BARBELITH underground

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Major revelation


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lolita nation
16:13 / 31.07.03
I would say that she is desperate need of being hosed down with Stylee Minogue's enormous Joycore Firehose.

That's true, actually. Rage, I think you will find you had no idea how much you needed the refreshing spray of intense crunk. BLISS IS COMING FOR YOU!!

I flatter myself that I can play Joycore Mary to Flux's Joycore Jesus. And He did not steal it from you, Rage, I've been there from the beginning of the joycore zeitgeist, I think - but you may very well have been joycore before joycore had a name. You may be joycore still, I don't really know you. There's enough to go around. Why be all selfish with it?
rizla mission
17:55 / 31.07.03
I met the guy last night. He's an innocent hippie who wanted to make some music, is all. My friends said he looked kind of like Charlie Manson.

That's the opening for a crazy, post-modern cult novel - right there.

And your friends were frighteningly right, although I'm sure he's a nice chap. (Charlie was just an innocent hippie who wanted to make some music too, y'know..)
18:32 / 31.07.03
Haus: You don't know what I am or am not interested in. Don't use my name in vain or I'll smite you.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
19:33 / 31.07.03
I am NOT a jaded hipster.

I am a hipster doofus, just like Cosmo Kramer. Deal with it. I know I do.
Kit-Cat Club
19:51 / 31.07.03
Prefer chrysoprase myself.
—| x |—
20:00 / 31.07.03
God damn hipster cats of kewl! Phony phooey of fee-fi-fo-fum—the blood boils while chilled in the veins of dead Englishmen.

Joy/Bore-core a hole in your head! Side it up while you downsize your intelligence: everybody knows that a mob mentality is detrimental to personal IQ. I mean, William James figures that intelligence is all about the association of ideas; therefore, the individual is obviously going to have a stock of millions of images culled from experience by which to create associations. On the other hand some stupid dichotomized “us vs. them” is going to detract from association—it is clearly a disassociation and the mob, while bringing a number of people together does not associate their associations in total, but merely must rely on LCD (lowest common denominator) associations; thus, taking only a modicum—a pittance—of any actually intelligence qua personal lifelong association and reducing it to a mere handful of common interconnection at the expense of the greater picture worth more words than are printed in the OCD—ya’ see?

I was something—not sure what that was—until I realized that nothing is the same damn object as everything: now I know I know not what I know and needn’t know but only go on the flow, ya’ know?

So come around and shout of love or of anger or of hate or of joy or of whatever limited set of principles, feelings, codes, determinations, ruminations, exaggerations—it is all a serpentine self-flagellation: until you can see that the snake isn’t eating its tail but creating itself from the stomach up you are in desperate straights of some stunted subset of the sure thing.
20:31 / 31.07.03
I totally added some new words to the ragemachine. It needs some more verb phrases though.
20:34 / 31.07.03
Jaded Hipster? And here I thought all along I was just an asshole. Go me!
22:26 / 31.07.03
Jade, my dear, my only, if I know one thing about you it is that you love to post pictures of yourself. And who wouldn't? You're a handsome fellow. Virile, one might say. And perfect for Rage, who appears to have taken the same tack. It's a match made in BarbeHeaven.
23:33 / 31.07.03
I am, in the words of Uncle Bill, a hipster be-bop junkie.
01:54 / 01.08.03
So now we've got a random barbmachine too! Nice job, rude or abusive!

That does sound like the perfect PMCN opening, Riz. Thanks for pointing that out. Charlie was all about the music, ya, but he was a beatnik not a hippie dude. B-E-A-T-N-I-K.

Did I call you guys jaded hipsters? Most of you are retired hipsters, actually. Reliving your youth through a message board. B-O-A-R-D.

Anyway, I wrote a dystopian story on Zen Brainwashing.

Aunt Roverix or: How I Learned to Stop Ranting and Love the Zen

Been turning my mind off like Aunt Roverix says we should, transplant city zens. The punky rebelly thought jot scramble was deactivated last Thursday. "Why sell out when you can be spiritual?" the billboards read. It's my first night on the counterpoint, and my last chance to prove myself guru worthy. Pretentious secret temple stuff, I know, but the bells ring true as my bones sparkle in faux anticipation.

Will tonights yoga session eliminate the lower breed?

I know what you're thinking, and I can assure you that you're wrong about Aunt Roverix being a metaphor related to the Big Brother media tranced spiritual program folder. Instance 1 proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the punk subculture has tranced apathy like the DJ's of the oldnew millennium. This has no relation to cybernetics.

The desire to smash the state on massive quantities of psychedelics has become nearly obsolete, and it is for this reason that we must shut the fuck up and meditate.

Roverix made this course of robot sign up sheets for the guru gathering: chanted "act now! buy free! stop all thoughts and ideas and wild flights of imagination!"

You meet your next instructor and she says "relax and surrender" yet what's wrong with taking on the world: fighting epic battles with creatures from novels you wrote when you were 12?


