How can one talk about Free Will in Pyramid [ caste] structured societies? How can one talk about Free Will let alone research the lot, within societies that are based on Rules and regulations called the Law? which was preceded by the Commands of a God? How can one talk to those living under the rulings of others, How can free will be if one is told as of birth what to do and what not do, starting with Mommie restricting her own, No tommy.. You can Not do that.. No that is not allowed, hush do not say that.. or .. you are not allow to say this or that etc etc how can one even think about a free will when Kindergarden School University Mariage Breeding Working Consuming Following Belonging Trends TV series Movies and upholding their Laws etc are telling us what to do how to do it and especially what to say or not?
Free will can only be discussed if we would be living in free societies, which non of us are, not you guys in England nor we in Holland or where ever we are being governed by Econimics. The best joke on us their peoples, has been installing False sentiments and believes of freedom, just because we are Free to consume whatever we want, including Drugs in whatever form, Parties being allowed where drugs is being used, freedom of arts, the way of dressing etc does Not mean that we are free, travelling or moving from one city to another within a country will show one thing clear, and that is that we are all living in Open Prison camps, numbers codes and papers to fill etc Passports ID cards social security numbers to name but a few. Do one thing that is not within their rules of conducts and one sees how free a person is. Our choices are made within the possibilities given by leaders within a society, so how free is that?
Slaves by Free Will is what we have been for the longest and we still are, how do we enslave ourselves? Lets talk about all these surveillance camera’s of which London was the first in Europe to be wired completely first, even before Holland/Amsterdam.. how was it possible for them to install all these camera’s ? without us protesting at all? At the same time they came with stories about more protection for the people against criminals and telling the people that camera’s would be a darn good idea, they came with the other set up, Reality TV, and by this we Granted them the right to do so, by watching their Reality Shows, by the ratings , the signal was given that we agree with their little games.. thus the instalment of camera’s was started, { 3 years was all they needed to wire the whole of the western worlds} and due to the common men making these shows a success, by watching, they got used looking trough a camera, spying on others and seeing the camera’s all the time.. so then when passing a camera most would not see due to the fact that our brain got programmed to find this normal. We react to the unusual , which is not implanted in our brain and because of the brain not recognizing we then react and notice.. but when we are confronted with something over and over again it becomes familiar, the picture installed within our brain, and when confronted we do not really react, and as such not to many people saw the instalment of these camera’s let alone noticing the growth of all the surveillance camera’s , the smallest ones being as big as a stipple. Only a very small group of people world wide reacted.
Free Will is the absolute False sentiment of our day and age..unless one takes it back, stealing our free will from us started ages ago.. then they came with religion, by putting your believe in the hands of a god, you give away a big part of your free will for you follow the religions rule of conduct. Then telling a flock that they have to belong to a group or they are seen as outcast, is again taking away Free Will which can Only be if one does not have to abide the rules of others/leaders, Free will can only be talked about if All are Equal, if not it simply does not exist and becomes a wish of the brain that feels imprisoned by the rules of others, of which one never made the choice to follow by free will, but had to do so due to being born within a certain group/society/religion or country.
Ask a person what he/she Really wants.. and most will answer … and ending with But I guess that will always stay a dream.. or others saying but you can not for we live in a world telling us..
But the good news is that we have left the Free will zone, as of 911, and look at the world slowly waking up… the days of our brains being captured by those who seem to need the flock { they would not exist without the always agreeing and obeying and fearing flock} are no longer, the resistance of the people world wide is proof, and this is not just because our leaders have become to much etc but due to the planets changing their position almost everyday and the earth shifting, a process which started 3 years ago.
We are at the phase of shedding our chains freeing ourselves from all that needs us to be Brave new world slaves following the rules of a 1984 state and swallowing their Soma’s is all white drugs that make us go to sleep while being awake.. In Old Sanskrit Soma was the name given to Milk.. because of the ability of making you go to ‘Sleep’ and a flock that is asleep can be governed best, Soma means “To Sleep” |