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Major revelation


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13:17 / 31.07.03
You guys are jaded hipsters.

Took me long enough!
Whisky Priestess
13:25 / 31.07.03
Don't tell Dr. Jade Sharko, he'll only start calling himself Jade Hipster from now on ...
13:29 / 31.07.03
Not me. I'm a Thigh-Licking Bung Fungus.
13:35 / 31.07.03
I'm not even sure I *own* a pair of hipsters, much less one decorated in jade...

Sounds lovely, though.
13:36 / 31.07.03
That Rage generator was fucking hilarious. Fridge is the best, unlike Flux. I don't think he likes me very much. Maybe it's cause I'm cuter than him! Hehehehe. ::twirls hair::

13:36 / 31.07.03
I was about to start a 'where's the Rage?' thread, now no need...
YES! I am a jaded hipster, filled to the brim with sour cynicism and critical comments, my glory days of being 'cool' long past and only my noir beatnik angst to console me against the long dark nights. It's all over for me, all I can do is deconstruct shit to spite the fresh young things trying to keep their spark of original creativity that was snuffed in me long ago. Pity me.
13:38 / 31.07.03
Nice tats- what's the binary?
Tryphena Absent
13:39 / 31.07.03
I'm far too young to be jaded!
13:40 / 31.07.03

We were the original Joycore and you turned our shit into scenster shit, you fucking assholes!
13:45 / 31.07.03
Rage, look at what you've done to that poor chap in the background. Put some clothes on, dear.
13:59 / 31.07.03
I'm too old to be jaded and too young to be a hipster.

Nice Jenny Everywhere look you've got going there, though, Ragey.
Saint Keggers
14:02 / 31.07.03
I was going to be a jaded hipster but I didnt have any of the clothes for it. Now im content just to be a blase pseudo-relevant
Matthew Fluxington
14:08 / 31.07.03
Let me make one thing very clear: you're not Joycore, Rage.

The Apple-Picker
14:08 / 31.07.03
Only someone who's borecore would claim JOYCORE origin, and then begrudge anyone taking part in the love and joy, spreading the love and joy.
14:11 / 31.07.03
14:17 / 31.07.03
Someone has been watching Dark Angel...

I'm trying to grow a beard surely I get some points for that?
Regrettable Juvenilia
14:25 / 31.07.03
I may be a hipster, but I'm not jaded. I'm boyishly enthusiastic and idealistic to the point of naivity. Like a puppy.

I wouldn't call Rage borecore though... Maybe you walk the fine line between the two. Like the first Jurassic 5 album.

Someone needs to stick a speech balloon on the guy with the wide-open mouth. I ain't saying what he's saying, though.
rizla mission
14:36 / 31.07.03
Jesusgod, is that the guy from Metallica and suspiciously young looking Lemmy in that photo?? Oh dear me, whatever is going on..

Have you three formed a band? Rock!

Anyway, I'm a naive, idealistic hipster. It's a tough life.
14:36 / 31.07.03

The guy was actually tripping out because he found out that YOU ASSHOLES STOLE JOYCORE FROM US YOU FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT CLIT ASS HORSE DONKEY TURD I KILL YOUR INTELLEKTUAL BITTY BOT BLATHERY SMOT SNIT DIGGITY TOT HIT and go read some textbooks on metaphysics so you can make REFERENCES ok????

Trying to do magick, videodrome? Typical typical.

You guys


Ban me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

14:39 / 31.07.03
14:42 / 31.07.03
I like Rage's dad. He seems like a sensible and refined fellow.

Have you considered going out with Jade, Rage? I'm sure he'd be up for a picture exchange...
The Natural Way
14:44 / 31.07.03
I like you, Jade, but I need you to change the record. I mean, the shouty teen bit was cool when you started out years ago, but surely there must be another online *look* you can try.