The Auntie smiles at her brainwashed buddhists in training. Once your mind is turned off you have trouble coming up with new inventions, which is precisely the point. Too many new ideas were emerging from the minds of the children: a nuclear meltdown was sure to arise: catastrophic ideas exploding like volcanoes: unstoppable terrorist acts of mental mayhem: out of con out of con out of control.

"So we taught them yoga," Auntie explains to her new employees.

Zbo and I wanted to crumple the regime. We knew that Roverix was the new Big Brother. Thought Cop disguised as spiritual instructor. We were going to expose her lies.

Roverix was originally built by a group of liberals who called themselves the Indy Borg Coalition. The mission of the IBC was to equalize the minds of the people: make it so nobody thought more than anyone else. "Build a spiritual trance program!" the consensus exclaimed. How free the people would become: liberated from excessive idea flow: at peace with the beautiful world around them.

The conservatives thought these measures were too radical, of course, complaining about Mental Stalinism (MS) and the like. "Egalitarian thought city? Not in our state!" IBC was quick to remark about civil liberties. "The mainstream media has been hiding zen buddhism from its unsuspecting viewers," they claimed. "This is an invasion of personal freedom. Information monopolies- those big companies think they've got us, but not for long. We'll free those crowded minds. Empty them! Empty them from the lies of the corporate sponsered..."

The anarchists wondered what the hell was going on. "Is emptying the mind true freedom?" we questioned. "Aren't the liberals being a little forceful on this issue?" Zbo commented about the Roverix yoga courses being "the new soma." I commented about direct action.

Times had surly changed. Just 10 years ago and information was seen as a Class A drug. We'd come a long way, we had.

"Political affiliations are like subcultures anyway," Zbo told me. "Constantly changing their ideologies- inevitably becoming polarized contradictions of everything they initially meant to..."

I couldn't help but think that Zbo was onto something.

Tried to find a Tool /disc/ (listened to them in my youth) at the local musak store, and found out it had been banned. "You want mainstream music- get the hell out of here!" the employee screamed at me. "Your kind isn't wanted around here!" He gave me a horrifying look.

Posters of Andy Warhol covered the room.

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Obscuria. And to the subculture for witch it stands... one coop under god... with liberty and justice for all... not including racists, homophobes, or anti-semites... who must undertake mandatory Roverix treatment to cleanse themselves of their thoughts."

The year was 2030, and we were still waiting for our friend Armageddon. I remember the 2012 year: we were sure we were going to make it happen. Bullshit. There weren't enough of us: we liked being the minority too much: didn't truly want to breed a new..."


-Written by Acidexia aka "Your own personal Ragel" on 7/10/03
07:41 / 01.08.03

“Your corn is ripe today, mine will be so tomorrow. ‘Tis profitable for us both, that I should labour with you to-day and that you should aid me to-morrow…
…Here then I leave you to labour alone: you treat me in the same manner. The seasons change and both of us lose our harvests for want of mutual confidence and security.”

David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature, 1739

“I’m not in business to be loved, but I am in business.”
Jake Foote, Chinatown

“The rich are not kind, nor the kind, rich.”
Chinese proverb

“Honor sinks where commerce long prevails.”
Oliver Goldsmith

“[The natural state of man is] continual fear and danger of violent death; and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”
Thomas Hobbes, Leviatian, 1651

“Nature, red in tooth and claw”
Alfred Lord Tennyson, 1850

"I’m takin from them cause for years they would take from me"
Tupac Shakur

“The tragedy of the commons develops in this way. Picture a pasture open to all. It is to be expected that each herdsman will try to keep as many cattle as possible on the commons. Such an arrangement may work reasonably satisfactorily for centuries because tribal wars, poaching, and disease keep the numbers of both man and beast well below the carrying capacity of the land. Finally, however, comes the day of reckoning, that is, the day when the long-desired goal of social stability becomes a reality. At this point, the inherent logic of the commons remorselessly generates tragedy.

As a rational being, each herdsman seeks to maximize his gain. Explicitly or implicitly, more or less consciously, he asks, "What is the utility to me of adding one more animal to my herd?" This utility has one negative and one positive component.

1. The positive component is a function of the increment of one animal. Since the herdsman receives all the proceeds from the sale of the additional animal, the positive utility is nearly + 1.

2. The negative component is a function of the additional overgrazing created by one more animal. Since, however, the effects of overgrazing are shared by all the herdsmen, the negative utility for any particular decision-making herdsman is only a fraction of - 1.

