Cool, more meddling 
I'm having real trouble with the formatting, I want to link nodes to other parts of the story but it just doesn't want to do it. I keep having these really basic problems, even after reading the FAQ etc. because some of them don't apply. How about a 'top 10 useful commands' list in the help? e.g. making a node, linking a node, etc?
Also how do I go 'up a level'? e.g. I looked at 'Dazed' in the recent changes and wanted to check where the passage was it appears in, how do I backtrack from a node?
Tepeth is the servant of a more powerful master (Romof), who is the one holding the auction for the crown in his country manor in chapter 4 (IIRC). Her murder of Nail was partly accident, and she's more an evil acolyte than a big scaly scary. Think Face from the A Team but evil and a woman.
Have some folks gone inactive?
It seems that Shem, Jim Blackthorne and Kos have gone a bit quiet but I'm sure they'll be back once the nice weather declines.
I am going to reorganise the material a little for ease of use and narrative flow, let me know if you don't like it (and see 'subpages', good idea cusm)
Please send an email notification by checking the box if you make any big additions or changes, otherwise it's easy to miss 'em. The 'recent changes' is useful for that but there's a lot going on... |