So I said:
For example, how many CEOs of Fortune 500 companies are black? How many are women? Now, I'm not arguing for positive discrimination or anything whacky like that, but if there is full equality, you'd guess maybe half are women and maybe 10% black, another 10% Latino, something like that? How is that going? I mean, if we just got complete and total equality right now, I guess we'll have to wait another twenty years or so for that to come on stream, but hey, green shoots and all that....
So then Leap was like:
Unless of course the levels of greed and family-destroying workaholism that lead to such high positions are, culturally speaking, predominantly a white male thing.....?
So then I was like:
Possibly so. But it's also where all the money and power is. Are you saying that black people, latino people and white women (for example) are too wise for that shit in general, which is why institutions like the Senate are made up mainly of white men?
And Leap was like:
I am asking whether they generally have a more pro-family and anti-greed culture / sub-culture that actively discourages the attitudes needed to achieve the top-flight positions (which invariably require greed and family-sacrifice to get there). Certainly a question worth asking I think.
Nobody ever stops to ask whether being a CEO of a big corp is in any way a good thing……
So, then, Passer was totally like:
I am biting my tongue so as not reply to the discussion of culture, values, racism, and capitalism, but I feel that is it a bit off topic. Leap or Haus, perhaps this discussion could be a thread all on its own?
So what are you like? As metrics for achievement, are things like senators, CEOs, chairmen, presidents invalid because the kind of sacrifices that are involved (and possibly the sort of skills required) are the preserve of white men? If so, does that we now have full equality, because the white guys can carry on doing this unhealthy status-chasing, and the black guys, Latinos, women and so forth can get on with whatever it is that floats their boats? If so, what is that exactly? |