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Major revelation


Page: 123(4)

04:03 / 03.08.03
OI!CORE indeed.

Nothing sweeter than watching a dead horse get a good thrashing.
05:50 / 03.08.03
Actually, Manson referred to himself and his followers as "slippies" - those who slipped between the cracks of society. I think they thought of themselves as being *disguised* as hippies, but doing much more "serious" work (that being triggering the race war of Helter Skelter).
10:56 / 03.08.03
I think the question we have to ask here is "What is a woman?"

11:11 / 03.08.03
Is this an appropriate place to say that I think Haus' current name is far and away his best yet?

Which would be yet more boycore. Boy Who Lived-core, anyway.
12:32 / 03.08.03

It ain't gonna die. It's like disco!

And you guys know I love you.
12:33 / 03.08.03
12:50 / 03.08.03
It's the assumption that we have managed to maintain any interest either way that I find tear-jerking.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
14:26 / 03.08.03
Well, I was interested enough to start looking through here for a half-remembered entry that summed up Rage perfectly but then I decided to have an ice-cream instead.
17:24 / 03.08.03
I'm so hardcore that I'm porno!

Mourne Kransky
18:13 / 03.08.03
You'd need to be uglier and fatter for hardcore porno, Lionheart. Your cheekbones are very softcore porno. Higher production values, Mull of Kintyre rules

21:28 / 03.08.03
Xoc: I can tell that you're not HARDCORE PORNO enough from your comment. Fatacity and uglicity aren't factors in HARDCORE PORNO. Today's hardcore pornos can have really high production values and... they should include me.

Need proof?

Ron Jeremy and Dale DaBone are...

I, Libertine
12:34 / 04.08.03

Who looks for the primal energy of chaos and creation on a message board, anyhow?

When Mazda rolls out the turbocharged Biatch in 2018, somebody might be feeling not unlike a lowly Mao Button in the Region of Thud.

Extra for Experts: find the three misleading concepts in Rage's suit.
Mourne Kransky
16:26 / 04.08.03
But I look like Ron Jeremy, Lionheart. That example surely defeats your argument. Can't see you in Lionheart Does Dallas but I can see you in the Merchant Ivory Maurice. With coarse woollen britches and a cap, a fine Scudder.

btw, I was reading that RAGE! is a biggg hit on the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Sadly, not starring our very own, storm-tossed young enemy of bung fungus, but it does have Janet Street Porter RAGING about how everybody hates her and she hates her mother, her father, her ten ex-husbands, all the people she ever met, and probably Flux too. Same difference really, except JSP's diatribe is quite entertaining, apparently.
17:54 / 04.08.03
Rage what is that on your head? The shiny thing?
19:33 / 04.08.03
So, why do you keep comming back?

I think I've got it. There really is only one explaination for this sort of behavior. Rage, I unmask you as ANNOYCORE!
20:42 / 04.08.03
Unless she unmasks herself as a fan of a well-liked brand of Chinese noodles and fortune cookies, of course, in which case she will be...AMOYCORE!
Jack Denfeld
15:34 / 17.09.03
Am I a jaded hipster?
Char Aina
07:26 / 13.04.04
when rage she say

why do all these other kids think I'm in the CIA or something??

she make me think


and that make me think propaghandi

"with *friends* like these.....
who the FUCK needs COIN-TEL-PRO!"

and that's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllright.
18:08 / 17.04.04
Ha, i've just found this for the first time, and i love Rage even more now. This thread is classic!

Go Rage! I hope she comes back here soon........we need more people like her.

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