Please note that Xorn is not among the X-Men in the wreckage during Jean's premonition back in "New Worlds."
I happen to know that the big thing in the issue that comes out tomorrow is that someone at Xavier's is a plant, placed there by the Weapon Plus program. Someone at Xavier's has been working with the enemy all along.
Now, let's face it, it's probably Xorn. No one can read Xorn's mind. He's got "secrets." No one really knows much about him, and for some reason, no one ever asks. He shows much more interest in teaching the students than anyone else, and has taken the initiative to closely mentor a group of dysfunctional kids. The same kids who were involved in the conspiracy against Emma. Who shot Emma? Angel. Who saw Xorn kill the U-Men? Angel. Hmmm.
The problem with this is that the way the Xorn came to be involved with the school at all is somewhat accidental. The X-Men went to China to deal with the U-Men, and they stumbled upon him. Scott invited him to come to teach at the school, which is somewhat illogical. Later, they recruit him to deal with Cassandra. Though it is very likely that Weapon Plus may have had something to do with Xorn, it seems rather unlikely that he's working for them. I sincerely doubt that Xorn is a villain. But there may be a reason for him to exist, and a reason for him to be where he is that he doesn't know about.
So what do the U-Men have to do with all of this? Surely the U-Men and John Sublime have something to do with this - it's been hinted that they something to do with Cassandra. Why did Xorn kill those U-Men? What was he afraid that the other X-Men would find? And could it be that the U-Men had another reason for stalking Xorn?
It seems that Xorn is the guy who is going to bring all of the loose threads of Grant's story together. I can't wait to see how this all works out. |