More pronoun stuff-- Players can decide how their characters would react to Carrick's androgynousness (androgynity?), and their characters can use whatever pronoun their characters would choose. Perhaps as the storyline continues, however, the players AND the characters will get more used to referring to ta in some androgynous way. The main point is for Carrick to be accepted and recognized as an androgyne, and I'm really hung up on those pronouns but the other players and characters don't have to be. But in the third-person narrative, unless we're viewing things from the perspective of a character (i.e. narrating thoughts or third person limited), we should have a standard.
If you like, I can be responsible for "correcting" the pronouns when they refer to Carrick, thus making it even more as if Carrick's Will is altering that portion of reality. But I don't want to tamper with others' writing without explicit permission.
All right, enough of that. I'm beginning to feel like too much of a problem. FD, that does sound like a good idea. I'm sure you could drop in at an appropriate time-- maybe to haul our arses out of a tough situation. And Qal Yn, I like the idea of having new creators (that's what we are, right?) pair up with old ones to be introduced. Especially if their characters have something in common. |