taking it away from the individuals who in fact caused it.

Bush, as with Clinton's financial praises during the height of the dotcom gold rush, was simply in the wrong place at the right time.
Conspiracy theory just undermines the legitimate complaints about this administration. I'm much more interested in those than a game of "Hunt the Boeing".
03:27 / 11.09.03
Getting back to the explosives idea...

Someone would have had to wire the whole building and just fire the ones near the spots where the planes hit. Farfetched, but theoretically possible. Firing them at that moment would have taken even more coordination, especially if you wanted to hide the secondary explosions. Maybe you could get away with it on the first strike, but not the second. Lots of cameras were trained on the towers when the second plane hit, and that explosion looked about like what you get from mostly-full jet tanks. This footage was seen by more people than the Zapruder film, so somebody would have noticed odd esxplosions.

If the explosions were coordinated with the plane strikes, the plotters would have been extremely lucky the planes hit their appointed spots. According to a friend of mine who follows air crashes very closely (he's a former pilot of small planes), that Czech guy's video, the new one, shows the second plane had to bank sharply to hit, so it was off target already.

Nuking Miami and saying Saddam Hussein did it would have been a lot more believable.

It beats believing we have governments who were hoping something like this would happen to justify the plans they've since carried out.
08:26 / 11.09.03
Yeah, I'm more inclined to go with the "had no idea it was gonna happen, but weren't above capitalising on it" theory. The "had some idea it was gonna happen and didn't prevent it" theory is KIND of attractive, but I don't really think, given the numbers and public sentiment involved, would have been practical, or even a worthwhile gamble. And the "they did it themselves" thing is just WAY OUT THERE.

(Having said that, I'd just like to point out that I do in reality believe a lot more of the OUT THERE theories on the OKBomb. That would have been MUCH more plausible/practical.)
rizla mission
08:56 / 11.09.03
This is more like it.

Idle ponderings:

1.Remember that whole thing about how the 4th plane was maybe shot down? That seemed to disappear pretty quickly. Admittedly, it's not a massively scandalous idea since those onboard were dead either way, but the way it was immediately dismissed in favour of the more presentable/propagandic "those people were heroes!" mythos, despite there being about an equal amount of evidence for both scenarios..

2. Not necessarily connected with 9/11, but - The goddamn Anthrax attacks! A widespread (if not terribly successful) bio-'terrorism' attack on the US, occuring shortly after an even bigger 'terrorist' attack, causes an outbreak of panic & hysteria. Presumably massive investigations into what the hell was going on were launched, and what have we heard since then? Vague rumours that the anthrax came from a US military lab and the general assumption that it was probably a domestic 'terrorist' of the "lone nut" variety. And then.. absolutely nothing. It's just old news - forgotten. Any daring investigative journalists fancy looking into exactly WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?
09:17 / 11.09.03
I think we can file the anthrax stuff along with Mr Tony's throwaway comment a while back that probably the reason we couldn't find Mr Hussein's WMDs was because terrorists had grabbed them already (oh, so that's alright then...). Again, not evidence of any kind of cover-up, more just governments ignoring stuff that's inconvenient.

The fourth plane, I'm still unsure about. To be honest, were I the US government (and I actually think I'm a pretty nice guy) I'd have shot it down without a second thought*, if it seemed certain to be on another suicide mission. (*Well, okay, it would probably have haunted me to my grave, but I think it would have been the sensible thing to do.*) I ALSO wouldn't have owned up to having done so, given the climate. I think it would have been worthwhile to both sentence those aboard to certain death and then to lie about it (but then, I'm a private citizen, and don't therefore have as much responsibility towards honesty as an "elected" government. But that's a whole other argument...) if it was to prevent another 3,000. The mythologising of a series of events that NO-ONE STILL ALIVE was present for, the speculation that's almost become a legend in its own right... THAT, I think, is not only highly implausible, but callous to the extreme.

