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A Thread for Things Which Are Supposed to be Great but actually, when experienced, turn out to be RUBBISH. And vice versa, if you like.


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Tryphena Absent
10:56 / 19.08.03
Yes but ignoring the emotional aspect entirely... most of the people I know who've done this turned round and said it didn't work well physically.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
11:31 / 19.08.03
Spit roast or dp?
11:31 / 19.08.03
They should have left that bloody trapzee equpment and waterbed out of it then shouldn't they?
Tryphena Absent
11:34 / 19.08.03
Damn hot honey, that's what you are!
11:36 / 19.08.03
Funnily enough, I went to see the doctor last week & I was asked if the resident could join in for educational purposes. And I'm all about promoting education, so I said fine. So I'm having my lungs listened to and being felt up on both sides by two distinctly different pairs of hands, and I have to say that I thought for the first time that a threesome ...might be okay.

Also threesomes are overeated is a very funny typo.
Whisky Priestess
12:58 / 19.08.03
[Gareth from The Office]

Two blokes, probably. Brothers. I'm just watching.

[end Gareth]

Oh for a threesome. The hard part is persuading your defiantly heterosexual lover into it ... the phrase "if you really loved me you'd sleep with another man" sounds a little odd somehow.
The Natural Way
15:58 / 19.08.03
Chol: Olives! Yes, indeed! Fantastic! People who don't like them have baby-taste.

It's proven. With science and computer graphics.

Anna: Parma violets are disgusting. Nothing that tastes of perfume can be described as "yummy". Face it, Flowers and are right and you are wrong.
16:19 / 19.08.03
Face it, Flowers and are right and you are wrong.

Even twinnage can't overcome this typo.

I had to force myself to eat olives the first time around so I suppose they fit the remit of this thread... but, after a time disgust gave way to intrigue, and intrigue to fascination, and then I was hooked.

So it all turned out right in the end.

The moral of this story: If at first you don't like it, give it another go.
18:16 / 19.08.03
Life. And to think I won the race.
Kit-Cat Club
18:33 / 19.08.03
Parma violets are not disgusting, and nor are rose and violet creams. Rose turkish delight is a bit icky though.

Toffee apples, on the other hand, are invariably rubbish. The toffee is hard, brittle, bright red and tastes of burnt; the apples are always cheap, nasty and woolly.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:34 / 19.08.03
Sorry, Anna, since we have discussed marriage already, did you mean me, or the other post?

And if the latter, then did you mean spit roast or dp?

And to Bobossboy : Did you mean Olives or Threesomes?

Now I'm confused. I need a plate of olives and two lovers to get my head straightened out.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
18:39 / 19.08.03

Oh, the solipsism. Have you tried the alternative?

Point me to the source, cos I can't remember, but I love that quote : "I was dead for billions of years before I was alive, and it didn't inconvenience me at all...."
Red Cross Iodized Salt
03:38 / 20.08.03
Absinthe - mmmm, it makes you obnoxious, unsteady and potentially violent…Gives you the kind of hangover that's 9/10 guilt and 1/10 headache.

I’ll second that, although I’d say its closer to 9/10 guilt and 9/10 hangover. I only remember parts of my last run in with absinthe, but apparently I spent a large part of the evening hitting on a girl I barely know while my girlfriend glared at me from across the room, threw up five times and attempted to pick a fight with three crack dealers outside a Bodega. I also felt like I’d been poisoned for the next two days.

Just say nein danke.
04:26 / 20.08.03
movies: Waking Life. it's like being stuck in a room with a bunch of stoned teenagers who think they're Being Profound. i wanted to tear my eyes out of my skull.

re: threesomes:

good threesomes rock socks. bad threesomes (meaning, emotionally awkward/painful ones) are AWFUL, HORRIBLE THINGS WHICH SEEM TO GO ON FOREVER AND MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE SOMETHING CURLED UP INSIDE YOU AND DIED SLOWLY.

and i disagree with whoever told Anna the problem with bad threesomes was physical, not emotional. it's the emotional tone that makes or breaks it. the physical parts are not the problem.

at least, in my experience. YMMV.
04:28 / 20.08.03
oh, and overrated fast fod chains: Fatburger. i think it's a California thing.
El Gato Was Right: the t-shirt
05:04 / 20.08.03
Any sort of Turkish Delight is horrible.

