quote:Originally posted by BioDynamo:
There is no such thing as "cheating the system" regarding your living. The system owes you.
"Do they owe us a living? Of course they do, of course they do!" Crass, British punk band.
One of the things I said earlier is that we live in a society of affluence. The amount of production (food, luxuries, intellectual) is well above the level it would take to sustain everybody. All it would take is re-distribution.
It is focussed on the structures that supports separation between rich and poor, enabling blindness on both parts. It is focussed on the lack of solidarity built into our societies. This motivates to action for solidarity, for the re-distribution of income and wealth.
Simply because this wealth exists, it is right that everybody gets a share of it, to alleviate suffering and to give everybody as even a playingfield as possible.
Give everybody, regardless of income, social standing and need a certain sum. To the richest, this sum will be but a fraction of their income. It will not change their lives.
To the poorest, it will mean everything.
But it should be given to everybody, whether they ask for it or not. And it should be large enough to live on.
Then, an additional sum that you receive if you do voluntary work. The rich would not bother, because they make more money in an hour anyway.
The poor would have a reason to be active in society, interact with others, help others (and themselves).
The kind of voluntary work that allowes for this increase should not be defined or restricted. Arranging a consert should be as valuable as going to a consert. Both are essential roles in society's cultural sphere, organiser and participant both add to the "general intellect" of society. (General intellect is a phrase from marxist theory, and I don't REALLY know what it means, this is my intrepretation.)
To me, simply because this is possible, it is a necessity. There would be no cheats, because there would be nothing to cheat about. The amount of work it would take to make it seem like you were doing voluntary work when you in fact weren't, would be greater than actually doing the voluntary work. 
As for how to bring this about in other places.. well, we have it here, kind of. It would need improvement, and the system is under a massive neo-liberalist attack, mainly from the current "social-democratic" government. These things have to be fought for.
Damn, I think I'm mainly repeating things I said in an earlier post. Sorry for rambling.
ack! you really believe that someone - anyone - owes you or us or anyone?
Im sorry, maybe thats where we differ. I believe that you are right, there is some serious problems in the structures weve set in place for the poor - very serious, fatal flaws. and they should be addressed - quickly, now. I also agree that in a perfect world, wealth would be distributed amongst everyone so no one would ever do without - in a very ideal world, this would happen, everywhere and for everyone.
however, thats not how it is so we need to look at how you and I are to treat others and ourselves
I cannot condone dependance - on your parents, your spouse, your lover, your friends, your government. while I do believe that the system SHOULD be set up to help those in need (which, realistically, its not, as it rarely addresses long term solutions), I dont think that you, as an individual, should rely on the government to bail you out unless you honestly have no other options. welfare, ideally, should be for people whove fallen on such hard times that their suffering is crushing them, theyve fallen in such a deep hole they cant possibly climb back out. it happens, to many, and you should have the option of seeking help
but the system is fucked - people who need it fall through and are left out in the cold, while others use it as an excuse not to work
Im NOT SAYING that its easy to do it on your own - goddamn if I dont know that its not - but you should if you are able.
THATS my point, that you shouldnt take advantage if you know you dont HAVE TO |