I'd like to add, HAD I been in that situation, I think a year o so later it would have been incumbent on me, and my duty towards the dead and bereaved, to explain what had actually happened, and let my actions stand or fall on their own merits. If it happened to ruin a government of which I was a part, well, then surely that's a small price to pay for saving thousands of lives.
Tryphena Absent
09:51 / 11.09.03
I also found it weird that nobody claimed the attack... still do actually. It's not in line with the usual attitude of terrorist groups. Having said that I certainly don't think it's part of a conspiracy, more likely that the people behind it, realising the degree of shit they'd got themselves in, were too scared to claim the action.
10:01 / 11.09.03
Gotta disagree with you there, Anna de L... al-Qaeda MAY have claimed the attack... everyone's vague on this one. And, as has been said before, it's not like al-Qaeda have any demands... other than killing infidels. The same as how we've "we"'ve been on a "crusade" killing "heathens". (OK, Bush only used the word "crusade", "heathens" was my own addition, but it seemed appropriate).

[off topic] anyone in for a big argument on my theory of OBL positioning himself as the new HIS? [/off topic]
10:14 / 11.09.03
Ignatius_J, "In reality, the only reason the WTC was destroyed was to cause fear and confound the world by the very pointlessness of the exercise."

You make some good points, but I find it hard to belief that the terrorists went to all that trouble just to "confound the world with it's pointlessness".

History shows there is ALWAYS a reason for such atrocities...trouble is there is so much misinformation, censorship and propaganda about 911 that 2 years later neither the security services nor the media have provided any convincing evidence to show who did it!
10:22 / 11.09.03
Discursive Mass, from what i remember of the media's translation of Osama Bin Laden's video statements, he praised the 911 suicide bombers, might have even known them but, to my knowledge, never accepted any personal responsibility for the attacks.

I'd really like to get a full translation of Osama's statements but the Western media corporations have heavily edited them.

Al Jezeera must know whether he did it.
11:20 / 11.09.03
*sigh* Well have a look at for the pentagon attack rumours. And try CNN for pictures of the plane hitting the building.

Yes the footage is pretty low quality, but when it's backed up with lots of witness statements at the time saying, 'We saw a plane fly over us and hit the pentagon' it convinces me.

If you want a conspiracy theory try Greenpeace finds White House/Esso Smoking Gun, now there is a theory based on evidence, not conjecture.
11:27 / 11.09.03
Here's a good link with Osama speeches:

Although he is full of praise for the 911 attackers, i can't find any statement claiming his responsibility.
Tryphena Absent
11:31 / 11.09.03
Well I suppose that it could very well be a problem with literal translation.
12:23 / 11.09.03
I asked 'Medialens' media workers site if they knew if Osama was responsible for 911 and they replied:

"Certainly, at the time of the attack there was little evidence to justify the bombing and there is still an almost complete absence of evidence that bin Laden had any connection to the attacks. Indeed, there is positive proof that they were planned in Germany, rather than Afghanistan (Thursday, 29 August, 2002, 12:00 GMT 13:00 UK Hamburg al-Qaeda cell 'aided WTC attacks'

As is widely known, 15 of the 19 hijackers came from Saudi Arabia, a US protectorate (Rampton & Stauber 2003: 101; John Pilger ZNet Commentary: Remembering 9/11 September 06, 2002; ). British newspapers derided the case at the time (ARROW Briefing ‘Incontrovertible? The "Evidence" Against Bin Laden’ 8 October 2001, available at

On October 2nd 2001, the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, admitted that the evidence in U.S. possession wasn't good enough to present to a judge; something which the UK Government conceded a month later. (Tad Daley ‘Is Bin Laden the culprit? Evidence falls short on whether he was behind Sept. 11’ in The Philadelphia Inquirer, January 4, 2002).

The most incriminating evidence so far mustered is a video tape released by the US on December 14th 2001 in which bin Laden telling claims to his associates that he calculated in advance the number of casualties. As Noam Chomsky observed, however, (HARDtalk, BBC News 24, February 27th 2002) this boast can hardly be described as an admission of guilt. Indeed, as Michael Dobbs in the Washington Post conceded, bin Laden states that he only had 4 days notice of the hijackings (Michael Dobbs, ‘A Moment of Candor From a Manipulator’ December 14th 2001).

In February 2002, New Statesmen reported that ‘Bin Laden may have known about [the attacks] - the more truthful part of the Americans' videotape may be where he speaks of having received notification of the attacks, about which he says even his closest associates knew nothing - but it seems unlikely that he gave orders to hijackers in America from his cave in Afghanistan,’ (Pankaj Mishra ‘Reflections on a war of ghosts; America, once more, is fighting in a country that it barely understands.’ 11th of February of 2002)."

(David Traynier, Medialens)

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