Another thing: I'm still trying to work out why yr so fixated on Barbelith being full of assholes trying to stamp out the flame. I think I must gush with big love and hate for loads of stuff at least three times a week.
14:46 / 31.07.03
You didn't know my dad, though he thought places like barbelith were "a phase" and all that. He wouldn't have wasted his time here, if you wanna know the truth.

Were you punk rawk?
The Natural Way
14:59 / 31.07.03
Dad? Eh?

No, I was never punk rock. I was a raver. And still am....sometimes.
Matthew Fluxington
15:01 / 31.07.03
See, I'd be tempted to say that Rage isn't exactly borecore (though the repeated desperate-for-attention "Barbelith SUX and I'm leaving!" shtick is certainly a borecore thing to do), but she is most certainly not Joycore. I would say that she is desperate need of being hosed down with Stylee Minogue's enormous Joycore Firehose.
The Natural Way
15:01 / 31.07.03
Oh, I've just realised.... You were talking to De-other-Dave haus.

Doing a lot of "just realising" today.
15:05 / 31.07.03
So where are your captions? All you guys are good for is being clever, you know.

I met the guy last night. He's an innocent hippie who wanted to make some music, is all. My friends said he looked kind of like Charlie Manson. His name was Tim, I think.

The Jenny Everywhere shit is to appeal to the masses. You guys would know ALLLLLL ABOUT THAAAAAT!!!!

15:05 / 31.07.03
I like you, Jade, but I need you to change the record
Shurely Rage? Jade looks taller, and more brazilian, Rage is the shorter Jet-girl discordian. And I like her record, punk rawk as textual assault. We need rage here, it offsets the peace and love.
The Natural Way
15:12 / 31.07.03
Sorry, I meant Rage. It's the "A" thing. Certainly don't need to explain to me who Rage is.

But maybe, yeah, it's a noise. A nice, homely, familiar barbenoise.
Tryphena Absent
15:13 / 31.07.03
The Jenny Everywhere shit is to appeal to the masses. You guys would know ALLLLLL ABOUT THAAAAAT!!!!

Yeah, good isn't it!
unheimlich manoeuvre
15:15 / 31.07.03
i'd love to become a jaded hipster. who does one become one?
it would make a change from this...

me and my other half, Pearly all the way.
15:34 / 31.07.03
Trying to do magick, videodrome? Typical typical.

Who needs magick when you've got a baseball bat? You taught me that, Rage.
15:44 / 31.07.03
I've actually "grown up," but it's much more fun to be an immature little bitch than to be serious around here. That's one thing I've learned from this place.

You guys are lame. That's right, lame. Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna know why I keep coming back? Cause I'm all you guys have! The only spark of JOYCORE left in your little bandwagon of humanist intellektual college cunt crepe de la creme of your caste cocks. That's right, leftists who play baseball. You ain't more shit than my laundry soap. I'm your litte noize mascot- the spark in your towel sinking coffee house inspecting wit wounders. Familiar like those kids that you're jealous of- cause we're not so jaded by all those parties of paradigm portal pizzazzy wheeeeee!!!! We're still throwing the shit and rocking the shit and twirling the shit, and all you can do is post little jokes that are somehow suppose to be entertaining to your tech jobs of wreck mobs of heck slobs of your fucking ASS CHECKS. (past kultural experiences that you had when you were my age, you lame lame lame LAMERZ! shove your time machine out of your newsletters!)

Even when you guys are kidding around- there's an underlying stiffness here. An underlying conformitties show us your nipples of RAW FUCKING ENERGY you "magicians" of retired expired uninspired REWIRED THE UNIVERSE didja? With your FOOT NOTES!

So ya, that's that now.
Mourne Kransky
15:47 / 31.07.03
More of an Alexander McQueen bumster than a hipster these days but I surely am jaded. I guess the rage and exuberance of youth have evaporated long since.

Move over, Diogenes, and make space for me in that barrel.
15:51 / 31.07.03
Could someone make Rage a nice cup of tea, please? Plenty of sugar.

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