Adding together the component partial utilities, the rational herdsman concludes that the only sensible course for him to pursue is to add another animal to his herd. And another.... But this is the conclusion reached by each and every rational herdsman sharing a commons. Therein is the tragedy. Each man is locked into a system that compels him to increase his herd without limit -- in a world that is limited. Ruin is the destination toward which all men rush, each pursuing his own best interest in a society that believes in the freedom of the commons. Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all.“
Garrett Hardin, “The tragedy of the commons”, 1977

“Whenever a communication medium lowers the cost of solving collective action dilemmas, it becomes possible for more people to pool resources. And more people pooling resources in new ways is the history of civilisation in seven words.”
Unnamed Microsoft exec, 2003

So they're building a machine to force us all to co-operate and all you can do is throw some cultural references into a blender, huh? Different devices for boiling water, similar shades of soot.
07:47 / 01.08.03
You ain't more shit than my laundry soap.
Gotta love it when the Rage overtakes the sense
07:51 / 01.08.03
On thinking about it, I might be Hipped Jadester. Love handles, you know.

Awww, Rage, I want to give you a big bath.
08:00 / 01.08.03
I've never been a hipster. If I'm bitter, cynical or jaded it is due in large part to the countless experiences I've had of being told - sometimes directly but mostly indirectly - exactly why I'm a wanker/useless bastard/ineffectual tosser/etc etc. That sort of thing tends to colour your view of the world, or rather, the people in it.

So anyway, why, Rage, are you telling us exactly what sort of wankers we are? (This isn't a set-up for an act of smart-arsery, I'm genuinely curious).
08:32 / 01.08.03
Free inf0rmation nation, duh!
08:44 / 01.08.03
Wait... a bath?

Fuck ya!!!!!!!! I could sure use one!!!!!!! I'm really punk these days!!!!! Posting this shit from the street!!!!!!!!!!

(But why do all these other kids think I'm in the CIA or something????)


"Where's your tea and crumpets????????"

This place is like soooooooooooooooo dead!!!!!!!!!!
09:05 / 01.08.03
Suddenly I noticed many spatial dimensions that I had never experienced
before. I decided to sit down, as I suddenly feared that I may walk off on
some spatial tangent, and may not be able to return to the normal three
dimensional world.

I soon became conscious that i was in a space inhabited by some
sort of half-mineral, half-vegetable-type creatures that shared a bizarre
collective consciousness. They sort of resembled a large garden of sandstone
carrots connected by jelly-like tentacles.

As soon as they recognized my presence they tried to communicate with me.
Their form of communication consisted of disjointed telepathic images and a
strange method altering the color hues in the gaseous atmosphere that filled
this bizarre space. I translated their greeting as meaning something like,
'Ha, ha, ha - we don't see many of your kind here!' They then went on to try
to tell me many things that I absolutely could not conceive. The only
information that got through to me was that these entities had to somehow
use deceased members of their collective to perpetuate their sleep cycle.
Without their dead, they could not sleep and would soon die. At the time I
translated this as 'We stuff our dead and use them as pillows.'
rizla mission
09:23 / 01.08.03
Now this is the kind of Barbelith I've been missing..
Cherry Bomb
09:30 / 01.08.03
But is it joycore or boycore?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
11:33 / 01.08.03
This is snarkcore.

But from those photos in page one Rage seems to be hanging with Kevin Smith.
12:25 / 01.08.03
(can I just say "yawn"?)
12:31 / 01.08.03
Nah, Silent Bob's chubbier than that (tubby bitch) and broodier.

Rage, adventure, excitement? A Jedi craves not these things...
12:45 / 01.08.03
Don't try and wade through the whole thread, it's bloody CHORECORE.
13:01 / 01.08.03
I don't hold with all this meaty joycore nonsense, I, as a vegetarian, will only consume soycore.
Tryphena Absent
13:11 / 01.08.03
And today I'm feeling slightly coycore.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
13:16 / 01.08.03
Just imagine how bad it would be if Rage was still here and cared for our opinions. Cut your hair, ditch the piercings and become the accountant you so obviously want to be dear. Opting in is the new opting out, you are Richard Bacon. This is yawncore and I need something that's at least vaguely interesting to lift my spirits on a Friday afternoon.
Mourne Kransky
13:24 / 01.08.03
Have to say, amusing as Rage's rants can be on occasion, that this thread is undoubtedly the most ageist I've read here. That virtue resides only in privileged, self-indulgent US youth seems to be a recurrent theme. Now there's a ruthlessly cutting edge proposition.

My fault for taking any of it seriously, I suppose. Time for me to go for a run with Logan, huh?
13:26 / 01.08.03



Tryphena Absent
13:33 / 01.08.03
You do know that acid collects in your spinal fluid, right?
13:37 / 01.08.03

13:41 / 01.08.03
There's no Core like -

13:55 / 01.08.03
You do know that acid collects in your spinal fluid, right?
So if I drink Sax's spinal fluid will I trip out? How about if I drink my own?
If I spin balls on pieces of string is it POICORE?
Tryphena Absent
14:00 / 01.08.03
I don't know- why don't you test it out?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
14:34 / 01.08.03
My freind flew in from London with 3 boxes of PG tips.



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