I'm bumping/hijacking this thread to ask for counsel on something I'm mulling over, and I thought the previous discussion on the ethics of love spells made for good context.
I'm no master sorceror, but neither am I a neophyte. I'm well aware that one shouldn't go meddling with someone else's unconscious uninvited, and that doing so is troubling to the caster as much as to the castee.
The girl that I am in love with, and broke up with under stupid and shouty circumstances, is currently dating a... well, I will politely say that she is dating someone who I am unable to see the good side of. Although it's been hard, and although I frequently sense she feels strongly about me, I'm determined to grit my teeth and avoid poaching. But assuming that their relationship runs its course and ends sometime this year, I would really like another chance—I feel that I've learned more about male-female relationships in the past year than in the previous 27, and I think it would be a shame if we couldn't try to repair what mistakes we made.
What I want to do is enchant for opportunity when it comes up. Basically, I want the chance to ask her out again and start over, without meddling in whatever she's learning from the current fellow (who I admittedly think is a jackass, but she must see something redeeming in him or they wouldn't have been dating for the past few months).
I don't think I'm unhealthily obsessed. I've been seeing someone casually over the past few months, and I continue to pursue other women in my charmingly inept way. But I know I'm too close to all this—sometimes when I see her I am thrilled to just be able to love her without requiring something from her, and other times (like, ahem, tonight when I ran into her and her boy) I feel like I have a gardening implement in my heart.
I'm either asking to be talked out of doing anything at all etheric, or I'm asking for someone to do a divination on my behalf, or I'm asking for reassurance that there is some useful and ethically sound probability manipulation I can do, or... hell, I don't know I'm asking. The first time I was in love, we broke up for a year and then came back together to wonderful effect; this is the second time, and goddammit, she's the most intelligent human I've yet run across and I don't want to have frittered away an opportunity.
Er... anyone? |