I went to Turkey a few years ago, bought a box of the stuff. It's fucking everywhere. Had some; it was way too sweet, stick-to-your-teeth gummy. I've had way better, more nuanced sweets. The half-eaten box is rotting on the top shelf of my hall closet.

Oh, and Radiohead. Never got why they're supposed to be so fucking brilliant. Bunch of art-school twats if you ask me.
El Gato Was Right: the t-shirt
05:06 / 20.08.03
Ok, ok, Radiohead are brilliant. Just fucking around.
Tryphena Absent
07:39 / 20.08.03
Well I'm glad we've got that cleared up.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
09:33 / 20.08.03
But we haven't cleared anything up, Anna. I'm all shy asking for the 3rd time, but really - spit roast or, oh, fuck it.
Tryphena Absent
09:38 / 20.08.03
I'm giving you the eye- but not the kind you want it to be.
11:57 / 20.08.03
Absinthe is good if you don't use it to fuel a pissup, and you stay away from the higher-octane (but lower wormwood) Czech or Bulgarian brands. One or two drinks will actually suppress a hangover, but I've heard that vodka and gin work the same way.

Things that are great: the hairy eyeball, as in {"The doorman gave me....") A great phrase for a great method of non-verbal communication.

And you get no bread with one meatball.
Kit-Cat Club
12:11 / 20.08.03
Having nothing to do at work. This is clearly meant to be great - you can piss about on the net all day, no stress, no worries, just a bit of light data entry here and there... but in reality it is boring, your boss has a go at you for being online all the time, you feel obliged to ask around for work, nothing happens on the net all day, oyur brain feels soggy and you feel worthless because you're so completely unstimulated by what you're not doing...
Tryphena Absent
12:29 / 20.08.03
Arguments. I hate arguments. I hate it when people don't understand what you're saying. I hate it when people make me feel like shit for being upset because they made me feel like shit in the first place. Conformity. I hate conformity- there's far too much of it going around. I hate being sad and not having anything to look forward to for ages. I hate not being able to engage in retail therapy. I hate being an addict- chocolate, cigarettes, other things. I hate my job for the reasons that KKC writes above because I can't walk away and feel totally chained up. I hate tears and feeling stressed and not being able to go home and curl up in to the foetal position in my own bed because 1)I have no bed of my own atm and 2)my cat disturbs me constantly. I hate feeding the cat. I hate feeling lonely and needing to be alone and not managing it. I hate waking up in the morning and having to go to sleep at night. I hate that my whole body feels caught up in stressiness and all my muscles feel tight. I need to get drunk.
Tryphena Absent
12:33 / 20.08.03
Sorry... that went totally off topic. Arguments are meant to be great though, clear the air and all that jazz but really they're just circular bastards.
13:23 / 20.08.03
And you get no bread with one meatball.

In my dreams, I hear that call....
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
10:12 / 21.08.03
Now that's poetry. Just beautiful.
15:22 / 21.08.03

Liberation sucks a big penis. Oh look, you are free of your demons, and now free of your troubles and then...oh no...there you are, clinging to your happiness. Nope, gotta take that away too. Back to the demons eh? Well, can be relieved of your existence.

Now you are truly liberated. Welcome to the void.

You want a what?! A tea?! This is the void grrl! In a moment you will be....*poof*

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose" - Ms. Joplin

In an instant, I arise from the void as....
Jack Vincennes
19:49 / 21.08.03
Italian trains.

Before I went to Italy, everyone said (before mentioning anything else about the place, oddly enough) "oooh, the trains there are amazing, they all run to time." People, this is not the case. There was a great deal of sitting on baking hot platforms with no shade, pretending that by concentrating really hard on a book it is possible to forget that one's arse is cooking, actually cooking I tell you.

(They were cheap though. And in Italy. Both of which are Good Things)

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